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Originally posted by Dru:

a lot of Phish's music is just self-indulgent musical wanking, though. i mean so what if the dude can play guitar while bouncing on the trampoline if they're gonna make albums like HOIST



dru makes a verry valid point here.


I also read something that lammy wrote about the phish guy claiming that plaing music was alot like sex.... I have always thought that was the case... I find this verry interesting. so what would you say to a musician that does not have this experience???? are they doing something wrong????

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They need to spend more time practicing?


CLIMBER magazine from Britain once proclaimed that on sight ground up first ascents were "better than Sex" in a headline. A friend of mine said "depends on how good the sex is". Maybe Phish guy needs some tantra? [rockband]

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Originally posted by sk:


Originally posted by Dru:

a lot of Phish's music is just self-indulgent musical wanking, though. i mean so what if the dude can play guitar while bouncing on the trampoline if they're gonna make albums like HOIST



dru makes a verry valid point here.


I also read something that lammy wrote about the phish guy claiming that plaing music was alot like sex.... I have always thought that was the case... I find this verry interesting. so what would you say to a musician that does not have this experience???? are they doing something wrong????

What is Dru's point exactly?

I respond, so what if the dude can play the guitar on a trampoline? Big deal, it's just for fun. Phish was spawned out of the 80's and alot of their onstage antics were just a comical response to the "Hair Bands" of the day who took themselves way to seriously. Those gimics were an attempt to make each night a different experience, and involve the croud in the show. Ever hear of the secret language, or the big ball jam??? Stupid maybe, yeah...but doesn't it feel good to actualy be a part of a show, rather than just another spectator forking out big $ for a rehearsed wired production. This is what I allways loved about Phish, the band seemed just like some other guys in the room with everybody, except that they could blow your mind, or drop the energy with a heartbeat.


What I have noticed about people who rag on Phish is that they realy have no idea of the bands history, or how they evolved over 16 years of playing together.


As for your second point sk, I'm sure every artist gets something different out of what they due, but esentialy the act is self indulgent, similar to climbing. The thing that makesPhish different than alot of other bands is the effort they put into including their fans in what they do. That what is makes a Phish show special, for me at least. Oh, and the psychedelics help, but arn't nessecary. [big Grin]

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whow there lambone, I just don't like phish, not my kind of music.... they do not move me. My all time favorite band live or otherwise is concrete blonde. Johnette touches me, moves me with her voice. She is extreamly involved with her fan base and is an extreamly cool woman. I have spent the last 15 years of my life in and arround bands and local musicians. And am married to one... so although I do not play, I feel like I have a lot of personal knowledge from the friends and people arround me that I care about. I have seen many bands rehers and for me, personaly I loose interest durring LONG DRAWN OUT musical interludes.


I live in hippi central, I remember when phish came out... I just don't care because the don't touch the place in my heart that is moved by music.


I have often likened being in a band to an intamate love relation ship with the playing being the "sex" I was just excited to hear any one have a similare oppinion [Wink]

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speaking of Long drawn Out musical interludes... I gotta mention Ginger Baker, possibly one of the world's best drummers (Cream, Material, PiL, etc.) he had a 10 minute drum solo on a Cream album that it is sOOOOO funny to watch the clapton fans skip past to hear their guitar dude play [laf] again!!!

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Originally posted by sk:

I live in hippi central, I remember when phish came out... I just don't care because the don't touch the place in my heart that is moved by music.

I don't identify fish fans as hippies at all, though I'm sure many catch their show as they pass through. Phish has nothing to do with the classic eugene scene and I'm glad. I never said they were bad, I just think it's sad that people plan each NYE around a show. Makes them look like a Billy Graham deal w/ that kind of devotion.

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It's a helluva fun way to spend NYE... Besides very NYE show I've seen was more an excuse to get a raging crew together in the city; the show was gravy. Mmmm gravy. So I guess I'm sad and my devotion is pathetic [Roll Eyes] No, I won't make it this year as I no longer live on the right coast.

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Originally posted by iain:


Originally posted by sk:

I live in hippi central, I remember when phish came out... I just don't care because the don't touch the place in my heart that is moved by music.

I don't identify fish fans as hippies at all, though I'm sure many catch their show as they pass through. Phish has nothing to do with the classic eugene scene and I'm glad. I never said they were bad, I just think it's sad that people plan each NYE around a show. Makes them look like a Billy Graham deal w/ that kind of devotion.

I think it's pretty hard to find any real hippes these days. Or any real rastafarians for that matter. I think most of the once middle class white kids whove chosen poverty and dreads for the sake of Jah, just don't have any other direction. Then theres the trusties [Roll Eyes]


Hippes never did much to change the state of the world that they hate so much anyway...


I just like the music and the lights. And that feeling you get when every one screams and freaks out at once, just like at a Mariners game...

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Originally posted by b-rock:

It's a helluva fun way to spend NYE... Besides very NYE show I've seen was more an excuse to get a raging crew together in the city; the show was gravy. Mmmm gravy. So I guess I'm sad and my devotion is pathetic
[Roll Eyes]
No, I won't make it this year as I no longer live on the right coast.



pretty cool idea, except the guy who wrote it mispelled "the"... [Roll Eyes] figures I guess [big Grin]

hopfully we see the Gorge on the circut again!


[ 08-22-2002, 11:04 AM: Message edited by: Lambone ]

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Originally posted by sk:

I have often likened being in a band to an intamate love relation ship with the playing being the "sex" I was just excited to hear any one have a similare oppinion

They are incomparable.


The connection between musicians may be intimate in that it is a shared experience, and spiritual in that true music is an expression of one's soul. However, when playing music there is no physical contact as there is in sex.


If one must compare, I would liken it more to an intimate friendship, where a conversation is shared and words of expression are equated with notes of expression.


Perhaps a climbing partner relationship is even deeper, in that you share an experience that is intimate to the point that you trust each other with your lives. After all, nobody dies when someone in the band hits a wanker note!


Maybe the difference in opinion stems from the inherent differences between men and women? I would imagine that most men see the physical aspect of relationships more threatening, whereas women would perceive an intimate non-physical connection to be more of a concern.

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I know at leat one (real hippi), but she is well into her 50's. Iain.... what was it for you brotha, when did you see the lie? how did it happen for you. I will tell my story if you tell yours.... just currious. PM of course [Wink]



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Never heard of these Phish guys and after reading the above, I ain't interested. If someone ever gave me free tickets, I would pay The 'bone to take them away from me. But I did a little research, however, and found a picture of them in action:



Looks exciting! [Roll Eyes]

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