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WTF -Alpine Skateboarding


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Was viewing the story in another post about Galen Rowell's death and found this story.


"another tragedy occurred over the weekend as our fellow videographer friend Mark McNally died while skateboarding on Forest Trail up in Mammoth. Truly a terrible weekend, makes one want to enjoy the day a little more since life is always so damn fleeting...."


WTF is this? I didn't know you skateboard on forest trails? [sNAFFLEHOUND]

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Mounatin Boarding- Are you tired of racking your nutz on the same old handrails. Come join the ever growing sport of mountain boarding where you'll be able to attain speeds far greater than any overpass and ram your gonads on a plethora of new and exciting objects. Best of all EMS is miles and hours away so you get to enjoy your suffering for ever longer periods and experiment with death. It's fun, its hip, it's not bouldering.



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Originally posted by Paul detrick:

Maybe gumbys will start doing this and make more room on the rocks.

let's not be jerks, people. we're talking about someone dying. have a bit of respect.


mountain boarding is no more silly than rock climbing or mountaineering or any other endeavor you may enjoy...


get some perspective and simply pay your respects, raise a mug to a fallen homie or keep your mouth shut.



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REI now has a whole section devoted to that kind of shit. They even have "trail" roller blades these days. There will be a whole new record book on first descents with these things. How about a first descent of the Tooth on a mountain board?

While it's tragic about the accident, I personally would never trust something that I couldn't stop (duh)! Give me a mountain bike any day

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It's too bad the guy died but I'd like to bring up this topic:

what kind of trail was this guy on?

I don't think these mountain boards belong on hiking trails and alpine meadows (where they have apparently been going although I haven't seen one other than on TV yet) I think they should follow the same rules as the bike and motocross guys if they want to ride something with wheels. [Wazzup]


The last thing I want is to have some Yipoff on a skateboard running me down as I hike up a steep approach. [Mad] Not to mention damage to the trail/meadow.

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The proper way to descend slabs, also known as the Jerry Lewis Method, is to wait for rain and wear bowling shoes.

Some of the domes in (Two ole Me) Meadows would provide awesome slab descents for boards, although I wouldn't want to see one there.

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