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So I'm a defeatist instead of an enabler? Both?


Just need to know what to put on my resume.


Sorry about the Accounting 101 Lesson on budget balancing. Arithmetic can be really controversial, and not everybody's ready for it. That's why Newt's leading off with "2+2=4", I guess. Guy's a fighter, not a lover. Unless you're one of his aids, that is.



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Sorry about the Accounting 101 Lesson on budget balancing. Arithmetic can be really controversial, and not everybody's ready for it.


Budget arithmetic involves spending AND revenue. Nothing less. Pushing the notion that one can address a structural fiscal crisis designed to bankrupt the state by the 'starve the beast' proponents solely by cutting spending is severely misguided, at the very least.

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rhetorical saussage making.


I'm not sure what exactly this means? :confused:


'rhetorical sausage making' amounts to making little packages out of a whole, then pretending the sausage had nothing to do with the whole. It's an artifice that has little to do with reality despite the skill of the sausage maker.

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Sorry about the Accounting 101 Lesson on budget balancing. Arithmetic can be really controversial, and not everybody's ready for it.


Budget arithmetic involves spending AND revenue. Nothing less. Pushing the notion that one can address a structural fiscal crisis designed to bankrupt the state by the 'starve the beast' proponents solely by cutting spending is severely misguided, at the very least.


What the hell is wrong with you?

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The legislators actually have to confront and balance this budget and must still deal with it by the end of the day, and can't just drunkenly wave their arms all askew incoherently on an internet bulletin board to get the job done....unfortunately.




I can assure you that the state of Washington has hired some folks who's sole job it is to track down every scrap of extra corp. tax revenue they can grab, every damn nickel, and they are working over every company pockets they can both in state and out with a high powered Hoover vacuum. It's not all cuts cuts cuts, but that has to happen too, as Jim said. If you think that they have missed some corp or target, then you have an obligation to send them that info.


Some interesting thoughts and ideas for the national issue: http://topforeignstocks.com/2009/11/15/should-the-us-drastically-cut-its-bloated-defense-budget/



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I can assure you that the state of Washington has hired some folks who's sole job it is to track down every scrap of extra corp. tax revenue they can grab, every damn nickel, and they are working over every company pockets they can both in state and out with a high powered Hoover vacuum. It's not all cuts cuts cuts, but that has to happen too, as Jim said. If you think that they have missed some corp or target, then you have an obligation to send them that info.


Amazing what throwing around a few billion will do to shape the nature of "reality".

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Despite all of the bluster about "expertise" and "cutting the budget is the only solution" from the usual suspects, here is what the experts at Washington State Budget and Policy Center have to say:


Governor's Budget Proposal: Not a Prescription for Progress


the Governor’s budget would result in unacceptably painful and economically-damaging cuts to many core public systems needed to sustain our economic recovery.


Not only do the proposed cuts damage our public structures – our education system, health care infrastructure, and public safety – they literally change the role of state government. If the Governor’s budget becomes law, it will spell the end of the state’s role in supporting a healthy and prosperous society.


It would be a mistake for lawmakers to read the passage of Initiatives 1053 and 1107 last November as a mandate for a damaging, cuts-only budget in the coming biennium.

Given the depth of the economic crisis two-thirds of legislators ought to agree on a sensible package of revenue enhancements that would offset the worst of the proposed cuts. Failing that, a simple majority of legislators should allow voters to decide on such a package by adding a referendum measure to the 2011 November ballot.





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Great ideas there. Apparently the "Grecian Formula" works for hair *and* economies!




Here's the endgame:


"EURO GOVT-Portugal yields unattractive even at record highs


* Portugal’s government collapse complicates Europe’s problems

* Portuguese yields at record highs after govt collapse..."


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I don't give a fuck as long as the price of my Mountain Dew doesn't go up by two cents.


Man, you really aren't paying attention. I went into the convenience store for a Pepsi like last month, which is a rare thing to do for me, they wanted about a buck more than the last time I'd bought one....I mean, I know I'm old and all, but that shit is out of control.


BTW, reading comprehension alert: no one ever said "only solution" (to budget cuts), until JB brought those words to the table. Pay attention jb, you're even driving off your allies with all this hand waving, bad reading comprehension and misunderstanding. There MUST be and WILL be budget cuts as well as tax and fee increases where they can make them stick, Please, don't be ignorant..


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wtf? can you cite Jim saying there would be tax increases? no, you can't because he refused to acknowledge it had to be part of the solution TODAY. YOU can't fucking read! Spare me your useless parsing.


And no! I am not driving off anybody who is against austerity. Only those who plan on having people pay for the crisis engineered by regressives and their corporate cronies. As for those who plan on accommodating the looters once again, I am glad they now understand their routine isn't going unnoticed by everybody.

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with all this hand waving


which part of my argument exactly are you having trouble with or is it that the mere invocation of hand waving should be enough to dismiss all the facts put forward and that you still have to address?

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The legislators actually have to confront and balance this budget and must still deal with it by the end of the day, and can't just drunkenly wave their arms all askew incoherently on an internet bulletin board to get the job done....unfortunately.




I can assure you that the state of Washington has hired some folks who's sole job it is to track down every scrap of extra corp. tax revenue they can grab, every damn nickel, and they are working over every company pockets they can both in state and out with a high powered Hoover vacuum. It's not all cuts cuts cuts, but that has to happen too, as Jim said. If you think that they have missed some corp or target, then you have an obligation to send them that info.


Some interesting thoughts and ideas for the national issue: http://topforeignstocks.com/2009/11/15/should-the-us-drastically-cut-its-bloated-defense-budget/



From personal experience I can assure you there's at least one corporation sucking the WA state teat dry at the same time it's sucking on the federal teat. Ever heard of SUTA dumping?

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