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because calling someone a terrorist or a commie in the middle of a political discussion on the internet nowadays isn't likely to make them think twice about what they say? You are retarded or at least you play a credible one.


Well Admiral... Mr Jackboot, time to get down off the fantail there and set sail.


The shocking part to me isn't that jb hasn't changed one iota since 2005, same tired old carrying on, shrillness, opinionated self-centeredness and hysteria, etc etc, but that you are still responding to him. :grin: I've all but stopped and the hysteria he brings has gone down dramatically :lmao:


Archy had some great advice to jb on that thread in 2005, but I'm convinced like always he didn't read past the first word in a sentence which he considers inflammatory: in this case the very first one (get).

  archenemy said:
Get over yourself.


Cya! :wave:


right, I should just get over being repeatedly associated with terrorists and commies on the internet because I advocate left wing politics. Count on it, jackass!

  Choada_Boy said:
Jew PR.


Not sure why the mods here continue to allow your presence. Not really sure I want to be associated any longer with a board that permits the constant anti-Semitic rants of Choada, j_b, Prole.

Posted (edited)
  prole said:
NPR has really gotten awful. It's flagship programs, All Things Considered and Morning Edition, seem to be running about 15% hard news and analysis and 85% fluff. There's more sports, more stories on Dancing With The Stars, etc. more technology (free advertising), more lameass "commentary" than ever before. Their guests are invariably wonks from the usual center-right thinktank suspects rarely, if ever, balanced. It's not really clear if there's any boots on the ground journalism going on at all.


That's what I've been thinking. That chick that does fresh air had a Clinton wonk attorney of accountability something or other that is suppose to keep an eye on shit and he let the whole swap thing go down. This dude was claiming Americans need to be more responsible with their own personal finances. WTF? She didn't even bust his ass on this, just licked it. Hard Ball journalism is DOA.

Edited by Lucky Larry
  j_b said:
right, I should just get over being repeatedly associated with terrorists and commies on the internet because I advocate left wing politics. Count on it, jackass!


Whats the difference between the accusations people make about you and the accusations you make about them?



  Lucky Larry said:
....That chick that does fresh air had a Clinton wonk attorney something or other that is suppose to keep an eye on shit and he let the whole swap thing go down. This dude was claiming Americans need to be more vigilant with their own personal finances. WTF? She didn't even bust his ass on this, just licked it. Hard Ball journalism is DOA.


The gov't has been controlling the media as much as they can get away with for years. It's so much bigger than these little republican and democrat spats jb, Trash and The Chode go off on it's crazy. That's just from the times they've been caught, who knows whats really happening?!!!




Old news, new news it's apparently still all about big money. Not about repub vs dems. M.O.N.E.Y. NPR is part of this gig. Big money lets you send some in to NPR so they can get buy-in on the bullshit. After all, as you all know, "we've always been at war with Oceana". Toss in a few real and true facts on other things and talk fast. Like Rush Limbaugh. Talk fast so they don't sniff out the bullshit.


Ask yourself who killed Martin Luther King and then start researching it to see if you even know the answer. The lies and criminal actions some of our fearless "leaders" are playing are likely going to kill our great and (formerly) amazing country.

Read the book An Act of State by William Pepper. I just finished it and was shocked, sickened and sad. It makes me even more distrustful of those in power that a handful can do this kind of thing and get away with it. It alludes to the conspiracy to murder Kennedy as being part of the same group of assholes.


And we continue to overfund these assholes so that they can continue to do it to us. Shit. We need to cut the funding TO START WITH. REDUCE THE BUDGET AND CUT THE FUNDING THESE SMARMY BASTARDS GET. Honest people need to step up. Yet, it's hard as a citizen to identify those who are honest and those who are greedy selfish powerbrokers. The gov't control of the press, as noted by a recent retired ex-CIA guy in the news stating that the 4th estate is effectively dead. And it's getting worse as government creeps in even deeper. And we are paying for that control over us. Cut the funding.



hrump..it's a start anyway, anyway I'm not believing any of this till I see what this chick looks like naked. Pics?


(insert screeching train derailment noize here) LOL!

Posted (edited)

quote:Ask yourself who killed Martin Luther King and then start researching it to see if you even know the answer. The lies and criminal actions some of our fearless "leaders" are playing are likely going to kill our great and (formerly) amazing country.


the amazing country killed off most of the original Americans: indigenous people.


Wikipedia:[president] Jefferson believed assimilation was best for Indians; second best was removal to the west. The worst possible outcome would happen if Indians attacked the whites.[109] He told his Secretary of War, General Henry Dearborn (who was the primary government official responsible for Indian affairs): "if we are constrained to lift the hatchet against any tribe, we will never lay it down until that tribe is exterminated, or driven beyond the Mississipi."

Edited by Lucky Larry

I was waiting for Lil Precious to go flying off into some blackberry bushes...but that can be arranged with a follow on vid, right boyz?


Or...the baby could just explode in mid air....


...after its arm pops off.


I see a film in my future....





  billcoe said:
  tvashtarkatena said:
I see a film in my future....


We're all hoping that it's not another one where you stick your tongue up a cats ass...


Oh, that's what he means by pussy. Maybe thistime he'll stick his tongue up Fairweather's ass

  Hugh Conway said:
  billcoe said:
  tvashtarkatena said:
I see a film in my future....


We're all hoping that it's not another one where you stick your tongue up a cats ass...


Oh, that's what he means by pussy. Maybe thistime he'll stick his tongue up Fairweather's ass


What do you mean "this time"?

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