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mature relationships

Captain panther

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Larry, folks I've known our age have had success with various online dating systems. If you go that route, and I mean this in the kindest way, you'll want to work on your punctuation and paragraph structure.


It seems like a hard thing, meeting compatible women in your 50's, I don't envy your situation. A few places I've noticed that the female/male population balance is way skewed in a direction you'd like are yoga/pilates classes at gyms, or take up knitting. I can't tell you the number of times I've been the only guy in a crowded yarn/knitting store.


You're unemployed, so you've got a little time on your hands. Pick a cause you believe in and volunteer, you'll meet some folks with overlapping ideals.


Anyway, best of luck in your endeavor.

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man that is the most pathetic story i have EVER heard. get a fucking bus ticket and git the hell outta there. you can buy another yota but ya can't buy another life if ya kill yourself. all in all sounds like you enjoy wallowing in your own self pitty. Grow some balls and run like hell before you do something really stupid, like marry the bitch...

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man that is the most pathetic story i have EVER heard. get a fucking bus ticket and git the hell outta there. you can buy another yota but ya can't buy another life if ya kill yourself. all in all sounds like you enjoy wallowing in your own self pitty. Grow some balls and run like hell before you do something really stupid, like marry the bitch...


Spoken like a true christian.

Hypocricy a little?


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I've got a story that can match/beat that, but ya'll have already heard it enough.


Cynical- Get up off the couch and divorce the bitch if you've married her, or just leave the skank if you haven't. Doesn't sound like you've got kids in the mix, so it should be plenty fuq'n easy for you to split the sheets. With your asset list, it sounds like you don't even need a lawyer, so just get a DIY divorce. But get on it before it's too late. I'm 51 and livin' large once again, even with $3,300/month in alimony/child support/daycare payments. I'm living proof that it's NEVER too late to start living again. And only 4 more payments and I get a $1,500/month raise (the spousal maintenance payments end after May)!!! :)

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You made it sound like you pretty much couldn't stand her. I'll admit, I don't have a lot of patience for guys who complain about their SOs for years and fail to do anything about it. For what its worth, research shows that 18 months is about the outer limit for a go/no go decision on a new relationship. You pretty much know what you need to know to continue versus end it by that point, whether or not you admit it to yourself. Hanging on to an unhappy situation is wasted life you could be spending with a person that's actually right for you.


The wild card is the booze. If she's a drunk, you're not going to get anywhere until she quits. After that it's still a long haul until you can figure out whether you two can make it together without the booze.


If that's too long a haul for you, there are plenty of fish in the sea. Meeting awesome women has never been easier, regardless of your age.

Edited by tvashtarkatena
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Relationships where one person expects the other person to become/grow into something he/she is not are storms waiting to happen. You need to find someone you love and respect for who they are today.


It's not the one red flag in a relationship that you missed that leads to trouble. It's the 358 red flags that you tried to pretend were green or orange that get you into trouble.


Cynical, the first day of the rest of your life is TODAY. Not tomorrow. TODAY. Be the change you want to see in your world.

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You made it sound like you pretty much couldn't stand her. I'll admit, I don't have a lot of patience for guys who complain about their SOs for years and fail to do anything about it. For what its worth, research shows that 18 months is about the outer limit for a go/no go decision on a new relationship. You pretty much know what you need to know to continue versus end it by that point, whether or not you admit it to yourself. Hanging on to an unhappy situation is wasted life you could be spending with a person that's actually right for you.


The wild card is the booze. If she's a drunk, you're not going to get anywhere until she quits. After that it's still a long haul until you can figure out whether you two can make it together without the booze.


If that's too long a haul for you, there are plenty of fish in the sea. Meeting awesome women has never been easier, regardless of your age.

why trashie...it sounds like you've got a thing for woodsy types....bawahahahaha Edited by RuMR
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it is the cafe sensitivo, so i suppose you might have justly had expectations for gentler treatment, but if you've been hanging out here for 6 years surely you must realize you're being treated in compliance w/ long standing tradition, and thus can feel the warm-fuzzy little-kitty feeling of being a Part of the Group? :)


now get going for dog's sake, eh?

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tvash, the cafe sensitivo is a very special place, a place for magical, positive energy, a place to make friends, a place to shield the Others from the hatefulness of the Common Man, a place to make beautiful and unique snowflakes...


you ain't from around here, areya boy?

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In an attempt better understatand how I left myself vulnerable to the beat-down in here, I realized that no part of the language in my posts here ever asked for any kind of feedback whatsoever in this thread. I was merely commenting on Captain Panter, who was the author.


Its amazing to me that sprayers on this site are so anxiously waiting in the wings for any reason they can conjure to inundate others with the onslaught of ridicule, which sadly, appears to be the accepted, or at least passively tolerated norm.


I'm convinced one is required to have a chip on his shoulder when posting in the first place, regardless of the topic, or else he's just asking for the beat-down.


Nevertheless, some comments to my offering here have provided me with a needed kick in the ass. Thanks to those (few) who responded objectively and sincerely.


With that said, FUCK any of you who, within this same thread, have expressed you endured similar experience, for decades longer than I, and then critisize me for the same thing. Who cares what you have a lack of patience for... nobody asked you.


For 6 years have I logged on here, read trip reports, viewed the pics, and gotten some stoke: much needed stoke since I left the mountains and stopped climbing.


It shows really weak style that this site, and ironically even in this particular forum, is infested with the attitude that dictates, almost as a presidence, one upsmanship, posturing, maligned ego, incessant judgement, and the malicious self-serving exposure of others' presumed short-comings be paramount to actually offering anything constructive, and all too often even related to the very topics that they're supposedly replying to.


I'd rather not log in at all.

weak sauce...just a tip, don't put yourself out there with some stupid sob story about how you are unemployed, surfing some woman's couch, and feeling sorry for yourself that you f-ing put yourself in that situation and then NOT expect comments to that effect...duh
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