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Government budget shortfall isn't the cause of our economic woes but merely it consequence. Most evidence suggest that cutting necessary spending and economic stimuli will make the crisis significantly worse. The former darling of free markets zealots, Ireland, reminds us daily of these facts.

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I was thinking the same thing:


"Target - where disproportionate numbers of obese people shop"


At least. I hope that's a disproportionate sample group...?


If stores like Target would simply retrofit with livestock gating technology they wouldn't have this problem. It's time for the gigantic to push for the same rights and consideration we gave the disabled in 1990.

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Note that we don't hear from regressives that we are like Ireland. Remember how they wanted us to look like Greece to point the finger at the public sector as if it were responsible for our problems. Is it because Ireland shows that a deregulated, bloated finance sector is fully responsible for the market crash, the economic downturn and the fiscal crisis?

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Note that we don't hear from regressives that we are like Ireland. Remember how they wanted us to look like Greece to point the finger at the public sector as if it were responsible for our problems. Is it because Ireland shows that a deregulated, bloated finance sector is fully responsible for the market crash, the economic downturn and the fiscal crisis?


Are you surprised? I'm not surprised. I'd be surprised if you were surprised. Nothing any of these sniveling, mendacious, worm-tongued little coward fucks say or do surprises me at all. I simply cannot be surprised. At least when Spain goes down, they'll be able to blame the Mexicans. But still, I will not be surprised. I'm immune.

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Ireland's problems derive almost entirely from their president's idiotic promise to back-stop the banks by guaranteeing all their loans. Should have just let 'em swing in the wind. Hard to do, politically, but it's not like the government are exactly being hailed as heros for taking the easy route. When you're damned if you do, and damned if you don't, you might as well be damned for taking the least ruinous path available to you.

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Hard to do, politically,


the politics is easier than the practice would be. Irelands a house of cards built on predatory tax rates and an unsustainable credit fueled building boom. It's the pure product of Peter Pugets pudenda!


Note: the Irish governement gets a couple % of the value of every house sale from a stamp tax that's included in the financing. Helllooooo spending bubble!

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Note that we don't hear from regressives that we are like Ireland. Remember how they wanted us to look like Greece to point the finger at the public sector as if it were responsible for our problems. Is it because Ireland shows that a deregulated, bloated finance sector is fully responsible for the market crash, the economic downturn and the fiscal crisis?


It's cause the Irish have good booze.



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