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it's pretty clear there's gonna be a heavy anchor tied to his ankle by the likes of dumb shits such as j_b & Co.


Which is going to be really uncomfortable with the tether running to the Prince Albert that the New Democrats' have installed through his wiener.


Um, I think he had his removed a while back.

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The fact that world markets can't absorb additional American debt notwithstanding, junior neglects to mention that Obama and his cronies haven't even spent the $$ they 'allocated' for the stimulus they passed!


More unsubtantiated Fox talking points. They spent 70% of the stimulus so far, a fair amount which was requested by the very same regressive who opposed it in congress:


"Opposition to the Obama administration’s economic-stimulus package didn’t stop at least 24 congressional Republicans from lobbying the Department of Energy on behalf of companies and constituents who wanted stimulus contracts and grants from it.


Reps. Jo Bonner of Alabama, Dan Lungren of California, Doug Lamborn and Mike Coffman of Colorado, Lynn Westmoreland, Jack Kingston and Nathan Deal of Georgia, Jerry Moran of Kansas, Fred Upton, Vernon Ehlers, Thaddeus McCotter, Candice Miller and Pete Hoekstra of Michigan, Jim Jordan and Michael Turner of Ohio, Joe Wilson of South Carolina, Phil Roe and Zach Wamp of Tennessee and Cathy McMorris Rodgers of Washington along with Sens. Mike Crapo of Idaho, Sam Brownback of Kansas and Lamar Alexander and Bob Corker of Tennessee and Bob Bennett of Utah wrote to Energy Secretary Steven Chu and top Energy Department officials asking them to consider particular recipients for stimulus dollars in 2009."

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The fact that world markets can't absorb additional American debt notwithstanding, junior neglects to mention that Obama and his cronies haven't even spent the $$ they 'allocated' for the stimulus they passed!


They spent 70% of the stimulus so far


Exactly what I said. So why do you think assigning even more $$ would have done it for you & yours? Are you this dumb at work too?

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This may be the wrong thread, but at risk for tresspass upon the distinguished decorum of the forum, let me ask if anybody caught Obama's post-election concession speech today. What did he say? (There's no TV where I'm at, and the radio seemed to be picking up the strangest interference -- all I heard was a lot of muffled slurping sounds.)

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The fact that world markets can't absorb additional American debt notwithstanding, junior neglects to mention that Obama and his cronies haven't even spent the $$ they 'allocated' for the stimulus they passed!


They spent 70% of the stimulus so far


Exactly what I said. So why do you think assigning even more $$ would have done it for you & yours? Are you this dumb at work too?


The R's spend too much!


The D's outspend the R's but don't spend enough!


j-b is indeed a moron

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Wipe your ass with the Citizens United majority decision!


Um...that decision freed up both sides to run independent ads, not just conservatives. Last time I checked, anyway. Still a level playing field, unless you absolutely have to make up an excuse.


The economy sucks, those with control of both houses and the prez get blamed, no matter how non-existent the other side's agenda, or lack thereof in this case, is.


Practically a law of physics, really.

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Not very well, even though the stimulus probably prevented a couple % points in unemployment; however, remember that Obama had to compromise heavily on the size and nature of the stimulus because conservatives were obstructing the bill at every opportunity, thereby severely decreasing its efficacy.


The fact that world markets can't absorb additional American debt notwithstanding, junior neglects to mention that Obama and his cronies haven't even spent the $$ they 'allocated' for the stimulus they passed! And while TTK's new found pragmatism is refreshing for the moment, it's pretty clear there's gonna be a heavy anchor tied to his ankle by the likes of dumb shits such as j_b & Co.


Assuming what my opinions are has been all the rage since I joined this site. If I gave a fuck it might even be flattering.


There's nothing new found about any of my opinions. Same same for a lot longer than I've been here, with a few minor exceptions. And if you think you faux libertarians appear any less clownish than your progressive analogs in my view, think again. You're both considerably less than the real deal.

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The fact that world markets can't absorb additional American debt notwithstanding, junior neglects to mention that Obama and his cronies haven't even spent the $$ they 'allocated' for the stimulus they passed!


They spent 70% of the stimulus so far


Exactly what I said.


NO! You just said they didn't spend the money without specifying they had already spent 70% of it because you had no fucking idea. You are only regurgitating what you hear on the Fox propaganda network.



So why do you think assigning even more $$ would have done it for you & yours? Are you this dumb at work too?


If the pool of money available at the start had been significantly greater, more diverse job creating programs could have been considered. I don't think this needed to be said except for your pretending to be as dumb as a stump. You are a troll and a waste of time.

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You're both considerably less than the real deal.


instead of behaving like a child why don't you answer my post about how being "pure" for you is equivalent to refusing to sacrifice 100k's people for resources, torture, rendition, etc .. All issues that you claim are dear to you but somehow when we try to hold congressional Dems accountable, you accuse us of 'purity' as if it were damning.

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Got no idea what your on about there, my fetishes involve Catholic school girl uniforms, usually, but here's my view on the election:


The economy sucks: those in power get blamed. The other side could be a cage full of gerbils, and from an intellectual level, they practically are, but that's America for you...or any electorate, probably.


The rfucks won a bunch of seats in a fair fight. They outspent the Dems in independent attack ads, well, the Dems could have outspent them, too. Citizens United favored neither side. The Dems splintered, progressives going their own way, as usual. The Rfucks got together, despite big rifts between the teabaggers and the fat old fucks.


You can whine all you want about Citizens United and a bunch of other shit that isn't going to change, or you can analyse what you can change, what the other side did better, and work that next time.


The likely outcome of all of this will be gridlock. The House Rfucks will undoubtedly try a bunch of really stupid shit and fail, entertaining us with the usual fucking of rentboys on the side and the like. I fucking hate the federal government for the most part, so I'm OK with that.

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