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How many people fly down instead of hiking down?


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I'm all about making the best out of a good hike or climb up a mountain or ridge but have a personal vendetta against taking the same route back down. Yes, I'm lazy.


Has anyone tried speed flying down a mountain after climbing it? I've done some research into it and it seems like carrying a 5 lb "paraglider" that would allow you to actually fly back to the bottom seems like well worth it! Apparently skiing down is an option as well.


From what I found, a company in Portland called The Flystyle sells these. Might have to check them out and see what they have.


Anyone done this? What was your experience?

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So it doesn't sound like anyone else has done this?


These aren't actually paragliders. They're speed flying wings.

Feck/G-Spotter- These speed wing systems are much, smaller ranging from 18 to 8 sq meters. So yes, with harness and wing they weight around 2 kilos.



Ivan-It's not BASE jumping, from the videos I've seen most of them run off.


I'll probably call these guys tomorrow and see what they have. This sounds like too much fun to pass.

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There was a great article in one of the AAJs (I'll look up what year) where a team up in the Alaska range used lightweight paragliders to get down to their base camp after a FA. It can be iffy what with wind conditions, but it seems like one hell of a lot of fun regardless.

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just an uneducated guess, but i am thinking this is something you slowly, slowly, slowly build up to. If you decide to buy it off online or just stop in a store to buy it and go to the top of any of the 'mountains or ridges' here and decide to 'fly' or speedfly or whatever it is, you will probably die or be seriously injured in short order.


Have you done any sky diving? I imagine there are a plethora of factors involved that would be hard to anticipate from any text book or youtube instruction. The same way people can read water on a river or snow on a slope, there is expertise in all the details. I think like BASE jumping, or anything where you are really upping the ante with your life, you need to find a mentor or go through some professional teaching. A first 'speedflying' would probably be on a sunny day off of a 100 foot grassy hill with a mile of farm field in front of it..


but hey, maybe it's one of those things you can just wing!

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Watch 00:31-00:52. Seems that trees aren't a huge issue, fly over them or through them!


Just got off the phone with Daniel at Flystyle. They sell an assortment of speed flying and paragliding equipment. Apparently just got some special winch in where they can tow you up to a mile high.


Hopefully the weather clears up next weekend, they're going to take me out for my first lesson!! They have a group rate if there aren't some more people who want to give it a try with me. $175/day with the group rate and if you buy a wing system after level one they discount the lesson off of the price.


I think my girlfriend might disagree on the awesomeness of this :D


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