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Why is spray moderated?


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I noticed my thread from yesterday (How long has Erik been moderating spray?) was moderated to the round file for some reason. mad.gif" border="0 I didn't think it had anything controversial in it? Was I wrong? Are there some new ground rules or just enforcing old ones? Are you gonna have Caveman cut my tounge out for asking too many questions? tongue.gif" border="0

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Originally posted by Cpt.Caveman:
Dru you are just jealous of Erik. I will never be a moderator. That is the beauty of things. I gotta test the fires and thrash around so others can. Instead of looking out for people like me
wink.gif" border="0
Someone has to do it.

exactlly. it is this or we just bury caveman in a ditch along the duwamish and that poor river is allready polluted.

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This is RURP. Who is in charge of this place? There are twenty pages of marijuana smoking on Mt. Rainier comments, and some people seem to have a great time making fun of that guy named Dan Larson, but what happened to the discussion about "Rock Cop"? Maybe the Rock Cops themselves removed it.

RURP has spoken.

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RURP you are hilarious. Yes I agree that we can slam for 20 pages on Larson which I mentioned previously. Also can slam on Scot'teryx. I was one. But moderating spray is kind of bs. I have been taunted and teased by a couple of moderators. Leads me to believe that moderation means the moderators remove what "they" dont like. I can tell you guys that plenty of people actually do like what I say. I bet there is a large number that do not too.

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Originally posted by Cpt.Caveman:
RURP you are hilarious. Yes I agree that we can slam for 20 pages on Larson which I mentioned previously. Also can slam on Scot'teryx. I was one. But moderating spray is kind of bs. I have been taunted and teased by a couple of moderators. Leads me to believe that moderation means the moderators remove what "they" dont like. I can tell you guys that plenty of people actually do like what I say. I bet there is a large number that do not too.


truthfull i quite enjoy much of what you write cause sometimes that what i want tosay but just can't.. some moral things or something...

but sometimes when the attacks become vicous or out right beyond reality or out right disgusting and wrong they will be moderated.

your freedom of speech only extends as far as the next persons rights. once you infringe or violates some elses rights, then you are wrong.(dru this does not affect you cause you are a socialist, so we will need 40% of your paycheck to cover costs of your spray accross the board) not saying i draw the line or anything or that it is clear cut and obvious, but i am sure we all know what is reasonable.


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Hmm lemme see :

Others can spray in ice conditions but not I.

If I post slamming with a rarely used avatar it usually never is removed.

Some people are assholes enought that they deserve all hostility I can possible brew up. Plus some more.

You can say what you want Erik but shit is moderated on a basis of whether or not you are liked by someone else period.


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Two things.


Originally posted by Cpt.Caveman:
Hmm lemme see :Some people are assholes enought that they deserve all hostility I can possible brew up. Plus some more. -CPT

So, by your own logic, you (an asshole, verify-able by nearly all on cc.com) deserve all hostility (being moderated and or booted) that may be brewed up. Hmm, truth hurts, huh?


Originally posted by Cpt.Caveman:
Hmm lemme see :You can say what you want Erik but shit is moderated on a basis of whether or not you are liked by someone else period.


I think what this comes down to is a moderator is willing to put up with some abberations from everyone, but when someone continually spews worthless shit, they get cut off. IMHO, you should have been booted a long time ago, butthats why I'm not a moderator of cc.com

dave brannon

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Yeah, and who is pope? I like his writing. In fact, here's my short list of good, witty writers (not necessarily in any particular order):1. Lambone and Pope (they kinda compliment each other)

2. Dru...the guy knows so much shit it's scarry.

3. Beck-- I like Beck's shit except the T.Rux thing was kinda silly at the end. 4. Whoever Rev. DWayne Love is, the guy's good.

5. I'd lump about 5 others here too (including Strickland..cause he's really the only "hip" one here).

Now, as to me, trask, I suck. I'm a lackie and just here for amusement.

Caveman, if I flippin' knew who the hell you were I might have something to say about you, but I'm so confused.

That's it.

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Yeah! Why IS spray moderated?

Wasn't this whole forum initially created exactly to be the place where all the worthless shit was supposed to be posted. Thus leaving the other boards somewhat more, ahem, pristine? I mean, for a while before you moderator guys started just hacking stuff out of existence the punishment for utter stoopidity was banishing the thread to SPRAY!! Now it's.Sheesh. Make up yer mind.

If this board gets moderated then it's gonna drive the most abnoxious spray to the other unmoderated boards.

I say moderate the crap out of all the other forums, especially the conditions reports ones, but at least leave this one be. That'll furnish some outlet for some of the more needy individuals here.

Thasss all I gotta say [big Drink][big Drink][big Drink][big Drink][big Drink][big Drink]

oh yeah, yeah, yeah...yeah except...

Is there a hack that could be installed where we could set some cookie to filter out anybody we wanted in our own views? That would rule!icon14.gif

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Originally posted by max:
Two things.

I think what this comes down to is a moderator is willing to put up with some abberations from everyone, but when someone continually spews worthless shit, they get cut off. IMHO, you should have been booted a long time ago, butthats why I'm not a moderator of cc.com

dave brannon

I got one thing to say David. Bring it the fuck on! mad.gif" border="0mad.gif" border="0

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I think spray was better moderated by NO ONE. They never did anything and I liked that. I mean I guess death threats and stuff are taking it a bit far. When threads start dissapearing however it is wierd. I am getting nervous that this post might dissapear at anytime! If it is going to be moderated maby we can at least have some guidelines or an explanation why the plug was pulled on something. Gimme somthin' to work with her huh. [Wazzup]

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i think you pretty much hit it on the head. i doubt i will even delete too many posts if any at all.

though IF you threaten or if gets beyond just spray like sick and disgusting bodily harm/ o r out right vulgar stuff then you are not okay.

there are some guidelines i have in my head and if you want to know what they are email me cause i dont want to publicly post them.....cause it makes me mad.gif" border="0

cheers and fun for all

[ 12-18-2001: Message edited by: erik ]

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Originally posted by sisu suomi:
Caveman, are you an asshole? If so then you are in good company.I know a lot of ass holes and I know a lot of people that think my friends and I are ass holes, but most ass holes like us. And as far as the others go they can go fuck themselves.
grin.gif" border="0

That is right. Hear that Max grouchyrex?

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