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Boycott AZ...especially its Tea!


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It's hard to find anything useful that Arizona produces to boycott. They produce a fair bit of stupidity, but that seems to be about it.


Ruger Arms Inc. Prescott, AZ. Just picked up another one last week. :tup:


The original link had examples of AZ based companies. All someone had to do was click the link...probably too much to expect.


Dillon Aero is out of AZ. Feel free to boycott them. :laf:





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Nah. Hispanics vote democrat versus Rfuck 2 to 1 linky . 90+% of black vote democrat.


Rfucks have famously employed many nasty tricks, most notably the War on Drugs, to keep people of color away from the polls for the obvious reason that if they didn't, they'd win few if any elections. Numbers wise, The Rfucks have always been the minority party, although certainly not in any ethnic sense.


Yes, the times they are a changin', and not in a good way for the 'conservative' movement, which is, after all, hardly conservative at all by any definition. The demographics are only getting worse for the party of fascism.


Look for major Rfuck losses in Arizona in the next few years after its legislature let a couple of white supremacists take the wheel. Voter backlash is a bitch, cabron, but almost always well deserved.


The new law in AZ polled very favorably among actual voters in AZ. Residents in AZ are so fed up with the crime associated with the illegal aliens that I wouldn't get your hopes up that there will be much back lash. A few protests on the news is hardly a groundswell movement, AZ is predominantly conservative, with or without the illegal aliens.



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It's hard to find anything useful that Arizona produces to boycott. They produce a fair bit of stupidity, but that seems to be about it.


Ruger Arms Inc. Prescott, AZ. Just picked up another one last week. :tup:


i guess handguns are useful if you're planning some domestic terrorism. or if you just need to have a weapon concealed on your person because you never know when you might need to knock over a 7-11 or a bank.

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The new law in AZ polled very favorably among actual voters in AZ. Residents in AZ are so fed up with the crime associated with the illegal aliens that I wouldn't get your hopes up that there will be much back lash. A few protests on the news is hardly a groundswell movement, AZ is predominantly conservative, with or without the illegal aliens.


Great "libertarian" values here. Did you get this off Scott Baio's website?

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The new law in AZ polled very favorably among actual voters in AZ. Residents in AZ are so fed up with the crime associated with the illegal aliens that I wouldn't get your hopes up that there will be much back lash. A few protests on the news is hardly a groundswell movement, AZ is predominantly conservative, with or without the illegal aliens.


Great "libertarian" values here. Did you get this off Scott Baio's website?


I don't think the opinions of AZ residents have any bearing on my values.


I've never been to Scott Baio's website, is it good?



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LOL. The AZ legislature has already had to reform the law in the face of public pressure. Jeb Bush and other national conservative politicians are condemning it.


The 'AZ voter opinion' stuff comes from a single source (of course), the same Rasmussen poll (this is a robocall poll, BTW...who the fuck answers those things?) also concluded that 53% of likely voters in AZ were concerned about potential civil liberties violations from the new law.


Rasmussen has been criticized for biased formulation of its questions. Some questions from previous Rasmussen polls:


 Agree or Disagree: "Rush Limbaugh is the leader of the Republican Party. He says jump, and they say how high."[16]

 Do you favor or oppose the economic recovery package proposed by Barack Obama and the Congressional Democrats?[17]

 Suppose that Democrats agreed on a health care reform bill that is opposed by all Republicans in Congress. Should the Democrats pass that bill or should they change the bill to win support from a reasonable number of Republicans?[18]

 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement... it’s always better to cut taxes than to increase government spending because taxpayers, not bureaucrats, are the best judges of how to spend their money?[19]


Da debbil's in the details, but lapdogs need not worry about checking their sources n shit. There's always FOX or a blog out there to tell em what they want to hear, just like mommy used to do.


Edited by tvashtarkatena
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Da debbil's in the details, but lapdogs need not worry about checking their sources n shit. There's always FOX or a blog out there to tell em what they want to hear, just like mommy used to do.


Just like all the rest of your hot air, if the source lines up with you then its legitimate, if not then its a sham and dismissed. :rolleyes:


Here is how upset AZ is at the republicans: AZ Senate Race


Looks like they're in no real hurry to boot out McCain (douchebag). So much for your theory of backlash. Keep a close eye on AZ, its going to slide further right in the next election. You can choose to ignore the indicators but that doesn't mean it isn't real. The voters of AZ are fed up.





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If you haven't done anything wrong (like look like an immigrant) then you and your children have nothing to worry about. If you do look like one of 'em and can't produce the proper papers, you'll be stripped of you rights, detained indefinitely, and deported. Freedumb isn't free.

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will I require a passport to travel to and from Arizona now? I was thinking of taking the kids down there to see the grand canyon this summer, should I start working on the visa papers?


Come to think of it, you are dark skinned. May I see your birth certificate?


Hey Nitrox, lay some more of that racist prick photoshop action on us before you tuck into a nice afternoon of kicking the shit out of the dog!

Edited by tvashtarkatena
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will I require a passport to travel to and from Arizona now? I was thinking of taking the kids down there to see the grand canyon this summer, should I start working on the visa papers?


Come to think of it, you are dark skinned. May I see your birth certificate?


Hey Nitrox, lay some more of that racist prick photoshop action on us before you tuck into a nice afternoon of kicking the shit out of the dog!


That's it? Please tell me again how the Democrats are doing in AZ. :laf:


Damn you fail at even the most basic shit.

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Proponents of unconstitutional or poorly crafted legislation ALWAYS paint the opposition as being in favor of the problem the law seeks to solve, in this case, illegal immigration. It's bullshit, of course, but standard procedure.


The case in Arizona is no different. This racial profiling law was crafted by racists willing to stomp all over Arizona's entire Hispanic population as well as the basic American principles of equal protection under the law and (appropriate) probable cause to indulge their own personal dissatisfaction and ignorance. Furthermore, its architects failed to consider the negative effects on limited local law enforcement resources and thus crime rates that will result when they are required to do a job far outside their training, mission, and availability.


It is for these reasons of principle and practicality that much of America has appropriately objected to Arizona's law, not because of any tacit support for illegal immigration in general. This might prove difficult to grasp for those who don't particularly value basic principles, those with a racist agenda, and those not able to analyze a situation and its consequences beyond the knee jerk stage or, as is so often the case, a combination of all three. We've all seen it before: the photoshopped pics of 'cop killing wetbacks' and the like. Fortunately, that kind of personal dysfunctional is self limiting and rarely rises to the policy making level. When it does, however, our system has many ways to deal with it.


Arizona is backpedaling as fast as it can. Hopefully, it will get to an immigration enforcement policy that respects our basic constitutional values as well as Arizona's Hispanic population. If it doesn't, I'm sure one or more expensive losses in court should help them along.



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