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Choada Suspended?


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tempest in a tea-pot :lmao:


clearly the man has a right to his political ideas and speech - clearly it would be fucked if he was attempting to convince his students to agree w/ them


the issue of his use of school computers/time could be an issue, but if, theoritically, he was working on his own laptop on his lunch break it shouldn't be a deal


the bottom line is the work - is he doing his job? if he's a social studies teacher, is he presenting social issues in a reasonably balanced fashion? is he punishing views he disagrees with? is he using the bully pulpit of his classroom to sell partisan ideas? are papers getting graded, lessons planned, conferences done, etc? expecting a human being to do nothing personal over the course of an 8 hr workday is insane and not an expectation of any other job i can think of off-hand


that said, i'm now goign to return to my stack of essays :)

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This is a prime example of what happens when you cave to special interest groups. Remember Don Imus? Now whenever someone says something controversial the precedence is to call employers and/or sponsors and try to get someone fired. I happen disagree with that guy but calling his employer is chickenshit.



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Is dressing up like a Nazi and pretending to pretend to be a teaparty dude so as to discredit them a good thing to do? Seems pretty abnormal to me, and real real wrong as well. Like Ivan said, if he could do his job, leave him alone: however, given the immoral, improper and disingenuous tactics this asswipe was employing, I can't believe he'd be a good teacher, or even a marginal one.


I can appreciate someone believing in a cause, and having open debates in a class so as to challenge kids assumptions -that's what school is for. But this "I need to win at any cost" thing...whew! Those guys who discredited Acorn, same thing where they are trying to tap a congresswomans phone.

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  • 4 months later...

Damn straight...




The Oregon teacher who declared his mission to “dismantle and demolish” the Tea Party movement resigned before getting the ax, a school spokeswoman told FoxNews.com.

“He resigned earlier this week, on Monday,” Maureen Wheeler of the Beaverton School District said. “He resigned in lieu of termination.”

Wheeler said Levin learned the results of the district’s investigation and resigned. She would not comment on those investigative results.

Conestoga Middle School media lab teacher Jason Levin became national news back in April when he announced his intention to bring down the Tea Party on his “Crash the Tea Party” website and in media interviews.

The now-ex Conestoga Middle School media lab teacher said in April that he would seek to embarrass Tea Partiers by attending their rallies dressed as Adolf Hitler, carrying signs bearing racist, sexist and anti-gay epithets and acting as offensively as possible -- anything short of throwing punches.

In a post on his now defunct website, Levin once called on his supporters to collect the Social Security numbers—among other personal identifying information—about as many Tea Party supporters as possible at rallies taking place across the country on Tax Day."Some other thoughts are to ask people at the rally to sign a petition renouncing socialism. See just how much info you can get from these folks (name address, DOB, Social Security #). The more data we can mine from the Tea Partiers, the more mayhem we can cause with it!!!!" he wrote.

In an April interview with Talking Points Memo, Levin said of his plans, "Our goal is that whenever a Tea Partier says 'Barack Obama was not born in America,' we're going be right there next to them saying, 'Yeah, in fact he wasn't born on Earth! He's an alien!'"

Complaints from around the nation flooded the school district’s office and Levin was suspended in April as the school district investigated whether he had used school time or resources to engage in political activism. The state’s licensing board also launched its own investigation.

On Friday, the Oregonian reported that the teacher’s state licensing board is still conducting their own investigation into Levin.


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didn't click through the link. But, Why was he fired? Just for being a douche? i.e. what does this have to do with his job? My employer wouldn't fire me if I was doing this sort of thing on the side.

TRY reading the words immediately above you for a clue Rob LOL! I can loan you my little square purple reading glasses if you need them. I'd be afraid that if I just copied and pasted the words would wouldn't read them. :lmao:


Good luck with that




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you mean this part?


Complaints from around the nation flooded the school district’s office and Levin was suspended in April as the school district investigated whether he had used school time or resources to engage in political activism. The state’s licensing board also launched its own investigation.


That doesnt really answer my question, does it? This was when he was suspended, pending investigation. The quoted text didn't mention WHY he was going to be fired. Did the investigation determine he was using school resources? I don't know. Do you have an answer to my question? Maybe you can take a closer look with those magic glasses of yours.

Edited by rob
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didn't click through the link. But, Why was he fired? Just for being a douche? i.e. what does this have to do with his job? My employer wouldn't fire me if I was doing this sort of thing on the side.


No, this part. He was not fired Rob. He resigned as it says in the post above where you put this one. The reason for the resignation seems clear as well. Here it is reposted.


The Oregon teacher who declared his mission to “dismantle and demolish” the Tea Party movement resigned before getting the ax, a school spokeswoman told FoxNews.com.

“He resigned earlier this week, on Monday,” Maureen Wheeler of the Beaverton School District said. “He resigned in lieu of termination.”

Wheeler said Levin learned the results of the district’s investigation and resigned. She would not comment on those investigative results.

Conestoga Middle School media lab teacher Jason Levin became national news back in April when he announced his intention to bring down the Tea Party on his “Crash the Tea Party” website and in media interviews.

The now-ex Conestoga Middle School media lab teacher said in April that he would seek to embarrass Tea Partiers by attending their rallies dressed as Adolf Hitler, carrying signs bearing racist, sexist and anti-gay epithets and acting as offensively as possible -- anything short of throwing punches.

In a post on his now defunct website, Levin once called on his supporters to collect the Social Security numbers—among other personal identifying information—about as many Tea Party supporters as possible at rallies taking place across the country on Tax Day."Some other thoughts are to ask people at the rally to sign a petition renouncing socialism. See just how much info you can get from these folks (name address, DOB, Social Security #). The more data we can mine from the Tea Partiers, the more mayhem we can cause with it!!!!" he wrote.

In an April interview with Talking Points Memo, Levin said of his plans, "Our goal is that whenever a Tea Partier says 'Barack Obama was not born in America,' we're going be right there next to them saying, 'Yeah, in fact he wasn't born on Earth! He's an alien!'"

Complaints from around the nation flooded the school district’s office and Levin was suspended in April as the school district investigated whether he had used school time or resources to engage in political activism. The state’s licensing board also launched its own investigation.

On Friday, the Oregonian reported that the teacher’s state licensing board is still conducting their own investigation into Levin.


Take care


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tempest in a tea-pot :lmao:


clearly the man has a right to his political ideas and speech - clearly it would be fucked if he was attempting to convince his students to agree w/ them


the issue of his use of school computers/time could be an issue, but if, theoritically, he was working on his own laptop on his lunch break it shouldn't be a deal


the bottom line is the work - is he doing his job? if he's a social studies teacher, is he presenting social issues in a reasonably balanced fashion? is he punishing views he disagrees with? is he using the bully pulpit of his classroom to sell partisan ideas? are papers getting graded, lessons planned, conferences done, etc? expecting a human being to do nothing personal over the course of an 8 hr workday is insane and not an expectation of any other job i can think of off-hand


that said, i'm now goign to return to my stack of essays :)


I have to agree. The fellow sounds a tad imbalanced, but unless the guy has demonstrated a level of criminality that renders him a threat to the students that he teaches or his colleagues, or has proven himself incapable of performing his duties in the classroom - I can't support his removal.


I can think of at least a dozen topics that are controversial enough in some communities - evolution, drug legalization, etc, etc, etc, - that are likely to render a teacher suspect in the said communities - and I'd hate to see any of them used as grounds for dismissal.


FWIW from what I could tell my AP bio teacher in high-school was at least somewhat partial to a soft version of creationism, and my physics teacher seemed like an enthusiastic advocate of the creed.


The only time I can recall the bio-teacher touching on creationism somewhat obliquely was by asking for volunteers to argue one side or the other, and staging a debate in his class. The physics teacher was actually quite good, despite being a bit kooky - and I think I actually sharpened my knowledge of evolution and critical thinking skills quite a bit more in the occasional off-topic debates we had about evolution-vs-creationism in his classroom than I would have otherwise.


I'd be quite happy if there were no creationists of any kind teaching anything, much less high school science, but these two cases are examples where it's possible for skilled and passionate teachers to stay professional and do a good job teaching their subjects despite ideological baggage that - at first glance - would seem to make that impossible.








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He got it harsh style--usually when you "resign" they don't announce it was in lieu of termination. But then school administrators seem to resemble a certain German shorty more and more. Sounds like a good lawsuit.


But all I have to say is right on! The Teabagger idiom is worse than Lancelot's wedding rescue. We live in farcked times when 1/4 of Americans think our president is muslim when he is not.


At least we made the news (Fox no less) without anybody dead for once. Way to go Choada (seriously), beats being some avatar tiger on coffee break and nothing more than sport surfing through hard times......


WTF is a Choada anyway???

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We live in farcked times when 1/4 of Americans think our president is muslim when he is not.


HAHAHAHAH....Wait....he's not a Muslim? Didn't he want to move the White House to the 9/11 location and live there with all of the Ayatollahs........ I mean, that might be the rumor I just started. It's OK, they say 20% of the people in Kentucky can't locate their state on a map. Once the word Kentucky is pointed out to them, 10% of the 20 are still unsure. Another new internet stat I just made up for you.




ps, google Chode or Choad for enlightenment on your question.

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