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Obamacare doesn't leave my "great plan" alone. (See the At&T statement.) It tears down a legitimate contract that I entered into with my employer and my health care provider. It is redistribution; plain and simple.


Fairweather, on what date has your employer scheduled your current health care plan to be terminated? Has anything been offered as a replacement or are you s.o.l for health care after that date?



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There is always an ebb and flow to politics in this country. Much like when Medicare was originally passed in 1965 there will be swing in power the other way. However, what bothers me is this new win at any cost mentality that prevents either side from making a logical and sound decision.


We continue to elect complete idiots and expect to get good results. Obviously this country needs healthcare reform but could it really hurt to even read a bill before its voted on? It doesn't matter what side of the issue you're on, there is a new standard by which our government passes laws and sooner or later we're all going to be on the shit end (if you're not already).



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Um...hate to break this to you, since you're so much smarter than alla them po-lee-tishunz, but passing bills without really reading them is not a new trend.


I'm sure most who voted for healthcare read at least a summary, available within 1 minute of da googlez. I'm equally sure that many who voted against didn't bother do to even that much.

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Um...hate to break this to you, since you're so much smarter than alla them po-lee-tishunz, but passing bills without really reading them is not a new trend.


I'm sure most who voted for healthcare read at least a summary, available within 1 minute of da googlez. I'm equally sure that many who voted against didn't bother do to even that much.


Call me crazy but reading the single largest entitlement program in the history of this country seams like a smart thing to do.


I've no doubt that some or all of opposing votes didn't read the bill but that includes members of both the Republican and Democrat party.


We deserve everything we got in that bill because we, as a nation, are more concerned with six second sound bites and shiny free trinkets. We truly are our own worst enemy.



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Um...hate to break this to you, since you're so much smarter than alla them po-lee-tishunz, but passing bills without really reading them is not a new trend.


I'm sure most who voted for healthcare read at least a summary, available within 1 minute of da googlez. I'm equally sure that many who voted against didn't bother do to even that much.


Call me crazy but reading the single largest entitlement program in the history of this country seams like a smart thing to do.


I've no doubt that some or all of opposing votes didn't read the bill but that includes members of both the Republican and Democrat party.


We deserve everything we got in that bill because we, as a nation, are more concerned with six second sound bites and shiny free trinkets. We truly are our own worst enemy.



You mean like the six second soundbyte about Guam certain posters are going on and on about, like, right now?


I love this site.

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Um...hate to break this to you, since you're so much smarter than alla them po-lee-tishunz, but passing bills without really reading them is not a new trend.


I'm sure most who voted for healthcare read at least a summary, available within 1 minute of da googlez. I'm equally sure that many who voted against didn't bother do to even that much.


Call me crazy but reading the single largest entitlement program in the history of this country seams like a smart thing to do.


I've no doubt that some or all of opposing votes didn't read the bill but that includes members of both the Republican and Democrat party.


We deserve everything we got in that bill because we, as a nation, are more concerned with six second sound bites and shiny free trinkets. We truly are our own worst enemy.



You mean like the six second soundbyte about Guam certain posters are going on and on about, like, right now?


I love this site.


I love this site too, so much ironic goodness at every turn.


If I could just wrap bacon around irony...



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Don't think reading the bill has much meaning. It is many pages of legalese which will require many years of court decisions to interpret. It takes experienced stautory lawyers to interpret these sort of things and even they disagree (depending who pays them). It would have been simple to just drop the medicare age 5 years every years until everyone is covered and add kids immediately. The problem was all the R's were against any thing the D's were for requiring 60 votes. The Insurance Co's only had to buy off a few blue dogs to dictate the outcome, which they did. Welcome to America.

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Call me crazy but reading the single largest entitlement program in the history of this country...

In recent times that would have been the war in Iraq...


Which your empty suit president is still funding


sounds like you are suggesting obama should pull out of iraq forthwith -- is that your point, kkk? "cut and run" your policy now?

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sounds like you are suggesting obama should pull out of iraq forthwith -- is that your point, kkk? "cut and run" your policy now?


Isn't that what he promised? Isn't that what libtards who elected him wanted him to do? Isn't that the great hope for what he would do, once he was elected? Where is the libtard outrage about Iraq now?





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sounds like you are suggesting obama should pull out of iraq forthwith -- is that your point, kkk? "cut and run" your policy now?


Isn't that what he promised? Isn't that what libtards who elected him wanted him to do? Isn't that the great hope for what he would do, once he was elected? Where is the libtard outrage about Iraq now?






i'm just trying to keep up with your flip flops: first you were in favor of putting troops into iraq when there was a republican president, now you are criticizing a democratic president because he hasn't pulled those troops out. does this mean that you admit putting the troops into iraq was a mistake to begin with, or are you just an unprincipled opportunist who changes sides in an argument whenever it suits his partisan purpose?


Edited by el jefe
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Maybe we could get a politician who doesn't lie? It's a lot to ask for, I know.





You'd think that after the screwing we got from the last President we'd be a bit more selective but that doesn't seem to be the case.



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Obamacare doesn't leave my "great plan" alone. (See the At&T statement.) It tears down a legitimate contract that I entered into with my employer and my health care provider. It is redistribution; plain and simple.


Fairweather, on what date has your employer scheduled your current health care plan to be terminated? Has anything been offered as a replacement or are you s.o.l for health care after that date?



I'm hoping that the lack of response to this question is not because your health care plan was terminated by Obama and you're now sick and broke. :confused:

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Stocks, pffft.


The public sector workers in Greece would like to remind you that they have several billion dollar's worth of bonds available at very attractive yields.


If you're right about their financial problems being nothing but propaganda issued by neocon hate/warmonger regressives out to sabotage their unique social model then you'll make a killing.





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Ha! you are fabulating again. I never said their financial problems weren't real or that their social model was unique.


Greece's main problem is having a disproportionate amount of their economy in the black market and adopting a perpetual growth model that is clearly fantasy.

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Worth asking what set of incentives drives economic activity into the black market. The answer is generally bureaucratic inefficiency/corruption and tax rates high enough to make breaking the law and hiding your income/assets worth the risk and trouble.


If by perpetual growth model you mean coupling a pension and benefit scheme based on late 19th century population growth models with Easter-Islandish fertility trends - I'm entirely in agreement with you.

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As if greed and widespread tax evasion hadn't recently proven to be a powerful enough incentive to crash the world's economy, little less that of puny Greece.


As I said before, there is no Greek population growth issue that immigration couldn't fix.

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