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Girls after Bill Clinton's heart for sure...


Nah - they're actually smoking those cigars.


This "beer and cigars on the rink" has become a post-victory tradition for the women's team. They did the same thing in Salt Lake City, and I imagine in Torino as well, but no-one bothered to report it, much less raise a fuss about it. For some reason it's "controversial" this time. :rolleyes:

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what happened to the "Own the Podium" biz?


Some of the hype surrounding the program turned out to be (gasp) hype. But if you step back from the Olympic microscope and look at the broader picture, the program is working. OTP athletes have been producing increasingly solid results over the past couple of years, and the optimism going into these games was fully justified. But as with life in general, shit happens.


I find it interesting that so many people are calling OTP a failure because our Olympic results haven't been up to their expectations. But if it hadn't been for OTP, they wouldn't have had any expectations because our athletes wouldn't have been coming in as serious contenders. In the past, we've sent a bunch of athletes off to the Olympics and if any of them actually won anything we were all, frankly, astonished. Now we're providing them with support and resources, and as a result they're producing some of the strongest results we've ever seen, and everyone's pissed of because we expected nothing but gold? Those high expectations are a reflection of the strength of the team, which in turn is the best evidence that OTP is succeeding.

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Canada will thrash the US in the gold medal game. Hope you're gonna be happy with a pair of hockey silvers. We'll give you some black eyes to match those shiners too :battlecage:

I think your canadian *womens* hockey team would basically make bitches out of your mens team...sucka!

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