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What happens is that people of intellect can put forth well-reasoned, logical ideas, based on facts and evidence, that people of little or no intellect are incapable of understanding.


Exhibits A&B: Douche Nozzle and Ku Klux Kaskadumbshit


To summarize the situation with these morons and their ilk: Anyone with a mouth can talk.



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Any "climate change" treaty he puts his signature on will face the same Senate ratification fate as Versailles

do you see any irony there? the us rejection of the versailles treaty was a major part of the super-shit-storm that was ww2 - it turned out that a solution to a global problem wasn't possible w/ one of the biggest players in the world sticking it's isolationist, dipshit-conservative head up its proverbial ass.


not even a little bit of irony? :)


An Open Letter to Congress From US Scientists on Climate Change and Recently Stolen Emails


by Climate Experts


As U.S. scientists with substantial expertise on climate change and its impacts on natural ecosystems, our built environment and human well-being, we want to assure policy makers and the public of the integrity of the underlying scientific research and the need for urgent action to reduce heat-trapping emissions. In the last few weeks, opponents of taking action on climate change have misrepresented both the content and the significance of stolen emails to obscure public understanding of climate science and the scientific process.


We would like to set the record straight.


The body of evidence that human activity is the dominant cause of global warming is overwhelming. The content of the stolen emails has no impact whatsoever on our overall understanding that human activity is driving dangerous levels of global warming. The scientific process depends on open access to methodology, data, and a rigorous peer-review process. The robust exchange of ideas in the peer-reviewed literature regarding climate science is evidence of the high degree of integrity in this process.


As the recent letter to Congress from 18 leading U.S. scientific organizations, including the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the American Geophysical Union, and the American Meteorological Society, states:


“Observations throughout the world make it clear that climate change is occurring, and rigorous scientific research demonstrates that the greenhouse gases emitted by human activities are the primary driver. These conclusions are based on multiple independent lines of evidence, and contrary assertions are inconsistent with an objective assessment of the vast body of peer-reviewed science. … If we are to avoid the most severe impacts of climate change, emissions of greenhouse gases must be dramatically reduced.”



These “multiple independent lines of evidence” are drawn from numerous public and private research centers all across the United States and beyond, including several independent analyses of surface temperature data. Even without including analyses from the UK research center from which the emails were stolen, the body of evidence underlying our understanding of human-caused global warming remains robust.


We urge you to take account of this as you make decisions on climate policy.



Any "climate change" treaty he puts his signature on will face the same Senate ratification fate as Versailles

do you see any irony there? the us rejection of the versailles treaty was a major part of the super-shit-storm that was ww2 - it turned out that a solution to a global problem wasn't possible w/ one of the biggest players in the world sticking it's isolationist, dipshit-conservative head up its proverbial ass.


not even a little bit of irony? :)


Not at all. Europe's imposition of Versailles on Germany--our absence notwithstanding--is what brought about the counter result. In fact, I believe the US actually loaned Germany money in 1924 to help them get France off their collective backs. Don't look in the mirror if you want to understand the collapse of the Wiemar Republic--look at utterly arrogant European "victors"--like France. I'm just glad Senator Lodge and Borah were there to keep Woodrow from making fools out of us here.

Anyone with a mouth can talk.



Unless, say, it's swollen shut.

is that a threat, tough-guy? :lmao:


I figure if Chaoda can toss around death threats here with impunity, then what's a little poke in the jaw, eh?


"The body of evidence that human activity is the dominant cause of global warming is overwhelming. The content of the stolen emails has no impact whatsoever on our overall understanding that human activity is driving dangerous levels of global warming. The scientific process depends on open access to methodology, data, and a rigorous peer-review process. The robust exchange of ideas in the peer-reviewed literature regarding climate science is evidence of the high degree of integrity in this process."

The scientific process depends on open access to methodology, data, and a rigorous peer-review process.


Right. So how does one of the most reputable universities in the world simply "lose" their baseline data? Why would they fear a freedom of information disclosure?


what the hell are talking about? Give a complete reference to your info and not denialist distortion, please. Anyway, oodles of data have been lost and/or discarded in all fields.


I also doubt they "feared an FOI request". More like they were fed up of being harassed by ideological nitwits who know squat about climate.



Unless, say, it's swollen shut.

is that a threat, tough-guy? :lmao:


I figure if Chaoda can toss around death threats here with impunity, then what's a little poke in the jaw, eh?


death threats? where? I think you are lying again to try justifying your being a thug.


Douche Nozzle can only be suffering from a severe case of "Cock Lips" if his mouth is so swollen he can't talk. That is the only logical conclusion that one can draw from the available data.



...cc.com's dullest tool speaks! At least TTK thinks. I honestly don't know what to make of a dim bulb like you. A really really angry version of Kevbone, I suppose. :rolleyes:


Boner's mental retardation is most likely genetically-based. Chode-licker's most assuredly is due to profound, traumatic brain damage.



Kevbone doesn't believe in half the conspiracy theories you two knuckle-draggers believe in (this thread being the latest illustration of your sick mind), so spare us your drivel about the intelligence of others.

(this thread being the latest illustration of your sick mind), so spare us your drivel about the intelligence of others.


More proof that the mentally numb erupt rage when their religion is questioned. 10 pages and counting...



10 pages and counting of "scientists are lying to us", "scientists are cheating", "scientists destroyed data", etc ... Good going, conspiracy nutjob.

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