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Thanks, Washington!


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Well, I'm sure you're long on impressions. Actual supporting arguments...not so much.


Go fuck yourself Tvash. Your original post compared what happened in Washington ("Everything but Marriage") and Maine ("Full on fucking Marriage") as if they had some equivalency. Are you really claiming that gays now have full equality in Washington? And actually feel that way? No way! Sometime in the near future in this state there will either be a referendum for marriage or one to repeal legislatively/judically enacted gay marrige. I'll put my money on that failing here just like in Maine. Asshole


And Bug. You hurt my feelings.



Are you denying that many people could concievably support one but not the other?



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Well, I'm sure you're long on impressions. Actual supporting arguments...not so much.


Go fuck yourself Tvash. Your original post compared what happened in Washington ("Everything but Marriage") and Maine ("Full on fucking Marriage") as if they had some equivalency. Are you really claiming that gays now have full equality in Washington? And actually feel that way? No way! Sometime in the near future in this state there will either be a referendum for marriage or one to repeal legislatively/judically enacted gay marrige. I'll put my money on that failing here just like in Maine. Asshole


And Bug. You hurt my feelings.



Are you denying that many people could concievably support one but not the other?



:tup: If we ever meet, I'll buy you a beer. :grin:

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Well, I for one am happy that Tvrash is finally able to legally take it up the a**, suck c*ck, and play with his little gerbil friends: as it seems to make him so happy.



Just be honest and come out of the closet, who fu*king cares anyway and why would anyone. Giving a sh*t about others sex lives went passe when Clinton was President, we are past all that crap now.

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Well, I'm sure you're long on impressions. Actual supporting arguments...not so much.


Go fuck yourself Tvash. Your original post compared what happened in Washington ("Everything but Marriage") and Maine ("Full on fucking Marriage") as if they had some equivalency. Are you really claiming that gays now have full equality in Washington? And actually feel that way? No way! Sometime in the near future in this state there will either be a referendum for marriage or one to repeal legislatively/judically enacted gay marrige. I'll put my money on that failing here just like in Maine. Asshole


And Bug. You hurt my feelings.



Are you denying that many people could concievably support one but not the other?



Lotsa noise coming out of this airbag, but it still hasn't come up with a single practical difference between a full-rights included civil union and 'marriage...other than the name.

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Well, I'm sure you're long on impressions. Actual supporting arguments...not so much.


Go fuck yourself Tvash. Your original post compared what happened in Washington ("Everything but Marriage") and Maine ("Full on fucking Marriage") as if they had some equivalency. Are you really claiming that gays now have full equality in Washington? And actually feel that way? No way! Sometime in the near future in this state there will either be a referendum for marriage or one to repeal legislatively/judically enacted gay marrige. I'll put my money on that failing here just like in Maine. Asshole


And Bug. You hurt my feelings.



Are you denying that many people could concievably support one but not the other?


Your feelings should still be intact.

Unless you are addicted to spray.


I am sure that future societies will look back at our stance on Gay Marriage the same way we look back at slavery and womens rights. Well, most of us.

Anyway, Ripping Tvash for his heathenistic view on society is probably entertaining to him. My motivation was to entertain one and all.

It is, however, very sad that Christian religions cannot dig their way out of legalistic dogma and extend some of that Eternal Love to their Gay brothers and sisters. As a Christian, I find this wide spread, "We know a sinner when we see one", double standard absolutely embarassing. It is ironic that those who adhere to it are committing the "sin" of being judgemental.

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Darin, I think Bug was calling Tvash a hell bound heathen, a tag I'll wager he relishes, not you. As for Tvash, he's mistaking you for a sprayer, a mistake he's made with others. I'd suggest you not take it personally.


Me, I think there isn't much functional difference between the two (legal rights vs. marriage) but there's a huge emotional load attached to the label. A lot of people attach a religious significance to the term "marriage" and its simply not a rational issue that will yield to discussion. Words and labels sometimes have incredible power, and that's why our referendum passed and Maine's failed.


If I were king, I'd abolish all legal standing for "marriage" and put all the rights and responsibilities under "civil union." I think marriage could be just fine as a non-binding religious ceremony, and churches could feel free to discriminate against anyone they want, but you don't get any changes to your legal status until you go through a civil union.


I'd kind of like a bumper sticker that says, "If you let fags get married, next thing you know niggers will be able to marry white people" but sound bite sarcasm is a risky business.


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There are a lot of differences. For one other states don't have to recognize civil unions but they do have to recognize marriage, due to the Full Faith and Credit Clause. Similarly, the U.S. won't nationalize a foreign citizen for entering into a civil union with a U.S. citizen the way they would if they were married. There's probably other differences too.

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If I were king, I'd abolish all legal standing for "marriage" and put all the rights and responsibilities under "civil union." I think marriage could be just fine as a non-binding religious ceremony, and churches could feel free to discriminate against anyone they want, but you don't get any changes to your legal status until you go through a civil union.


+1 :tup:



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There are a lot of differences. For one other states don't have to recognize civil unions but they do have to recognize marriage, due to the Full Faith and Credit Clause. Similarly, the U.S. won't nationalize a foreign citizen for entering into a civil union with a U.S. citizen the way they would if they were married. There's probably other differences too.


Since when the fuck did Pete start getting all lawyery on us? Stick the spray for gods sake!



Lotsa noise coming out of this airbag, but it still hasn't come up with a single practical difference between a full-rights included civil union and 'marriage...other than the name.


And dickhead one more practical difference is that gay people in Washington are going to continue to feel like their civil liberties are being infringed upon until they can actually be married. Meaning another referendum for them to loose.

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