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Palin's Book


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Who is Palin?

Since your Google appears to be broken, might I suggest you go rent the movie "Nailin' Palin", the Larry Flint and Hustler magazine take for all the best details. You'll learn everything you need to know, then come back and report on what you've learned.


Can we get back to talking about Beacon rock please?


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Who is Palin?

Go rent the movie "Nailin' Palin", the Larry Flint and Hustler magazine take for all the best details.


Can we get back to talking about Beacon rock please?




i love nalin palin... i wish they'd release one about michelle obama and nancy pelosi.

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i love nalin palin... i wish they'd release one about michelle obama and nancy pelosi.


Pink: are you suggesting perhaps a travel tome, wherein our two heroines visit the mysterious and forbidden Isle of Lesbos to explore the secrets therein?




...and thank you for not suggesting Madeline Albright and Janet Reno...I mean, if they are in fact actually women. That would be a visual I could do with out.



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Who is Palin?

Go rent the movie "Nailin' Palin", the Larry Flint and Hustler magazine take for all the best details.


Can we get back to talking about Beacon rock please?




i love nalin palin... i wish they'd release one about michelle obama and nancy pelosi.


Obama's wife doesn't dress like "I'll fuck my way to the top" secretary.

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i wonder how sarah feels about her porno? two bad all political figures aren't nice to look at.

Dude, you should get out more instead of pulling your snake to porn in palin look-a-like. and no, she is not that good looking.

i thought libtards saw the beauty in everyone?

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