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further, anyone who dares to mention racism is the real racist.


Bullshit. We aren't talking about people merely "mentioning" race.


The typical racist libtard on this forum repeatedly drops racial slurs left and right - and it sure comes easy for him. The typical racist on this board sees everything in terms of race and constantly tries to interject race into every political topic, accusing the "other" side of being racist while simultaneously being the one who interjected race into the conversation in the first place. And by "interjection" I mean saying shit like "angry white men hate brown people". Read any post by that dip-shit No 13 for a perfect illustration.


it's not because wingnuts have learned to use coded messages to appeal to their racist base that we'll let you off the hook. Capisce?

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it's not because wingnuts have learned to use coded messages to appeal to their racist base that we'll let you off the hook. Capisce?


No need to worry about coded messages from you and your fellow libtards. Your racism is clear and unambiguous.

is it really racism when you hate everyone? seems pretty egalitarian to me, but then you have forgotten more than i ever learned.


i prefer overt racists - klan types are much funnier in their full getup - when they put on the business suits (and vote republican) they're harder to spot

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further, anyone who dares to mention racism is the real racist.


Bullshit. We aren't talking about people merely "mentioning" race.


The typical racist libtard on this forum repeatedly drops racial slurs left and right - and it sure comes easy for him. The typical racist on this board sees everything in terms of race and constantly tries to interject race into every political topic, accusing the "other" side of being racist while simultaneously being the one who interjected race into the conversation in the first place. And by "interjection" I mean saying shit like "angry white men hate brown people". Read any post by that dip-shit No 13 for a perfect illustration.





Well then I have to insist the thing that divides us here is how we perceive such comments. I see them largely as over the top sarcasm directed at, and only at, other white people with whom they have social and political differences for the specific purpose of drawing an emotional response- which seems to work, by the way. Call it inflammatory, immature, or careless with language they wouldn't otherwise use especially in the company of non- whites, but given the obvious intent noted above I don't see how this constitutes "racism", which is largely defined as systematic oppression of one race by another that holds greater power and on an individual level a deep hatred and mistrust of those of other races. So I don't understand your connecting these two though I can understand your disapproval of the language.


And fwiw, a few legitimate points related to white conservative racism in politics have been made here only to be rebutted by accusations of "Libs are the racists".


I certainly don't think all conservatives are racists but there remains a simmering undercurrent in many aspects of policies that are leftovers from a long history of conflict here. At that march in DC somebody held up a sign that had MLK and Obama and said "he had a dream, we got a nightmare". Now to me that reeks of racism far more than a sarcastic remark on here, especially given it is proclaimed in public. For that guy at least the nightmare appears to be a black man in power.

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Well then I have to insist the thing that divides us here is how we perceive such comments. I see them largely as over the top sarcasm directed at, and only at, other white people with whom they have social and political differences for the specific purpose of drawing an emotional response- which seems to work, by the way. Call it inflammatory, immature, or careless with language they wouldn't otherwise use especially in the company of non- whites.

word. i imagine kk didn't find george carlin funny either though.


the only folks i can't manage to watch my mouth around are the haggis-negroes - something about hanging aroudn w/ a scotchman inexpicably forces me to channel mike myers in so i married an axe murderer. :)

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Makes you feel as if you tripped and fell down the rabbit hole when the such arguments are put forth. Turn on any talk radio station for a dose of the not so subtle racism, or visit one of the recent tea party rallies.


Better yet - read just about any post by a frequent liberal poster on spray


Not getting it. What quote from a poster here did you consider racist? The sarcastic remark about brown people? Have to agree with Ivan here -

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Makes you feel as if you tripped and fell down the rabbit hole when the such arguments are put forth. Turn on any talk radio station for a dose of the not so subtle racism, or visit one of the recent tea party rallies.


Better yet - read just about any post by a frequent liberal poster on spray


right, cause making fun of racists is racist. Lacking any further insight in your responses I'm left to assume you tacitly approve of the racists that stand in your ranks and call themselves conservatives. Convince me otherwise!

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Makes you feel as if you tripped and fell down the rabbit hole when the such arguments are put forth. Turn on any talk radio station for a dose of the not so subtle racism, or visit one of the recent tea party rallies.


Better yet - read just about any post by a frequent liberal poster on spray


Not getting it. What quote from a poster here did you consider racist? The sarcastic remark about brown people? Have to agree with Ivan here -


typical cc.com scenario:


1) conservative poster argues a political point in a race-agnostic manner

2) libtard asshole drops some n-bombs, accuses conservatives in general of racism on the issue, and calls the conservative poster "angry whitey" who is talking "in code".


It's pretty laughable that you can't see this. It happens daily.




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Makes you feel as if you tripped and fell down the rabbit hole when the such arguments are put forth.


No kidding, which explains my earlier question about KKK ...


Turn on any talk radio station for a dose of the not so subtle racism, or visit one of the recent tea party rallies.


It's common knowledge that fear mongering about "the boy from the hood now in control of the white house" has been method number one to rally the faithful.

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The typical racist on this board sees everything in terms of race and constantly tries to interject race into every political topic, accusing the "other" side of being racist while simultaneously being the one who interjected race into the conversation in the first place.


In KKK's world slaveholders weren't racists as long as nobody "interjected race;" indeed it was those racist abolitionists who "interjected race," and ruined everything while the South simply had a good thing going on.


Do you manage to keep a straight face when you come up with this? :lmao:

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right, cause making fun of racists is racist. Lacking any further insight in your responses I'm left to assume you tacitly approve of the racists that stand in your ranks and call themselves conservatives. Convince me otherwise!


This is the tactic of your liberal friends:

ignore any legitimate debate, call your opponent a racist, and refuse to acknowledge that a difference of opinon NOT based on race is legimate. J_B just did it today - you can not disagree with his position without being a racist, "talking code".


And while you are at it, drop a few racial slurs, attribute them to your opponent (irrespective of his never using them) - for "illustrative purposes", of course.


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It's common knowledge that fear mongering about "the boy from the hood now in control of the white house" has been method number one to rally the faithful.


Here you go Seagal: you can not disagree with Obama w/o being a racist. For "illustrative purposes" J_B uses the term "boy from the hood". Who has EVER used that term in cc.com? FW? Me? T_rutl? Peter Puget? None of us hhas. It's a bullshit fabrication from J_B's twisted libtard mind - par for the course from him.

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It's common knowledge that fear mongering about "the boy from the hood now in control of the white house" has been method number one to rally the faithful.


Here you go Seagal: you can not disagree with Obama w/o being a racist. For "illustrative purposes" J_B uses the term "boy from the hood". Who has EVER used that term in cc.com? FW? Me? T_rutl? Peter Puget? None of us hhas. It's a bullshit fabrication from J_B's twisted libtard mind - par for the course from him.


no, I cannot recall any of you using racial slurs here. But what passes as the "mainstream" opposition to Obama (I.e. Conservatism) seems to have no problem standing alongside obvious racists such as those depicted in the photos above and proclaiming an identical and unified message. And the silence of all of you when asked about it is puzzling at best. Are you ok with an alliance with those who still hold fast to the principle that this is a "white Christian nation" simply because your political and social views merge outside of the race issue and the greater good is served?

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