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Prius causes global warming and baby seal clubbing


My family will stick to our two diesel vehicles and fertilize our pasture everytime we come down our driveway. ;)


In order to come up with that end result, they had to assume that a Toyota will only last until 100,000 miles while a Hummer will get 300,000 miles. Thats' a huge and unrealistic stretch. I don't doubt that a scion is less enviro damage than a Prius, however, I already know someone who has 150,000 miles on a Prius with not a dime on repairs, only maintenance - and I highly suspect it will be going strong at 200,000 while there will be few Hummers which can claim the same.

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July 17, 2009

Limits on Logging in Old-Growth Forest Reinstated



In a move to protect endangered species, Interior Secretary Ken Salazar announced Thursday that his department had reversed a Bush administration decision to double the amount of logging allowed in and around old-growth forests in western Oregon.


Veering between swipes at “indefensible” moves by the Bush administration and pledges to step up noncontroversial timber sales, Mr. Salazar said in a conference call with reporters that he was reinstating a compromise reached 15 years ago to limit logging with the goal of protecting watersheds, trout and salmon fisheries and endangered birds like the spotted owl.


“Today we are taking action to reform Department of Interior and correct mistakes by correcting legal shortcuts the late administration made at the end of its tenure,” Ms. Salazar said.


The Bush policy, challenged in the courts by environmentalists, would have allowed timber companies to cut up to 502 million board-feet of lumber annually from 2.6 million acres of forests in the region, or about double the amount allowed under the Northwest Forest Plan, the compromise in 1994 reached under President Bill Clinton.


Mr. Salazar’s decision to reverse that policy amid a severe recession is fraught: at 12.1 percent, the unemployment rate in Oregon is among the highest in the country. In Douglas County, where the forestlands involved are situated, the unemployment rate is 16.9 percent, in large part because of closings of sawmills and the loss of timber jobs.


Tom Partin, president of the American Forest Resource Council, expressed frustration with the reversal. “Oregon is facing double-digit unemployment,” he said in a statement. Opening up logging under the Bush administration’s plan “would have given our timber-dependent communities a real boost,” he said.


In fighting that plan, known as the Western Oregon Plan Revision — or to its detractors, “Whopper” — environmentalists argued that the Interior Department’s Bureau of Land Management, which oversees the forests, failed to consult with the Fish and Wildlife Service about the logging’s impact on endangered and threatened species. They also took issue with a related decision that narrowed the extent of protected habitat for the spotted owl, which is classified as endangered.


The Endangered Species Act requires federal agencies to consult wildlife agencies about potential consequences of prospective actions.


Kristen Boyles, a lawyer with the environmental group Earthjustice, said on Thursday: “Whopper was not going to be the ticket for Oregon. It would have been a sea of stumps, and not what we needed to see in working Oregon forests.”


She added, “This is a big step for the Obama administration take.”

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Bitchin' Camaro


Rod - Hey Jack, what's happenin'?

Joe - Oh, I don't know.

Rod - Well, rumor around town says you think you might be heading down to the shore.

Joe - Uh, yeah, I think I'm goin' down to the shore.

Rod - Whatcha gonna do down there?

Joe - Uh, I don't know, play some video games, buy some Def Leppard t-shirts.

Rod - Hey, don't forget to get your Motley Crue t-shirt, y'know, all proceeds go to get their lead singer out of jail.

Joe - Uh huh.

Rod - Hey, you gonna check out the Sandbar while you're there?

Joe - Uh, what's the Sandbar?

Rod - Oh, it's this place that lets sixteen year-old kids drink.

Joe - Oh, cool.

Rod - Y'know who's gonna be there?

Joe - Uh, who?

Rod - My favorite cover band, Crystal Shit.

Joe - Oh.

Rod - Yeah, they do a Doors show, you'd be really impressed, in fact, it goes a little like this:


Love me two times baby

Love me twice today

Love me two times girl

Cause I got AIDS

Love me two times baby, once for tomorrow, once cause I got AIDS


Joe - Wow, Pretty good Jim Morrison impersonation there.

Rod - Yeah, I hope those guys have a good sense of humor and don't take us to court.

Joe - Uh, what's the court?

Rod - Never mind that,

Joe - Oh, you mean like the People's Court?

Rod - Well, that's another story; the important thing here is you gotta ask me how I'm gonna get down to the shore.

Joe - Uh, how you gonna get down to the shore?

Rod - Funny you should ask, I've got a car now.

Joe - Oh wow, how'd you get a car?

Rod - Oh my parents drove it up here from the Bahamas.

Joe - You're kidding!

Rod - I must be, the Bahamas are islands, okay, the important thing now, is that you ask me what kind of car I have.

Joe - Uh, what kinda car do ya' got?

Rod - I've got a BITCHIN CAMARO!



I ran over my neighbors


Now it's in all the papers.

My folks bought me a BITCHIN CAMARO with no insurance to match;

So if you happen to run me down, please don't leave a scratch.

I ran over some old lady one night at the county fair;

And I didn't get arrested, because my dad's the mayor.


Doughnuts on your lawn


Tony Orlando and Dawn

When I drive past the kids, they all spit and cuss,

Because I've got a BITCHIN CAMARO and they have to ride the bus.

So you'd better get out of my way, when I run through your yard;

Because I've got a BITCHIN CAMARO;

And an Exxon credit card.


Hey, man where ya headed?


I drive on unleaded.

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My last truck hit 412,000 miles and was still running when I sold it.


Yeah, n' when yer truck stops runnin', no big: just chain yer dogs to it...ta keep 'em from shittin in yer parts vehicles.


BTW, the bullshit hummer verses prius article with the 3 to 1 handicap has been posted here about 100 times now.



Edited by tvashtarkatena
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