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the funny thing is I don't think he heard the most recent story about my climbing trip ending up with me filing a police report for someone trying to kill me


No shit? Sounds like another typical Rocky Butte evening if you toss in some hookers, hypodermics, crazy people and John Friehs car getting smashed and dashed. I thought you moved to Utah.


Wow, wheres the link to the trip report for that one Mike?

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Here's my mtn project post. no photos or video unless you're on facebook. sorry, no other reason than that I'm lazy.


My partner is my GF in this thread. BOS and WH are on Notch which is in the middle of nowhere utah and is a 25 pitch 2500'+ north facing limestone wall (largest limestone face in the 48)


Mtn Proj Post:


I just got back from a seriously failed attempt on linking Western Hardman with book of Saturdays. We found a great "protected" spot on the ledge just below and to the right of Book of Saturday and set up camp. The next morning we went back down to climb western hardman so we could simply walk over to our camp and do BOS the next day. Great plan, eh? Well one pitch up W.H. it started to rain and it wound up raining most of the day, so we went into Delta to dry out and get some more water.


We ran into a sketchy local who told us (after my partner unfortunately devuldged what we were up to ---- never do this!) he once got his tractor near the summit and would like to launch an old car off the summit.


We ran back into the canyon the next morning super early to climb W.H. Again, one pitch up it started raining. Crap. We decided since the next day had a much better forcast, we would just hike back up to our camp and climb B.O.S the next day.


There is a fixed line before the rope ladder (still there) that had a massive core shot (I knotted it out). I got to the top and was waiting for my partner to come up. This is when the first boulder (not rock, boulder) exploded like an artilery shell two feet behind me. I could hear another one coming as it cut through the air. It hit just below my partner who was now just topping out. I grabbed her pack and threw her up to me and we ran our asses off into the cave behind the rope ladder.


Looking up, we saw the roof of the cave was created by rubble and rockfall. It looked solid, but how solid?


We hear some yelling and some more rocks came down. All the rocks were landing directly above us to directly below the first fixed line. We were totally trapped in the cave.


The rocks stopped and I poked my head out of the cave and yelled and yelled and yelled for them to stop. I wasn't sure if it was climbers on the face or people on the summit.


After I yelled up, I heard some yelling from above. A couple seconds passed, then began the real carnage. It was like a scene from a Michal Bay movie. Rock and massive boulders began bombarding ontop of the cave, shaking the ground, and down below. The rope ladder swayed back and forth and I hoped it hadn't been chopped.


It stopped again, I yelled again (louder), more yelling from above, a couple seconds passed and once again we were under attack.


Here's the weird thing. Both my partner and I swore we heard an engire after the rocks stopped falling the 2nd time. Was it the guy with the tractor trying to murder us? Why would someone keep pryign boulders off the summit after we yelled and they yelled back?


We at least knew two things. It wasn't rockfall from the rain, and it wasn't rockfall from a goat. I HAD to see what was happening, because if it was climber induced rockfall, we could wait until dark in the cave until they were done. If it was from the summit, was someone actually trying to kill us?


After well over an hour of tormenting rockfall, it stopped. I waited another hour and then climbed up the rope ladder (after testing it of course). I can say that the rope ladder "pitch" was the scariest lead of my entire life.


I ran up the canyon to the bowl and hopefully out of range. There was no one on the face. I called for my partner to come up.


Since each time we had yelled to stop trying to kill us, even more boulders fell, we had to assume the worst and be as quiet as possible to not divuldge our location or that we were out of the cave.


We wispered and tiptoed extremely fast around the ledge system that splits the face to the knoll where our tent was. We shoved everythign into our packs and get the f$#$#ck out of there ASAP and didn't stop until we were in the large wash near W.H.


We hiked the backside to the summit to look for tire tread. I don't think any sort of tractor or ATV could get to the summit, so we must have been hearing things. There were footprints in the wash. Too bad there wasn't a summit register to look up who was responsible.


What must have happended was just a buch of retards were having fun trundling rocks and boulders off the summit, and didn't hear us call up. Just really bad timing (or good?).


The ***Warning*** at the top was to warn future B.O.S climbers that hiker's trundling sh*t off the summit will kill you. And it's a great summit for retarded as$h$les to do such a thing since Notch is in such a hick redneck area. Climbing has many objective dangers, and especially notch peak. But, this is an objective danger that you literally have no control over and at any moment some boy scout or drunk hick may think it's fun to toss a boulder down on you.


I HIGHLY reccomend driving up to the outhouses up Miller Canyon that are the start of the drive/approach for the summit hike. Make a very big sign that everyone can see letting hikers know that there will be climbers below you and tossing rocks off is the same thing as attemped murder.


I filed a police report, but got pretty much blown off.


I'll be back to do this again, but not without making a sign at the trailhead and at the outhouses, unless of course I think someone would be actually trying to kill us. In that case I'll bring my ninja outfit and climb it at night.


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I bet now you'd wished you'd bought that Hannah Montana helmet we saw at Wal-Mart.


134379.jpg Shown here with some Junior girlfriend starter kneedpads....



Yeah Mikey, the only thing missing is some banjo music and some toothless asswipes there in the boulders...damn.

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Mormon kids love to murder people with rocks.

Same thing happened to friends of mine in the Bitterroots about 20 years ago.

Definate words were exchanged with the wilding kids on top. They made it clear that they intended to smash my friends.

After rapping out of the way and running down to the trailhead with the intention of running up and kicking some a$$, they ran into a sherrif. They told him what happened and he assured them he would look into it. He did not file a report of any kind.

One member of the climbing party was the daughter of a senator from back east. The wheels of justice started turning and an investigation was started. Turns out, one of the kids was the son of the sherrif. They were all Mormons and not one of the kids, parents or sherriffs department ever issued anything even remotely resembling an apology.

Killing people for sport is apparently OK with many Mormons in and around Darby Montana. Utah sounds just as bad.

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