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Seattle Pub Club this Thurs.-3/19?


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Would anyone have any interest in a Seattle Pub Club this Thursday, March 19th? It would be an excuse for family guys and gals to sneak out of the house and gym rats to stop for a cold pint on the way home from the climbing gym. Someplace not crowded so we could get a big table or tables if a lot of people show. It seemed like the trend of the older pub clubs was Ballard, Phinney, or Wallingford. The Sloop in Ballard is close for all the Stone Gardens folks. A newish (or at least reinvented) bar called The Copper Gate in Ballard is about five or so blocks north of the Sloop. It is pretty awesome and the Copper Gate has Carlsberg for all the ice climbers! :brew:


As some of the best all time trip reports have shown, you'll meet partners for your next near death climb or ski!!!



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I'd love to come out and put some more names with faces from CC.com! I'm in Lake City, any north end establishment would be just fine for me. Jens once told me that this used to be a regular occurrence and perhaps it could be again? -Josh

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Peakpimp, I'm game. I like the Copper Gate idea. Aquavit is the order for all the Norskes like myself. The Reading Gaol on 65th (near the tin hat on the west side of Phinney) could accomodate a crowd and is never ever busy.

Prost is cool but it seems often crowded into a small space and hard to squeeze in a group in one of the corner tables.

My vote is someplace really slow so we can rule the joint.

Copper Gate, Readng Gaol, or Sloop anyone?

How does 7:30 sound?



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Michelle and I will come and put a party patina on the gate. We've never been there. It should have table seating for a pub club (not just booth seating).


I agree with Jens about Prost. It's too small for a pub club.


M&I have been waiting for a new pirate-themed pub called Pillagers to open up at 86th and Greenwood where the Tully's used to be, across the street from Naked City Grill. Aaaaaaaaaaargh!



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Mr. Klenkinator: what do you have for show and tell? The muffler bracket that the jeep left behind on ??? peak? And Peak Pimp: the broken tooth ice screw from your last montaine adventure? And Dawg: a photo of you and the bandits facing off at your last dig? Let's make this a night to share!


Ballard is great. It is definitely out of the way for anybody who doesn't already have a reason to be in that part of town but we've been to West Seattle and Monroe in times past, and (within reason) "out of the way" may be more something to complain about than a serious deterrent. Still, though, if we are going to have more than one event it'd be a good idea to focus on locations closer to I-5 for the next one.


As for times, there have always been some earlier folks who want to show up at 7 and leave by 8:30 whereas others won't even show up 'till 9:00. Rarely have we stayed out must past about 11:00 on a week night.

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Looking at the original post, though, I realize: Thursday is out for me. There are two other events that night - and both involve people who have in the past attended PubClubs. Wednesday or Friday or...have fun and don't drink so much beer you don't want to do it again...

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