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Hunter Orange for Hikers?


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A bill circulating in Olympia will require underage hunters to be accompanied by an adult. Damn good idea. But a companion bill will require ALL backcountry users--including hikers--to wear one of these during hunting season:




Hey Olympia: AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN. Bear season currently begins August 1--it should be pushed back to September just like deer season.



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I did a little bit of hunting in my youth but I believe it's contingent on the hunter to be responsible to positively identify the target before pulling the trigger. Many situations don't involve a split second decision unless you're doing certain types of bird hunting, for example.


BTW, I generally concur with the provision to have an adult accompany a minor. The adult should be ultimately responsible for the minor's actions in this particular situation although there are some very responsible (gun-wielding) minors.

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The nanny state has moved to Washington?


BTW, I've bagged going out when I went up into a normal vacant spot in the woods and seen pickup trucks every 1/2 mile on the road. Why even be walking around with orange on opening day unless you have too do so. At times like that, when I check the season dates after I get home, that I realize I was out in the woods for most of a month the previous year during hunting season wearing but natural colors.


These things should be about choice. How many people get shot accidentally each year who do not have orange on? Very, very rare. Once more needless law. I suppose there would be a $100-$500 fine if you forgot to bring the orange, and there would be paid babysitters, cops, rangers monitors out there too?

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More importantly, to forestall the hunting accidents of greater frequency, ranchers/farmers should be required to clothe ALL their livestock in "hunter's orange".


Prototype of a small herd:





The final version is expected to have more duct tape and we'll get the cost under $100 bucks as it's mandatory and all. PS, sorry about one of the side effects but your McDonalds and Burger King Burgers will now cost double. The vegetarians are supportive of the orange raincoat initiative, I hear the rumor in the Olympia halls of power that they were so impressed with his "Running Fence" series that they are considering hiring Christo Oblique Christo reference on artcylopedia for a couple of million bucks...it's only money and you taxpayers have unlimited amounts of it.


Right Prole and JB?

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The nanny state has moved to Washington?


BTW, I've bagged going out when I went up into a normal vacant spot in the woods and seen pickup trucks every 1/2 mile on the road. Why even be walking around with orange on opening day unless you have too do so. At times like that, when I check the season dates after I get home, that I realize I was out in the woods for most of a month the previous year during hunting season wearing but natural colors.


These things should be about choice. How many people get shot accidentally each year who do not have orange on? Very, very rare. Once more needless law. I suppose there would be a $100-$500 fine if you forgot to bring the orange, and there would be paid babysitters, cops, rangers monitors out there too?


You're all assuming that this law is intended to protect hikers and such from being shot accidentally. Have you considered the possibility that this initiative is being promoted by the hunters, in order to make easier targets of all us tree-huggers?

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yah, common sense is not common. And grandpa strolling through the woods with a rifle looking for a little venison does not exist anymore either.

The 9 day modern rifle deer season is a bit hairy to say the least anymore. I sometimes do wear hunter orange during that time of year to give myself an extra edge. But hunting seasons for some kind of critter occur almost all year. Predator hunting for coyote and cougar can be anytime. Bird hunting, bear hunting, deer hunting, elk hunting, even snaffle_mouse hunting. So, although I do take precautions, I do have to agree with fairweather. Damn, I hate when that happens.

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Although you can't go wrong by just wearing a bit of hunter orange, you really need to be mostly concerned with MFA Deer season IMO.

Elk isn't really in the woods so much and are hunted later in the year so you usually see track in snow as well as have some clear lines of sight. Confusing the sounds of a bear with that of a human is very difficult, but not impossible, to do. Birders usually hunt with dogs and unless you smell like a bitch in heat you won't be what that dog points at.

Snaffle season, on the other hand, is something I didn't consider. What ever happened to the good old days of Carl Spackler? What have we come to?

Edited by archenemy
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I typically don’t go into areas were hunting is prevalent any more. I think if you hunt, then you should have a certificate or license that has to be renewed periodically by a test. Like a drivers licence. Maybe even a psych-eval too! I use to hunt and I remember this course I had to take in order to get my goose card. We had to watch videos on geese flying in different light and different aspects in order to show how difficult it was to identify the tav’s from the dusky’s (protected). It was very difficult! How does the hunting community’s ignorance become the rest of our problem. If they’re worried about shooting people, then they need to be trained how to hunt properly and be held accountable.

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