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Yup, real change is on the way!


No Change same old same old link


Well, at least the names of the players are changing, that's real.


Rahm Emmanuel is one of the most partisan and abrasive political hacks in the Democrat party. That promise of bipartisan cooperation and "unity" has already been tossed out the window. Uniter? Divider. Plus ca change...


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Bush warns of vulnerabilty during transition


Time to shut the fuck up, you incompetent shitheel.


It seems to me that Pres. Obama needs as much assistance and help as he can get. The budget needs to be submitted by Feb, a scant few weeks after the inauguration. I'm glad Bush is being so generous and helpful to get the guy up to speed with briefings etc etc. He could be locking the door, doing things his way, then blaming Barak when Barak is forced to deal with all the shit which would happen right after he first sits down in the chair.


That's my opinion....and you know what they say about opinions:-)

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Bush warns of vulnerabilty during transition


Time to shut the fuck up, you incompetent shitheel.


It seems to me that Pres. Obama needs as much assistance and help as he can get. The budget needs to be submitted by Feb, a scant few weeks after the inauguration. I'm glad Bush is being so generous and helpful to get the guy up to speed with briefings etc etc. He could be locking the door, doing things his way, then blaming Barak when Barak is forced to deal with all the shit which would happen right after he first sits down in the chair.


That's my opinion....and you know what they say about opinions:-)


Yeah, what a great guy...


So Little Time, So Much Damage


While Americans eagerly vote for the next president, here’s a sobering reminder: As of Tuesday, George W. Bush still has 77 days left in the White House — and he’s not wasting a minute.


President Bush’s aides have been scrambling to change rules and regulations on the environment, civil liberties and abortion rights, among others — few for the good. Most presidents put on a last-minute policy stamp, but in Mr. Bush’s case it is more like a wrecking ball. We fear it could take months, or years, for the next president to identify and then undo all of the damage.


Here is a look — by no means comprehensive — at some of Mr. Bush’s recent parting gifts and those we fear are yet to come.


CIVIL LIBERTIES We don’t know all of the ways that the administration has violated Americans’ rights in the name of fighting terrorism. Last month, Attorney General Michael Mukasey rushed out new guidelines for the F.B.I. that permit agents to use chillingly intrusive techniques to collect information on Americans even where there is no evidence of wrongdoing.


Agents will be allowed to use informants to infiltrate lawful groups, engage in prolonged physical surveillance and lie about their identity while questioning a subject’s neighbors, relatives, co-workers and friends. The changes also give the F.B.I. — which has a long history of spying on civil rights groups and others — expanded latitude to use these techniques on people identified by racial, ethnic and religious background.


The administration showed further disdain for Americans’ privacy rights and for Congress’s power by making clear that it will ignore a provision in the legislation that established the Department of Homeland Security. The law requires the department’s privacy officer to account annually for any activity that could affect Americans’ privacy — and clearly stipulates that the report cannot be edited by any other officials at the department or the White House.


The Justice Department’s Office of Legal Counsel has now released a memo asserting that the law “does not prohibit” officials from homeland security or the White House from reviewing the report. The memo then argues that since the law allows the officials to review the report, it would be unconstitutional to stop them from changing it. George Orwell couldn’t have done better.


THE ENVIRONMENT The administration has been especially busy weakening regulations that promote clean air and clean water and protect endangered species.


Mr. Bush, or more to the point, Vice President Dick Cheney, came to office determined to dismantle Bill Clinton’s environmental legacy, undo decades of environmental law and keep their friends in industry happy. They have had less success than we feared, but only because of the determined opposition of environmental groups, courageous members of Congress and protests from citizens. But the White House keeps trying.


Mr. Bush’s secretary of the interior, Dirk Kempthorne, has recently carved out significant exceptions to regulations requiring expert scientific review of any federal project that might harm endangered or threatened species (one consequence will be to relieve the agency of the need to assess the impact of global warming on at-risk species). The department also is rushing to remove the gray wolf from the endangered species list — again. The wolves were re-listed after a federal judge ruled the government had not lived up to its own recovery plan.


In coming weeks, we expect the Environmental Protection Agency to issue a final rule that would weaken a program created by the Clean Air Act, which requires utilities to install modern pollution controls when they upgrade their plants to produce more power. The agency is also expected to issue a final rule that would make it easier for coal-fired power plants to locate near national parks in defiance of longstanding Congressional mandates to protect air quality in areas of special natural or recreational value.


Interior also is awaiting E.P.A.’s concurrence on a proposal that would make it easier for mining companies to dump toxic mine wastes in valleys and streams.


And while no rules changes are at issue, the interior department also has been rushing to open up millions of acres of pristine federal land to oil and gas exploration. We fear that, in coming weeks, Mr. Kempthorne will open up even more acreage to the commercial development of oil shale, a hugely expensive and environmentally risky process that even the oil companies seem in no hurry to begin. He should not.


ABORTION RIGHTS Soon after the election, Michael Leavitt, the secretary of health and human services, is expected to issue new regulations aimed at further limiting women’s access to abortion, contraceptives and information about their reproductive health care options.


Existing law allows doctors and nurses to refuse to participate in an abortion. These changes would extend the so-called right to refuse to a wide range of health care workers and activities including abortion referrals, unbiased counseling and provision of birth control pills or emergency contraception, even for rape victims.



The administration has taken other disturbing steps in recent weeks. In late September, the I.R.S. restored tax breaks for banks that take big losses on bad loans inherited through acquisitions. Now we learn that JPMorgan Chase and others are planning to use their bailout funds for mergers and acquisitions, transactions that will be greatly enhanced by the new tax subsidy.


One last-minute change Mr. Bush won’t be making: He apparently has decided not to shut down the prison in Guantánamo Bay, Cuba — the most shameful symbol of his administration’s disdain for the rule of law.


Mr. Bush has said it should be closed, and his secretary of state, Condoleezza Rice, and his secretary of defense, Robert Gates, pushed for it. Proposals were prepared, including a plan for sending the real bad guys to other countries for trial. But Mr. Cheney objected, and the president has refused even to review the memos. He will hand this mess off to his successor.


We suppose there is some good news in all of this. While Mr. Bush leaves office on Jan. 20, 2009, he has only until Nov. 20 to issue “economically significant” rule changes and until Dec. 20 to issue other changes. Anything after that is merely a draft and can be easily withdrawn by the next president.


Unfortunately, the White House is well aware of those deadlines.

--from NYT 11/4/08

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Yup, real change is on the way!


No Change same old same old link


Well, at least the names of the players are changing, that's real.


Rahm Emmanuel is one of the most partisan and abrasive political hacks in the Democrat party. That promise of bipartisan cooperation and "unity" has already been tossed out the window. Uniter? Divider. Plus ca change...

like gw was such a uniter asswipe? so is your failed front runner. stop acting like a child and grow up wanker. maybe a party you support should come up with a decent program, decent candidates. ass whooping 2 years ago should have been a sign for your sorry asses, but you are so blind folded you didn't see it. ho you have now: BORA! First people you support should seal with the past. all time record high deficit, 2 wars and the worst economic crisis in 70 years. you deserve to be kicked to the curb and crawl back to the hole you crawled out of till you figure things out. for now fuck off and go listen to your clown- punch rush dumbo.

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Rahm Emmanuel is one of the most partisan and abrasive political hacks in the Democrat party. That promise of bipartisan cooperation and "unity" has already been tossed out the window. Uniter? Divider. Plus ca change...


That's the scathing attack I'd expect from you, KK. Been listening to KVI? Some of your friends over at American Prospect don't see it the same way. Ezra Klein



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Matt - Some of your friends at Tikkun are worried tho.....


Emanuel will almost certainly be protecting Obama from all of us spiritual progressives and those of us who describe ourselves as the Religious Left-so that our commitment to single-payer universal health care, carbon taxes for environmental protection, a Homeland Security strategy based on generosity and implemented through a Global Marshall Plan, will be unlikely to get a serious hearing in the White House.



The Rahm Emanuel selection is an early warning that the peace and justice agenda dropped by Obama after he won the Democratic nomination may be permanently on hold, and the progressives themselves may have to settle for “access” and flowery words at an inauguration address rather than the substance of change. For many of us, just the fact of having a brilliant young black man in the White House will be such a healing experience that we won’t care about this newly emerging reality: unless Obama creates some other path to access and to public input into his policies by those of us who helped build his electoral success, or unless we organize to do so outside the framework of his campaign organization, we may be in for lots of disappointments.


Michael Lerner

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This is not a sit back and see what happens now moment for the left. It's important for the constituencies that got him elected to remain mobilized to ensure that he "delivers the goods", the change he promised. The Obama Administration will need its feet held to the fire by the workers, the poor, and middle class that bought into the message. The economic meltdown may force his hand in a more progressive direction, even if the organized left is relatively weak outside of electoral politics since the DNC will have evaporated now that their guy is in.

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Rahm Emmanuel is one of the most partisan and abrasive political hacks in the Democrat party. That promise of bipartisan cooperation and "unity" has already been tossed out the window. Uniter? Divider. Plus ca change...


That's the scathing attack I'd expect from you, KK. Been listening to KVI? Some of your friends over at American Prospect don't see it the same way. Ezra Klein



Any moron can see that Rahm is a divisive asshole and a left-wing kool-aid drinker. Just like you.

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Rahm Emmanuel is one of the most partisan and abrasive political hacks in the Democrat party. That promise of bipartisan cooperation and "unity" has already been tossed out the window. Uniter? Divider. Plus ca change...


That's the scathing attack I'd expect from you, KK. Been listening to KVI? Some of your friends over at American Prospect don't see it the same way. Ezra Klein



Any moron can see that Rahm is a divisive asshole and a left-wing kool-aid drinker. Just like you.


on the other hand we can see what you drink- piss and vinegar- golden shower boy.

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Any moron can see that Rahm is a divisive asshole and a left-wing kool-aid drinker. Just like you.


Is it me or is the irony of that statement thick here-:-)


It's you. Mattp has proven himself a left-wing nut incapable of ever entertaining a POV different from his own, and consistently makes stupid accusations and fallacious attributions to other's with whom he is supposedly discussing an issue. Note the first thing he states in response to my comment. My comment did not attack a CC.com poster personally. His does. It's par for the course from that shithead. Business as usual. Unfortunately his party and it's adherents here on cc.com regularly engages in these tactics.


You, OTOH, strike me as a reasonable fellow, a critical thinker, and not really divisive at all. You are actually worth the effort. Mattp can fuck off.



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Perhaps what is scaring you right-wingers so much about Emanuel is GW's lack of intelligence and therefore his dogmatic adherence to Rove-isms. (What a great uniter he was.)


But consider that Obama is probably way smarter than Emanuel or Rove. He can consider the council given and see it as just one possible avenue.


Obama will be his own man. Not a puppet like GW or an actor like Reagan. Get on board now before you are proven woefully wrong again.


C'mon. You know you wnat to be on the winning team for once!

Edited by Bug
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Any moron can see that Rahm is a divisive asshole and a left-wing kool-aid drinker. Just like you.


Is it me or is the irony of that statement thick here-:-)


It's you. Mattp has proven himself a left-wing nut incapable of ever entertaining a POV different from his own, and consistently makes stupid accusations and fallacious attributions to other's with whom he is supposedly discussing an issue. Note the first thing he states in response to my comment. My comment did not attack a CC.com poster personally. His does. It's par for the course from that shithead. Business as usual. Unfortunately his party and it's adherents here on cc.com regularly engages in these tactics.


You, OTOH, strike me as a reasonable fellow, a critical thinker, and not really divisive at all. You are actually worth the effort. Mattp can fuck off.



Sorry K but YOU are one of the most abrasive personalities on this board.

The fact that you don't name names is a dodge. Your intent to degrade, seaths out of most of your posts.

It is sad that you cannot see this.

Edited by Bug
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Sorry K but YOU are one of the most abrasive personalities on this board.

The fact that you don't name names is a dodge. Your intent to degrade seaths out of most of your posts.

It is sad that you cannot see this.


I speak the truth and the truth hurts. Deal with it.


If you think you're guy's gonna get a free pass for 4 years, you are sadly mistaken.



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Any moron can see that Rahm is a divisive asshole and a left-wing kool-aid drinker. Just like you.


Is it me or is the irony of that statement thick here-:-)


It's you. Mattp has proven himself a left-wing nut incapable of ever entertaining a POV different from his own, and consistently makes stupid accusations and fallacious attributions to other's with whom he is supposedly discussing an issue. Note the first thing he states in response to my comment. My comment did not attack a CC.com poster personally. His does. It's par for the course from that shithead. Business as usual. Unfortunately his party and it's adherents here on cc.com regularly engages in these tactics.


You, OTOH, strike me as a reasonable fellow, a critical thinker, and not really divisive at all. You are actually worth the effort. Mattp can fuck off.



Sorry K but YOU are one of the most abrasive personalities on this board.

The fact that you don't name names is a dodge. Your intent to degrade, seaths out of most of your posts.

It is sad that you cannot see this.


no it's just his upbringing- in a barn. he was too busy shoving straw into his boots instead of developing independent thought. he is just a right wing indoctrinated commie. red all the way.

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Rahm Emmanuel is one of the most partisan and abrasive political hacks in the Democrat party. That promise of bipartisan cooperation and "unity" has already been tossed out the window. Uniter? Divider. Plus ca change...


That's the scathing attack I'd expect from you, KK. Been listening to KVI? Some of your friends over at American Prospect don't see it the same way. Ezra Klein



Any moron can see that Rahm is a divisive asshole and a left-wing kool-aid drinker. Just like you.

strange - i can't remember matt ever calling anyone a cock-sucker or generally acting like a miserable asshole - i DO remember him frequently and patiently explaining his viewpoints and trying to understand and debate those who disagree w/ him - i'd say he seems like you're pretty ideal free thinker (liberal though that might make me)


you think that being a flamehard makes you better?

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Any moron can see that Rahm is a divisive asshole and a left-wing kool-aid drinker. Just like you.


Is it me or is the irony of that statement thick here-:-)


It's you. Mattp has proven himself a left-wing nut incapable of ever entertaining a POV different from his own, and consistently makes stupid accusations and fallacious attributions to other's with whom he is supposedly discussing an issue. Note the first thing he states in response to my comment. My comment did not attack a CC.com poster personally. His does. It's par for the course from that shithead. Business as usual. Unfortunately his party and it's adherents here on cc.com regularly engages in these tactics.


You, OTOH, strike me as a reasonable fellow, a critical thinker, and not really divisive at all. You are actually worth the effort. Mattp can fuck off.



I don't think you read the stuff you write then, cause you called Matt a "divisive asshole and a left-wing kool-aid drinker" in your first statement when you say to him "Like you".


Then it went downhill. For you, not for Matt who didn't respond with a personal attack to yours. Dude, you should go re-read all that stuff, but especially the things you are saying, after you've cooled off a bit.

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