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McCain/Palin: zero economic credentials


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So I guess there's always a chance we'll continue the trend of putting in a head of state as dumb as a stump.


That is more or less my question in the foreign policy thread. Can someone win if they say things are not simple and we cannot beat the terrorists into submission or give tax breaks while balancing the budge or drill our way to energy independence?


Clearly, Obama is not completely adverse to giving pat "feel good" answers to political questions but, just as clearly, he IS much closer to "straight talk," no?

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When it comes to Foreign Policy, Eight years ago we (barely) elected a Governor from the State of Texas and a former Congressman to the White House. In spite of a dismal recored of pissing of the world over the first 4 years, they were re-elected.


Now our choices are two Senators or a Senator and the first term Alaskan Governor. If you do the math and add up the foreign policy experience of both teams, who has more?


Also, I think this same simple logic can be applied to their economic experience as well. The numbers indicating debt growth under Mayor/Governor Palin's watch have been verified. McCain, while admittedly not knowing much about economics has a pretty good record as fiscal conservative. However, he may have sold that record to get the nomination. We'll see.....

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If George, Washington is your idea of the average American town, well, then so is Wasilla.


Don't ever be takin' no shit about my main man Charlie Brown, amazing human being and founder of George (ie converted the land from a Pig Sty to a town). If any Charlie Brown relatives ever read this and ever have need for even the smallest of favors, you have but to ask. Turns out I inherited a debt which I would be more than happy to repay.


God Bless Charlie cause if it exists, he's up there in heaven.

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Clearly, Obama is not completely adverse to giving pat "feel good" answers to political questions but, just as clearly, he IS much closer to "straight talk," no?




Listen to that interview of McCain that is linked on one of these threads. Read the papers this week. Is there a basis for your "no?" You think we CAN "win" in Iraq? You think tax breaks for the wealthiest Americans will trickle down to you and me? You think we can drill our way to oil independence? You think Obama supported legislation directing that sex education be taught in Kindergarten?

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She's the most popular governor in America. Did you guys get that? Want me to repeat it?


We get it. Isn't it 80% of Alaskans love her? What does that say?


It says nothing. A monkey could be handed billions in surplus and divy it out and get 80% approval. The only thing I'll grant Palin as gov is she appears to be less corrupt than her predecessor, but that's not saying much.

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Hi! My name is Sarah! I'm from Alaska and like to kill things like moose, wolves and criminals, but never, ever an immature fetus! I've never actually traveled anywhere, except for a military base where I was surrounded by other people just like me the entire time. Jesus is my lord a personal savior, and I want to make sure he's yours too! My journalism degree is super useful when I need to talk to those reporters and things! You should vote for me, 'cause I am the prettiest girl in the 11th Grade, oops, I mean, toughest woman running for office!

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Puget and EricB don't want to talk about it, but I'll do some of their homework for them. Here's the recent lies I can think of:


McCain Lies

  • Obama wants to teach sex ed in kindergarten
  • Palin said thanks but no thanks to bridge from nowhere
  • Obama wants to raise your taxes
  • We can defeat the terrorists through military action
  • We can drill our way to oil independence


Obama Lies

  • McCain wants to stay in Iraq for 100 years
  • I can get us out of Iraq in 16 months without leaving a mess behind


This is just a start, based on a few short minutes' reflection. Can cc.com's fact checkers add to these lists?

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According to a storm of media reports, Palin's first interview has already fired a torpedo amidships into McCain's campaign. It's energized the Dems, and conservatives who have half a brain are seriously questioning his judgement, and rightfully so.


The woman's a joke. I predict, as I have for quite some time now, that McCain will go down in a landslide. Palin's the boat anchor that will ensure his place in Davey Jones' Locker.

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According to a storm of media reports, Palin's first interview has already fired a torpedo amidships into McCain's campaign. It's energized the Dems, and conservatives who have half a brain are seriously questioning his judgement, and rightfully so.


The woman's a joke. I predict, as I have for quite some time now, that McCain will go down in a landslide. Palin's the boat anchor that will ensure his place in Davey Jones' Locker.

I was in shock when Bush won a secoin trem,lost $20.00 to a Bush lover,who now is a Bush-basher for Ron Paul!! "McCain will go down in a landslide? I'm not putting money down for or against!!

But hope your right!






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I suspect that the degradation of America's educational system has taken it's toll. It's no secret that much of America now worships low culture (given the popularity of reality TV, etc) and distains education and intellectual or artistic pursuit. You're youngster who sees a dumbfuck like Bush get elected and you think "Fuck you, Teach. This fuck off never cracked a book. Didn't need to, he shoots from the hip!"


and gets it wrong every time, but whatever.


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Puget and EricB don't want to talk about it, but I'll do some of their homework for them. Here's the recent lies I can think of:


McCain Lies

  • Obama wants to teach sex ed in kindergarten
  • Palin said thanks but no thanks to bridge from nowhere
  • Obama wants to raise your taxes
  • We can defeat the terrorists through military action
  • We can drill our way to oil independence


Obama Lies

  • McCain wants to stay in Iraq for 100 years
  • I can get us out of Iraq in 16 months without leaving a mess behind


This is just a start, based on a few short minutes' reflection. Can cc.com's fact checkers add to these lists?


Still wondering if Puget or EricB will tell me how it is that they disagree with this.

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As Campaign Heats Up, Untruths Can Become Facts Before They're Undone

By Jonathan Weisman

Washington Post Staff Writer

Wednesday, September 10, 2008; A01


As the presidential campaign moves into a final, heated stretch, untrue accusations and rumors have started to swirl at a pace so quick that they become regarded as fact before they can be disproved. A number of fabrications about Palin's policies and personal life, for instance, have circulated on the Internet since she joined the Republican ticket.


Palin and John McCain, the GOP presidential nominee, have been more aggressive in recent days in repeating what their opponents say are outright lies. Almost every day, for instance, McCain says rival Barack Obama would raise everyone's taxes, even though the Democrat's tax plan exempts families that earn less than $250,000.

...John Feehery, a Republican strategist, said the campaign is entering a stage in which skirmishes over the facts are less important than the dominant themes that are forming voters' opinions of the candidates.


"The more the New York Times and The Washington Post go after Sarah Palin, the better off she is, because there's a bigger truth out there and the bigger truths are she's new, she's popular in Alaska and she is an insurgent," Feehery said. "As long as those are out there, these little facts don't really matter."


For now, there appears to be little political reason to back down. A Washington Post-ABC News poll taken Sept. 5 to Sept. 7 found that 51 percent of voters think Obama would raise their taxes, even though his plan would actually cut taxes for the overwhelming majority of Americans. Obama has proposed eliminating income taxes on seniors making less than $50,000 a year, but 41 percent of those seniors say their income taxes would go up in an Obama administration.

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