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What is the biggest issue on the table for voters?


For me it is the economy.

how about social security?, health care, energy policy, monetary policy for starters. what about military?




I said the "biggest". The others you listed are also very important. Something else on the list is holding the current administraion acountable. There really needs to be some jail time for bush and cheney. They have both broken the law.

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That's a pretty fuc*ed up thing to say Bob: rude as hell and a DAMN lie. FW has been consistent on his attitudes, he will not vote for a LIBERAL of any color, gender, race or creed. So he won't be voting for Hillary anytime soon either, but not because she wears a dress.


Bill, I agree that Bob has been rude and crude and I've posted that opinion more than once but I can't see how you could possibly defend Fairweather on this issue. He is in the top 1% of rude and crude on cc.com and he's posted all kinds of belligerent stuff that sounds like racism to me over the years. Again, Bob too scores high marks in the rude and crude collumn and I think it is all a rather distasteful business but Fairweather has been going after him as a homo commie who should go back to the old country so he pretty much deserves whatever flame he gets, doesn't he?


Matt - I would like you, Kevbone, or GGK to show where I've posted anything racist on this board--ever. Anything. You can't. Have I bashed on countries like Canada and Poland? Sure. But last time I checked that isn't racism--and the folks that inhabit those nations, for the most part, look a lot like you and me. Have I used the n-word like GGK, Tvash, and so many others often have? Never. I believe you and others are imprinting your wild hatred of conservatives--or Fairweather himself--into your stereotype and making assumptions that just aren't true (My thanks to Bill for noting this). I expect behavior like this from GGK and Kevbone, but not from a "moderator". Bitter about our health care discussion? No problem. Name calling? Not an issue. Rude and Crude and belligerent? (Like TTK's comments about the new VP's 'dumb kids'?) All part of Spray. But publically breaking out the racist card without ANYTHING to back it with is intellectually weak, at best. I think many here should examine the brushes with which they paint vis a vis race, and certain moderators (you) should reevaluate their standards in this regard. Matt, if you can show where I've ever made racist comments on this website (or anywhere!!) then you should ban me. Additionally, you should take note of the oft-ignored racist comments of those here with whom you are ideologically aligned. And, oh yea--Fuck Off.

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That's a pretty fuc*ed up thing to say Bob: rude as hell and a DAMN lie. FW has been consistent on his attitudes, he will not vote for a LIBERAL of any color, gender, race or creed. So he won't be voting for Hillary anytime soon either, but not because she wears a dress.


Bill, I agree that Bob has been rude and crude and I've posted that opinion more than once but I can't see how you could possibly defend Fairweather on this issue. He is in the top 1% of rude and crude on cc.com and he's posted all kinds of belligerent stuff that sounds like racism to me over the years. Again, Bob too scores high marks in the rude and crude collumn and I think it is all a rather distasteful business but Fairweather has been going after him as a homo commie who should go back to the old country so he pretty much deserves whatever flame he gets, doesn't he?


Matt - I would like you, Kevbone, or GGK to show where I've posted anything racist on this board--ever. Anything. You can't. Have I bashed on countries like Canada and Poland? Sure. But last time I checked that isn't racism--and the folks that inhabit those nations, for the most part, look a lot like you and me. Have I used the n-word like GGK, Tvash, and so many others often have? Never. I believe you and others are imprinting your wild hatred of conservatives--or Fairweather himself--into your stereotype and making assumptions that just aren't true (My thanks to Bill for noting this). I expect behavior like this from GGK and Kevbone, but not from a "moderator". Bitter about our health care discussion? No problem. Name calling? Not an issue. Rude and Crude and belligerent? (Like TTK's comments about the new VP's 'dumb kids'?) All part of Spray. But publically breaking out the racist card without ANYTHING to back it with is intellectually weak, at best. I think many here should examine the brushes with which they paint regarding race, and certain moderators should reevaluate their standards in this regard. Matt, if you can show where I've ever made racist comments on this website (or anywhere!!) then you should ban me. Additionally, you should take note of oft-ignored racist comments of those here with which you are ideologically aligned. And, oh yea--Fuck Off.



FW....if I called you a racist, I am sorry. I dont know you and really have nothing to back that up. Even if we dont agree.....

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That's a pretty fuc*ed up thing to say Bob: rude as hell and a DAMN lie. FW has been consistent on his attitudes, he will not vote for a LIBERAL of any color, gender, race or creed. So he won't be voting for Hillary anytime soon either, but not because she wears a dress.


Bill, I agree that Bob has been rude and crude and I've posted that opinion more than once but I can't see how you could possibly defend Fairweather on this issue. He is in the top 1% of rude and crude on cc.com and he's posted all kinds of belligerent stuff that sounds like racism to me over the years. Again, Bob too scores high marks in the rude and crude collumn and I think it is all a rather distasteful business but Fairweather has been going after him as a homo commie who should go back to the old country so he pretty much deserves whatever flame he gets, doesn't he?


Matt - I would like you, Kevbone, or GGK to show where I've posted anything racist on this board--ever. Anything. You can't. Have I bashed on countries like Canada and Poland? Sure. But last time I checked that isn't racism--and the folks that inhabit those nations, for the most part, look a lot like you and me. Have I used the n-word like GGK, Tvash, and so many others often have? Never. I believe you and others are imprinting your wild hatred of conservatives--or Fairweather himself--into your stereotype and making assumptions that just aren't true (My thanks to Bill for noting this). I expect behavior like this from GGK and Kevbone, but not from a "moderator". Bitter about our health care discussion? No problem. Name calling? Not an issue. Rude and Crude and belligerent? (Like TTK's comments about the new VP's 'dumb kids'?) All part of Spray. But publically breaking out the racist card without ANYTHING to back it with is intellectually weak, at best. I think many here should examine the brushes with which they paint regarding race, and certain moderators should reevaluate their standards in this regard. Matt, if you can show where I've ever made racist comments on this website (or anywhere!!) then you should ban me. Additionally, you should take note of oft-ignored racist comments of those here with which you are ideologically aligned. And, oh yea--Fuck Off.



FW....if I called you a racist, I am sorry. I dont know you and really have nothing to back that up. Even if we dont agree.....


Accepted and appreciated.

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Biggestes ISSUES for Bug.

Campaign Finance reform. Both candidates talk the talk. Lets see how the next president walks.

War against Terror vs terrorizing voters. We need an assertive military now that we have screwed teh pooch and given birth to a new generation of US haters. We also need to follow through on our commitments - find and prosecute Bin Laden (Republicans blew their whole mission here), Leave Iraq in a way that they approve of, Stop propagandizing al-quaida - THEY WANT US TO PUBLICIZE EVERYTHING THEY DO. We are empowering them on many levels.

Bring the deficit under control and turn the dollar around so gas prices will decrease and we can breath a little. The high gas prices have the same effect that higher taxes have on an economy. WE ARE BEING TAXED BY THE RICH.

Now that we are breathing, shift our focus to conservation - carpool incentives, light bulb efficiency, simple energy usage awareness. A little bit by everybody goes a loooong way.

Now that we have the economy back on track, spend some billions on new energy sources. DUH.

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What I said was that you post with a belligerent style that sounds like racism to me some times (I think this has included topics like middle eastern politics and native American whaling). You are right, though, that I don't recall your using the "n-word" and I'd have to say I don't recall your expressing racism toward blacks at all. My point was that you’ve pushed GGK’s buttons deliberately and with a crude and offensive demeanor that can only be expected to draw what you got. Sorry to offend.

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What I said was that you post with a belligerent style that sounds like racism to me some times (I think this has included topics like middle eastern politics and native American whaling). You are right, though, that I don't recall your using the "n-word" and I'd have to say I don't recall your expressing racism toward blacks at all. My point was that you’ve pushed GGK’s buttons deliberately and with a crude and offensive demeanor that can only be expected to draw what you got. Sorry to offend.


The exchanges between GGK and I are all in-kind, and I'm not sure which chicken came before which egg. Frankly, there are posters here far more annoying than GGK--who doesn't even bother making his attacks or trolls the least bit opaque. He's an easy button to push. Almost boring. But I think breaking out the racism card is ridiculous.

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Any more ridiculous than your blowing a gasget about being called an offensive name after you engage in personal attack and insult on a daily basis for five years almost without a break?
What are you talking about? Are you saying GGK's a real nice guy or something? Is this one of those world-according-to-Matt things again?
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Is this a carthartic attempt to make Spray a kindler, gentler place?


Let's not forget that it was GGK who came up the monickers 'assintake' and 'flushwater', or was it 'fuckwadder'...I can't remember. Anyway, both made me laugh out loud.


Anyway, if GGK was suddenly nice and FW was suddenly not a complete douchebag, the Spray universe would come apart at it's sub-atomic, sub-human seams.

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Is this a carthartic attempt to make Spray a kindler, gentler place?


Let's not forget that it was GGK who came up the monickers 'assintake' and 'flushwater', or was it 'fuckwadder'...I can't remember. Anyway, both made me laugh out loud.


Anyway, if GGK was suddenly nice and FW was suddenly not a complete douchebag, the Spray universe would come apart at it's sub-atomic, sub-human seams.


That's right! Or if TTK posted something NOT boorish and condescending or intended solely to promote his own ego, yea, that would ruin Spray too. :wazup::wave:

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That's right! Or if TTK posted something NOT boorish and condescending or intended solely to promote his own ego, yea, that would ruin Spray too. :wazup::wave:


Condenscending? Moi? It is to laugh! A manofthepeople such as myself couldn't possibly deign to condescend. To do so would be to imply that you are a person, of sorts, rather than the more proper classification of invertebrate. One doesn't condenscend to an invertebrate. One has no emotional or intellectual connection to it at all other than to discern whether it is to be discarded or eaten.


And what is ego? Is it a tic like need to appear right? Or a desire to entertain? Where do the needs to best your enemies come in or promulgate truth come in? Is, in fact, an online persona, without a physical embodiment to restrain it, all ego?


Now boorish; that suggests that any one of us can pull a clean turd from a septic tank.





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