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Obama's Speech


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FW has been consistent on his attitudes,


Thats right Bill. FW has been consistent with his conservitive bullshit right wing racist attitude. His type of thinking is what is wrong with our country.

all the right wing fuck nutz love their cheesus, hate jews, sweatbacks, niggers and foreigners. they also love their daddies, particularly in the tool shed behind the house.

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continuous output of enthusiasm and energy.


God I hate that. Good thing Karl Rove's around to "keep it real".


Obama's supporters are typically more emotional less reality-grounded.

Yeah, you are right, i'm so goddammed pissed off at the current republican administration that it will be a loooooong time before i'd consider another one...

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FW has been consistent on his attitudes,


Thats right Bill. FW has been consistent with his conservitive bullshit right wing racist attitude. His type of thinking is what is wrong with our country.

all the right wing fuck nutz love their cheesus, hate jews, sweatbacks, niggers and foreigners. they also love their daddies, particularly in the tool shed behind the house.


It's 'wetbacks', not 'sweatbacks', GGK.

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Thats right Bill. FW has been consistent with his conservitive bullshit right wing racist attitude. His type of thinking is what is wrong with our country.

all the right wing fuck nutz love their cheesus, hate jews, sweatbacks, niggers and foreigners. they also love their daddies, particularly in the tool shed behind the house.


Bob, I keep seeing some of these folks calling you a douchebag, so I don't think that you don't need to try and reinforce that image! :)

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That's a pretty fuc*ed up thing to say Bob: rude as hell and a DAMN lie. FW has been consistent on his attitudes, he will not vote for a LIBERAL of any color, gender, race or creed. So he won't be voting for Hillary anytime soon either, but not because she wears a dress.


Bill, I agree that Bob has been rude and crude and I've posted that opinion more than once but I can't see how you could possibly defend Fairweather on this issue. He is in the top 1% of rude and crude on cc.com and he's posted all kinds of belligerent stuff that sounds like racism to me over the years. Again, Bob too scores high marks in the rude and crude collumn and I think it is all a rather distasteful business but Fairweather has been going after him as a homo commie who should go back to the old country so he pretty much deserves whatever flame he gets, doesn't he?

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Bill, I agree that Bob has been rude and crude and I've posted that opinion more than once but I can't see how you could possibly defend Fairweather on this issue. He is in the top 1% of rude and crude on cc.com and he's posted all kinds of belligerent stuff that sounds like racism to me over the years. Again, Bob too scores high marks in the rude and crude collumn and I think it is all a rather distasteful business but Fairweather has been going after him as a homo commie who should go back to the old country so he pretty much deserves whatever flame he gets, doesn't he?


You agree with this one below too?


Thats right Bill. FW has been consistent with his conservitive bullshit right wing racist attitude. His type of thinking is what is wrong with our country.

all the right wing fuck nutz love their cheesus, hate jews, sweatbacks, niggers and foreigners. they also love their daddies, particularly in the tool shed behind the house.


Anyhow, I missed FW dissing that kind of verbage but I'm staying out of it. Seems to me that we all want whats best for our loved ones and our country, and that the disagreements folks tend to have, tend to be on how best to achieve that very thing. Which means we are all deserving of better from each other than letting the conversations slide so fast into name calling. I suspect if they were sitting around a campfire, this could be worked out fairly fast.


I'd better just get out of spray.

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That's a pretty fuc*ed up thing to say Bob: rude as hell and a DAMN lie. FW has been consistent on his attitudes, he will not vote for a LIBERAL of any color, gender, race or creed. So he won't be voting for Hillary anytime soon either, but not because she wears a dress.


that's the load of shit. he stated clearly several times he has an issue with my birthplace. he also stated several times his dislike of people different from Caucasians. imo he is a product of a dogfuck.

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That's a pretty fuc*ed up thing to say Bob: rude as hell and a DAMN lie. FW has been consistent on his attitudes, he will not vote for a LIBERAL of any color, gender, race or creed. So he won't be voting for Hillary anytime soon either, but not because she wears a dress.


that's the load of shit. he stated clearly several times he has an issue with my birthplace. he also stated several times his dislike of people different from Caucasians. imo he is a product of a dogfuck.


dude, calm down. it is frustrating when someone spouts all manner of assertive statements, but fails most of the time to back them or even engage those who ask questions.


but all he's trying to do is get this sort of reaction from you. so don't oblige him. let it go. count to ten. whatever.

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Bill I'm not defending GGK. I think all the posturing and name calling is not only distasteful, but it really reflects rather poorly on the character of the individuals involved. But some think it is "clever" or "spirited."


In the case of these two, I doubt GGK and Fairweather would end up all lovey dovey even if they did share a campfire but you never know: I've actually greatly enjoyed climbing with some folks who I have found way over the line on cc.com.

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BTW, I thought that the way Obama handled himself in the primary was inspiring. He could have done negative attacks all day long to good effect but he said he wasn't going to do it, and he didn't go there. Far as that goes, I thought his response to the recent Swiftboat style attack (the Weatherman issue) was awesome and inspiring as well. I wish Kerry had spit it back in Bush's face like that. It's one thing to have a real issue (Bill Clinton's dalliances and Arkansas state trooper issues for instance) that get brought out, it's another to pull Willie Horton out of the playbook.

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BTW, I thought that the way Obama handled himself in the primary was inspiring. He could have done negative attacks all day long to good effect but he said he wasn't going to do it, and he didn't go there. Far as that goes, I thought his response to the recent Swiftboat style attack (the Weatherman issue) was awesome and inspiring as well. I wish Kerry had spit it back in Bush's face like that. It's one thing to have a real issue (Bill Clinton's dalliances and Arkansas state trooper issues for instance) that get brought out, it's another to pull Willie Horton out of the playbook.


Willie Horton was 100% legit.


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