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John Edwards Slime Ball


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I realize that sex is nobody's business, but here's a guy who's popular with the libtards, likes to lecture everone about social morality, and has secretly fathered a child with another woman while his wife is fighting cancer for her life. What a class act. At least Newt had the balls to divorce his dying wife and not just sneak around. Only a hair more classy, IMO. Does one become a politician first and a philanderer second, or do I have that backward? Either way, the populists and union thugs can give up on the idea of Goldie Locks becoming Obama's V.P. choice.

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not that i would put it past any politician, am i correct in understanding that you are basing this accusation on a story reported only by the National Enquirer? thats interesting. what about Micheal Jackson's alien lover?


i'm not saying it isn't true, but it seems a little early to get out the torches and pitchforks.

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I get all my news from the Enquirer. Its more entertaining than the main stream media. ;)


I can't speak for the Limbaugh case as I somehow missed the Enquirer story there myself (as I missed this one). But that is an interesting perspective...you can speak for what you say, correct? And because of the Limbaugh case you're justified here?


Or perhaps you're just trolling...this is just another day in spray after all.

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I realize that sex is nobody's business,


I need to speed dial Monika Lewinsky, Dan Rostinkoski, Larry Craig and Gary Hart to confirm this.



but here's a guy who's popular with the libtards, likes to lecture everone about social morality, and has secretly fathered a child with another woman while his wife is fighting cancer for her life.


I thought Edwards being an ambulance chaser-product liability litagator should have tipped you off about this lack of ethics and morality years ago? Why the shock?


What a class act. At least Newt had the balls to divorce his dying wife and not just sneak around. Only a hair more classy, IMO. Does one become a politician first and a philanderer second, or do I have that backward? Either way, the populists and union thugs can give up on the idea of Goldie Locks becoming Obama's V.P. choice.


You sound bitter, take a cleansing breath. Hillary (the real Goldilocks) has the lock on it anyway, except shes doing the haridresser chick with a classic "Fur Trader" thing is that rumor. She'll get Obama to eat the special Mushroom soup and all will be well with her as pres. You'll see, "right as rain"

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I realize that sex is nobody's business, but here's a guy who's popular with the libtards, likes to lecture everone about social morality, and has secretly fathered a child with another woman while his wife is fighting cancer for her life. What a class act. At least Newt had the balls to divorce his dying wife and not just sneak around. Only a hair more classy, IMO. Does one become a politician first and a philanderer second, or do I have that backward? Either way, the populists and union thugs can give up on the idea of Goldie Locks becoming Obama's V.P. choice.


Just wait. There'll be dirt on Obamalama and all the libtards will backtread on their attacks on McCain and his divorce.

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