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When doing something is worse than doing nothing


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Just curious: do you guys really have a problem with substantive discussion? KK was going to explain to me how McCain is so much more about alternative energy development than Obama and now you've scared him off. I really wanna know because maybe I shouldn't overlook the guy.

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Can we talk about climbing now?



Why? Half of these people dont even climb...... :wazup:


It's true. My left side dangles uselessly during ascents. That may explain the extreme suckage of my rock climbing ability.



You set this up for this......."you may suck, but are you having fun"?

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...but the greens care about the price of food on the world market and impacts on the poor WAY more than those of "your ilk" ...


Care to back-up any of your emo statements with fact? Sure, you're all for government action - always. But, have you taken anymore effort than is required to move your lips or to finger your keyboard? You'll find the "ilk" you denigrate to be the greatest donors to charitable organizations in addition to their tax expenditures.

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I referred to that "ilk" because that is Fairweather and KK's favaorite word to bandy about when they are accusing liberals of being divisive.


As far as donating goes, I have seen it argued that conservatives donate more to charity or some such thing - or at least they report more on their tax returns - but I'm not so sure that such claims have been made when it comes to working in relief organizations.


As to politics (and we are talking about presidential candidates here, you are a whack job if you think the republicans stand for "compassionate conservatism." Is that like the Klu Klux Klan approach to racial harmony? We've already had that discussion.


OH: and as far as government action vs inaction? Doing something in Iraq was clearly worse than doing nothing would have been. In the case of our oil economy even your buddy KK seems to support some form of "government action" and not just a free market solution. I heartily disapprove of many actions our government has taken over the last 7 1/2 years as well you may also. Its a matter of perspective, no?

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...but the greens care about the price of food on the world market and impacts on the poor WAY more than those of "your ilk" ...


Care to back-up any of your emo statements with fact? Sure, you're all for government action - always. But, have you taken anymore effort than is required to move your lips or to finger your keyboard? You'll find the "ilk" you denigrate to be the greatest donors to charitable organizations in addition to their tax expenditures.


Dimwit with a broad brush.

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Is is going to be an interesting election if the Republican fanatics are going to claim that McCain is more likely to support alternative energy development than Obama, Obama tries to promote himself as the candidate of faith and family values, and folks suggest that conservatives who have voted against every possible welfare or headstart or blah blah blah program and promote notions of social Darwinism actually care more about poor people than liberals.



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Is is going to be an interesting election if the Republican fanatics are going to claim that McCain is more likely to support alternative energy development than Obama, Obama tries to promote himself as the candidate of faith and family values, and folks suggest that conservatives who have voted against every possible welfare or headstart or blah blah blah program and promote notions of social Darwinism actually care more about poor people than liberals.



Obama may jerk off to "An Inconvenient Truth" but that doesn't mean he will get it done. I have seen not one idea how he is going to impliment his plan in Iraq (the most important issue to the American public). This leads me to believe two things:


1) He doens't give a fuck about the American public.


2) He is all talk and can have the biggest hard-on for mother nature since Showgirls; that doesn't correlate into energy independance anymore than Kev or Prole posing a picture of Pam Anderson makes them straight.

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