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2nd Amendment freedoms restored in National Parks?


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you couldn't remember if he made the statement or not, so you just accused him of it anyway? WTF, dude. :noway:


There's that reading comprehension problem again. I wrote "I THINK he has done both." I knew and indicated that I wasn't sure. And he's corrected me - so now his reputation for honesty and obeying the law remains intact.


Matt, I THINK you batter women. Care to comment on that?



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Matt, I THINK you batter women. Care to comment on that?




Someone is posting under the influence (PUI)


Are you two really that dense?


Matt made two baseless accusations against FW just for the hell of it. Then he tried to explain away the accusations "I think you said you did that". Lame.


My question was meant to illustrate that - hey, let's make up something totally random, and accuse YOU of it. How would YOU feel?

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I thought we had an intelligent discussion going on there for a while. Oh well...


Sorry to spoil your day there, Halifax. I took Fairweather's bait and I shudda known better. I do think our various interpretations of the Bill of Rights are worthy of discussion, though. The right to carry guns in a National Park is certainly a topic of interest to those of us who visit the parks regularly.

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I thought we had an intelligent discussion going on there for a while. Oh well...


Sorry to spoil your day there, Halifax. I took Fairweather's bait and I shudda known better. I do think our various interpretations of the Bill of Rights are worthy of discussion, though.


there were already lots of good points in the thread.


we have a constitutional right to bear arms, and there are limitations to that right. is one valid limitation to prohibit firearms in NPs? I think so - but several folks here don't.



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That's because the fringe element here on the right can't quite wrap their pointy little heads around the idea that their guns have done nothing to protect our nation or its Constitution from the ravages of the traitors currently inhabiting the Whitehouse.


With regard to hijacking, the carnage resulting from the actions of a few fundamentalist extremist have been fairly comparable whether you are talking about the World Trade Center or the destruction of the GOP. The real difference is that the far right neocons in the administration have damaged our nation in ways OBL can only dream of.

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I thought we had an intelligent discussion going on there for a while. Oh well...


Sorry to spoil your day there, Halifax. I took Fairweather's bait and I shudda known better. I do think our various interpretations of the Bill of Rights are worthy of discussion, though.


there were already lots of good points in the thread.




none of which were made by you.

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That's because the fringe element here on the right can't quite wrap their pointy little heads around the idea that their guns have done nothing to protect our nation or its Constitution from the ravages of the traitors currently inhabiting the Whitehouse.


With regard to hijacking, the carnage resulting from the actions of a few fundamentalist extremist have been fairly comparable whether you are talking about the World Trade Center or the destruction of the GOP. The real difference is that the far right neocons in the administration have damaged our nation in ways OBL can only dream of.



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That's because the fringe element here on the right can't quite wrap their pointy little heads around the idea that their guns have done nothing to protect our nation or its Constitution from the ravages of the traitors currently inhabiting the Whitehouse.


With regard to hijacking, the carnage resulting from the actions of a few fundamentalist extremist have been fairly comparable whether you are talking about the World Trade Center or the destruction of the GOP. The real difference is that the far right neocons in the administration have damaged our nation in ways OBL can only dream of.


Geeez, Joe. You sound just plain crazy talkin that kind of nonsense. Just plain crazy. With your background and ability to tell a story, I would love to hear your thoughts about LBJ v GWB--I really would (Sincerely). But any point worthy to the degree that it could change my view would likely just be lost to your conspiratorial and hate-filled rantings.

Edited by Fairweather
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Matt, I THINK you batter women. Care to comment on that?




Someone is posting under the influence (PUI)


Are you two really that dense?


Matt made two baseless accusations against FW just for the hell of it. Then he tried to explain away the accusations "I think you said you did that". Lame.


My question was meant to illustrate that - hey, let's make up something totally random, and accuse YOU of it. How would YOU feel?


That wasn't directed to you. Are you always so quick to assume you are being slighted?

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Geeez, Joe. You sound just plain crazy talkin that kind of nonsense.


Crazy maybe but he's right. The Bush Administration is allowing their cronies to help themselves to the Federal treasury while bankrupting us, they've seriously crippled our National defense, squandered international prestige, destroyed the credibility of such vulnerable institutions as the Department of Justice and FEMA, and they've given Al Queda the biggest break they've ever had. You and KK may call that irrational hate but you're calling for Clinton to be jailed over an arms deal?

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sorry, on a gibbon-bender this morning:


on the decline and fall of the roman empire, and substituting "military-industrial complex" for "soldiers":


"but the tyrant's avarice, stimulated by the insatiate desires of the military-industrial complex, at length attacked the public property...the MI-complex, among whom this sacrilegious plunder was distributed, recieved it with a blush; and, hardened as they were in acts of violence, they dreaded the just reproaches of their friends and relations."

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The Western Empire fell in the year 476 A.D. Perhaps the premier cause for this decline was a massive economic crisis. The second cause for the decline of the Western Roman Empire was the generals of the military were creating private armies. The third reason for the decline was that the military and government were losing the loyalty of the Roman citizens.
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Let's see - yep, completely crazy, and of course that would mean that according to you sane far-right republicans that none of the follow has really happened and that these traditions, rights, and institutions of our nation have not been systematically or inadvertantly demolished by the Bush administration:


Separation of Powers - check

Right to Privacy - check

Habeas Corpus - check

U.S. Security - check

Active Military - check

Reserves - check

Guard - check

Material Resouces - check

Veterans Benefits - check

Foreign Relations - check

International Treaties (Esp. Geneva Conventions) - check

U.S. Economy - check

U.S. Currency (Value)- check

U.S. Currency (Dominance)- check

U.S. Federal Agencies (Professional Staffing) - check

U.S. Federal Agencies (Oversight / Consumer Protection) - check

U.S. Federal Agencies (Science-based Policy) - check

National Archives (Executive Records and Email) - check

State Banking Oversight - check

State Insurance Oversight - on deck

State Enviromental Oversight - check

State Rights - check


Yep - crazy as a loon. True, none of this rises to the level of damage wrought on our nation by a blow job, but it still tends to raise hackles among anyone with half a wit and a hint of a clue. Unless of course, you swallowed the entire rig long ago. The only real questions left are how many members of this administration seek unspecified and broad presidential pardons before Bush leaves office and which corporations they end up working for in the future.


The list above constitutes a wishlist OBL could only have dreamed of and is the basis for my clearly insane consideration of these men as traitors and unindicted felons.


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Of course, if these guys are going to be allowed to legally carry firearms into the National Parks it will all prove to have been worth it. What's a little loss of liberty and national defense capability when we're talking about FREEDOM.



(personally, I think some folks around here have their values

a little upside down)

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Let's see - yep, completely crazy, and of course that would mean that according to you sane far-right republicans that none of the follow has really happened and that these traditions, rights, and institutions of our nation have not been systematically or inadvertantly demolished by the Bush administration:


Separation of Powers - check

Right to Privacy - check

Habeas Corpus - check

U.S. Security - check

Active Military - check

Reserves - check

Guard - check

Material Resouces - check

Veterans Benefits - check

Foreign Relations - check

International Treaties (Esp. Geneva Conventions) - check

U.S. Economy - check

U.S. Currency (Value)- check

U.S. Currency (Dominance)- check

U.S. Federal Agencies (Professional Staffing) - check

U.S. Federal Agencies (Oversight / Consumer Protection) - check

U.S. Federal Agencies (Science-based Policy) - check

National Archives (Executive Records and Email) - check

State Banking Oversight - check

State Insurance Oversight - on deck

State Enviromental Oversight - check

State Rights - check

All these "demolished"?


The list above constitutes a wishlist OBL could only have dreamed of and is the basis for my clearly insane consideration of these men as traitors and unindicted felons.

Your impassioned extremism sounds much like that of the Islamic extremist letter posted to inform by BillCoe.



...tends to raise hackles among anyone with half a wit and a hint of a clue.

Sorry to say, but this sentiment sounds the most accurate.




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Ok... Guns in National Parks. Good idea?




Why? It is not like you can go shooting in the Park. So why would you bring your gun to the Park? I think gun toting is pretty stupid unless you got a purpose like going out and hunting (and no self defense is not purpose either).

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I've shot guns at targets a handful of times. It is fun, but there are other alternatives to guns.


You can have tons of fun with BB guns, and they give you the same, but safer, thrill. All you need is a fence a pile of empty aluminum beer or soda cans and a few BB guns. Back a few months ago a group of friends had an excellent competition standing around a fire and plugging beer cans at a party. One good thing is you can keep setting the empties back up for more blasting.


As far as real guns go if you have a hunting license then you should have places to go where you can hunt with a gun, but I see no reason for anyone other than a ranger to pack heat in a National Park.


As far as hunting goes guns are fine, but you get a lot bigger points in my book if you hunt with a bow and even bigger points still if you hunt with a long bow. Now there's a real skill with thousands of years of tradition.

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