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I'm not changing the conversation, the thread forked at what Matt posted, which I found infinitely more interesting than the thread topic before that. Please go back and review every thread in spray...it happens in almost every thread. The conversation goes to another topic. I have nothing to say about what happened previously in this thread. Get over that.


I fail to see how I'm being partisan here. I'm actually concerned about the elections, regardless which political party it applies too. How is that partisan? How is that "leftist"?



C'mon Porter, you know that if you aren't totally in synch with the agenda from the political right you are a left-winger democratic partisan, mmmkay?


Some of the posters on this site are pretty good about debate and are willing to look at all sides of an issue. Then there are those, well nuff said.

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sorry, porter, to leave you hanging but I had to ride home, and do some stuff.


you don't care about what I think about your POV anyways, right? :rolleyes: seems funny since you were hanging on to every one of my posts though. :wave:


thanks for your regular dose of passive aggressive superciliousness, and drama-queen posturing. I assume that was for real, but it could just be your wise-acre persona. it's so hard to tell. really quality stuff above. Gee, I really want to continue this conversation with you. it's so important to me. not.


have a good night dude.



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i don't care what the others are saying about you KaskadskyjKozak, i care about you. but then i care about most people, and in particular I care about family of people that post on this board. but i also care about what you say about me. i don't mind being told my ideas are bullshit (not that i won't defend them), but you go out of the way to label and categorize me so that you can hurl these insults you gathered that fit your definition of what is wrong with the country or with politics you oppose. i see you posting challenges to people on this board with political ideas possibly opposed to yours, and its the same vocabulary, its the same schtick, time after time. of course you are not the only one the is guilty of this (it happens all over the political spectrum here), but you are the only one attacking me for simply refuting a your dismissal of an interesting and controversial fact.


i challenge you to find an instance where i have labeled or categorized you. i might point out an idea that is contrary to your "POV", but I guarantee that anything that be construed as a personal attack was something that was done in jest. This would be the closest I have come to insulting you, but I gave you a way out:

i'm perfectly willing to be humble and admit where I'm wrong. but I don't need to do that in this case, because, I'm not wrong. How is it "one-sided, myopic, black-and-white-my-side-right-good-and-swell-your-side-bad-evil-wrong as can be."? Do tell me of the virtues of Esser! I'm all ears and prepared to humbly admit I was wrong. But unless you produce, you're full of shit and I don't appreciate your baseless name calling.
or maybe this
as for your licksack comment, its pretty well documented that tired phrase only makes you look like an idiot, but continue using it if you want to drive that point home.


and for the record I apologize for the above statements, even if they are not direct, baseless insults but rather responses to your barrage. it would be nice if that will result in you admitting that you have not only miscatagorized me, or that you have also undeservedly attacked me for the crime of changing the conversation, but frankly given your record i don't expect it.



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JayB, I know you might not have the time, but I would love to hear your critique of what Obama has to say here. It would seem that here is a candidate that should appeal to a person who is grounded in reason and rationale. How does he compare to the other candidates in your opinion. I think there are many unknowns, and it might be that because the current president lacks oratory skill that makes Obama seem so smart. maybe it is because of 8 years of mangled english and what i perceive as illogical thought (i could make a list, but you probably know what i'm talking about). but this guy just seems logical, pragmatic, and everything you would want in a president.


I want to hear a reasoned, rational argument as to why Barack would not make a good president. This is a pretty long video but it does provide quite a bit of insight. I know there are the usual divisive arguments that could be made (he'll be pro-abortion, he will "surrender to the terrorists", etc), but this is some of the more sound thinking i have heard myself (its a long speech, and then a Q&A), including the idea of a fiscally responsible government. It seems like a return to reason to me. I don't care if you list the basic divisive arguements if that is all you have, but curious to hear from someone who appears to be a "thinking conservative".

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I agree. Her actions are juvenile. It seems to be legal, if you only vote once. As to whether or not it poisons the process for the rest us, I disagree. The process is already poisoned and corrupt (though better than smoke filled rooms).

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I sure hope he wins the nomination. It would be a shame if he never even got a vote. I don't fucking trust Hillary, she's just another politician.


I continue to be torn. I'm supporting Obama because I find him a lot more interesting and I believe that he will probably make a better president and certainly a better figurehead. But Hilary does pretty well in debates and in actual policy discussions I like her a little better.


One of the big problems I have with her, though, is her statement that "I wouldn't have voted to authorize the war powers if I knew then what I knew now." That is 100% crap. Anybody who read the newspapers at the time KNEW that Bush was lying about the threat posed by Saddam, the connection between Iraq and 911, and basically everything related to the need to invade. They also knew that most of the rest of the world was against it.


Is Hilary "more electable?" I don't know. And then there's this: if we're talking purely pragmatics, I sometimes wonder if we might not be better off having a Republican president inherit the mess that Bush is leaving behind so the Democrats don't get blamed for it. Might we be well served with a weak Republican president for 4 years, and a strong Democratic majority in Congress?

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I agree. Her actions are juvenile. It seems to be legal, if you only vote once. As to whether or not it poisons the process for the rest us, I disagree. The process is already poisoned and corrupt (though better than smoke filled rooms).


I know this might shock and upset some here, but it looks like I might get stuck at work until after the polls close tomorrow night. It all depends on the whims of the employees of a major software corporation based in Redmond, Washington at this point.


I am still optimistic that I will get done with work in time, just to upset and irritate folks who think I am commiting a terribly wrong and immoral act. Take solace in the fact that I have crossed parties in many primaries prior to this, if nothing else. It is within my rights to leave work early in order to vote, but I'm not willing to turn down the O/T just to make a point, at this point. It seems I've already made my point.



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My dad votes republican sometimes, but I don't think there's a racist bone in his body.


I take this back after having spoken to my dad, by the way.



My dad, too. :(


You're dad's playing the racist card too? That sucks. Being middle aged, I thought I already knew all the annoying crap that makes my parents, well, human.


I thought my dad was more evolved than this, and it bums me out too. :(

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