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Legend of the Ronny


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BTW, Porter, Huckabee is a fucking idiot. Romney is a member of a cult. Neither of them would beat Obama or Hillary in a general election.


hahaha...exactly what i thought of when i saw that. that or dukakis in that tank.


That's a Filson Outfitter tin cloth coat he's sporting there, MFers. I just snagged one of those on Craigslist, so don't be making fun of it. The thing could stop a shotgun blast, which, as we all know, is a pretty useful feature when hunting with politicos.


What's this about me wanting somebody to put a couple of rounds in Bush's head? Why would any assassin worth their salt do that? I would think any professional would aim for a more vital organ. Besides, my wishes for Mr. Bush include a protacted, extremely inconveniencing case of prostate cancer which will require very invasive surgery.

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That sort of thing is clearly hyperbole, I find it far more disturbing when posters here advocate violence towards other board members.



Oh, you must have mistaken my hyperbolic statement about slapping No13's head for true intent. :rolleyes:


No, I didn't. Just to be clear, I wasn't making any inference about you when I said that about violent threats from posters, I was speaking in historical terms. As an old timer, you should get that.

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The point of my posts was to point out that it doesn't matter whether the politicians are republican or democratic, neither party has been able to demonstrate any proficiency with guns or hunting in their attempts to warm up to the voters. They are all idiots who have spent too much time inside the beltway and I wouldn't hunt with any of them. I suspect that Harry Whittington (Prezident Cheney's hunting partner)would agree. Ronnie Raygun connected with people and convinced people he was one of them (he should got the Oscar for that acting). The rest of these sad sacks can only try to look like average joes. I expected Fred to do a better job since he is a professional actor, but I think he is bored with the role.


Since you didn't like 13's attempt to make the current prez (the commander guy, the decider, the guy in the flight suit who said we had reached the end of hositilities bbi21262%20p2.jpg ) look like a dolt, you might enjoy this attempt to belittle the former "first spouse" ( my new PC term for the prez's spouse, since heaven forbid we might end up with the first philander, Billy Boy).


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Yes Hugh, for the seventeenth year running, my wife and I made good on our tradition of going for a hike somewhere we've never been before on New Years Day. We passed a crew with about 200 motorcycles and a similar tradition, but I think theirs is to go to a bar where they've never drunk before.


It wasn't the sunny and balmy 51 degree day the weather yahoos promised last night though.

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:tup: Both are funny and benign. And unlike the juvenile No.13, you've never struck me as a member of the Excessively Obsessed With Bushrage cadre. For the record, any death threat against GW - implied or overt - is in poor taste, if not illegal. Nazi associations or reference is in very poor taste - and just plain wrong historically. And the whole chimp thing is just getting older by the day. But I do like that doll! Know where I can get one?
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Nazi associations or reference is in very poor taste - and just plain wrong historically.


As such all communist references by the tighty-whitey-righty bunch are declared null and void.


The fact that legitimate historical contextual connections cannot be made between Nazis and Bush does not mean that connections between communists and certain modern leftist ideals are invalid. In fact, a few posters here on this site proudly proclaim just such an affiliation.

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FW, your picture of the "historical record" illustrates the very inspiration for the cold war, an unprecedented demonstration of destructive power by the U.S. that "enabled" (an understatement) communist opposition and a massive proliferation of nuclear weapons.


Now anyone who declares themselves a "insert stupid symbolic name here" is a fool for obvious reasons, and I challenge you to show evidence of anyone here claiming "communist" affiliation. In any case, please tell me what is uniquely (or even remotely in practice) "communist" about the ideal of [non-violently] opposing dishonest, violently imperialistic elements in one's own country?


Tell me this: who should be proud of the use of nuclear weapons in any context? Or do you expect us to believe that the only thing that the detonation of your bomb enabled was the advancement of science?

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Does communism somehow occupy the same low moral plane as Nazism now? Advocating a collective economic system and eventual withering away of the state now shares a level in Hell with genocide? Which idiot on this forum came up with that gem?


It's place is actually much, much lower - if you're simply going by the body count - unless you consider innocent men, women, and children being worked or starved to death somehow better than the Nazi methodism. If you would care to pick up a book on twentieth century history .... oh, never mind.

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or if you consider innocent men, women, and children being worked or starved to death somehow better than the Nazi methodism.


If you would care to pick up a book on twentieth century history .... you would realize forced labor, starvation and execution was a Nazi methodism.


oh, never mind.

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FW, your picture of the "historical record" illustrates the very inspiration for the cold war, an unprecedented demonstration of destructive power by the U.S. that "enabled" (an understatement) communist opposition and a massive proliferation of nuclear weapons.


Seriously. How old are you? And from what pap did you digest this fiction?


...I challenge you to show evidence of anyone here claiming "communist" affiliation....


Here's one for you:





Tell me this: who should be proud of the use of nuclear weapons in any context? Or do you expect us to believe that the only thing that the detonation of your bomb enabled was the advancement of science?
Are you serious? For all the ugliness, the entire Cold War advanced science. The particular nuke-test in question here only proved that underwater nuclear weapons were NOT very effective against a potentially threatening naval flotilla. Only 14 of 130 ships sunk or seriously damaged. Is it possible you should stick to chemistry and leave history/politics alone?
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The particular nuke-test in question here only proved that underwater nuclear weapons were NOT very effective against a potentially threatening naval flotilla. Only 14 of 130 ships sunk or seriously damaged. Is it possible you should stick to chemistry and leave history/politics alone?


Yes, that's why our navy deploys no tactical nuclear torpedoes (which detonate on proximity, not contact, typically). They're just not effective. :grlaf: Having studied the effects of nuclear weapons on warships and been through NBC drills on them, it was made very clear to me in training that tactical nuclear torpedoes, which detonate underwater, are quite lethal. Even the crude Baker Test destroyed 8 (not 14) out of nearly 100 (not 120) ships with one blast: a mere 11 hapharzardly placed nuclear torpedoes could have sunk the entire flotilla. No, not effective at all.


Now that the idiot has identified itself, perhaps it can explain to the ignorant proletariat the difference between communism, which does not, as a system, condone or require genocide (one can be a peaceful, egalitarian communist) and Nazism, which does (one cannot be a peaceful, egalitarian Nazi). Or can it not distinguish between historical instances and political philosophies? If not, then it must also condemn capitalism and democracy, which has also been responsible for the death of millions. Speak, idiot! We await enlightenment!


PS The idiot fails to recognize that initial blast effects are not the only mode of lethality for nuclear weapons. Nearly all of the ships exposed during the Baker Test were highly contaminated afterwards, which certainly would have severely curtailed operations had it been a real flotilla.

Edited by tvashtarkatena
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That makes two idiots who can't discern the difference between an inherently violent political philosophy and one that is not.


By way of example, Democracy caused the escalation of the Vietnam war in the early 60s (after all, if we hadn't ordered the bombing and troops, there would have been no large scale conflict), which eventually killed 1.5 million Vietnamese and caused enough regional instability to kill hundreds of thousands of Laotians and Cambodians, therefore Democracy, and not a historical instance (manifestation) of Democracy, is inherently violent. Is that how the logic goes? Or do we have a software engineer who doesn't understand what an 'instance' is?


Help me out here, I'm just trying to think below the empty box. Because when I talk to a communist, I can't assume that I'm conversing with someone who advocates violence and genocide, only collectivism. With a Nazi, it's a different story.

Edited by tvashtarkatena
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