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Denali Expedition 2008 - Looking for 10-12 member


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After all this God bashing I've been doing, I logged onto Craig's list and scored the Filson Outfitter jacket I've been waiting for about 20 years for 60% off, then I cruised by the REI basement on my way home from picking up the jacket and scored the exact pair of $180 boots I've been wanting for $30, 'used' but apparently never left the living room, the exact pair of gaitors I wanted for $5, and a cheap pair of Schoeller pants for my buddy.


Good karma or broken karma? You decide. In any case, the Good Lord provided tonight.

Edited by tvashtarkatena
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After all this God bashing I've been doing, I logged onto Craig's list and scored the Filson Outfitter jacket I've been waiting for about 20 years for 60% off, then I cruised by the REI basement on my way home from picking up the jacket and scored the exact pair of $180 boots I've been wanting for $30, 'used' but apparently never left the living room, the exact pair of gaitors I wanted for $5, and a cheap pair of Schoeller pants for my buddy.


Good karma or broken karma? You decide. In any case, the Good Lord provided tonight.


Jeremiah 12


1 You are always righteous, O LORD,

when I bring a case before you.

Yet I would speak with you about your justice:

Why does the way of the wicked prosper?

Why do all the faithless live at ease?

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The earth is flat. If you sail to the edge, you will fall off. Why aren't we still arguing about that? Maybe we should start hanging unbeleivers again. Lets start with....no,no,no. Never mind. I don't know about this whole evolution thing. It seems all made up by geeks in white coats. Aren't they the ones who man the funny farms? Why are they dictating our science in grade schools? Are our kids crazy?

It kind of makes sense.

I have been a Christian for a long time now but I have never doubted evolution. What is the point of arguing against science? Science is the study of God's creation and the discovery of his laws and lack of laws when the mood suits him. It is His creation yet we pretend to understand the when, how, and why. That is hypocrasy imo. I get the conservative thing. If we change too fast we run the risk of becoming unstable as an anchor for the down trodden etc. But we really have nothing to fear but our own lack of faith. Eventually, humans may evolve into beings that do not need a Bible - People who have such a healthy relationship with God that the existance of any particular book is of no consequence. What would they be like? Would they care what you thought? Only in as much as they would wish for you a great peace and happiness. Would they try to convince you to "repent"? No. They would lead enviable lives that would inspire people to improve their own state. Why does this sound familiar?

Merry Christmas.

Even if you are not a Christian, I hope you get a rack of ultra-light biners for X-mas.

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The earth is flat. If you sail to the edge, you will fall off. Why aren't we still arguing about that? Maybe we should start hanging unbeleivers again. Lets start with....no,no,no. Never mind. I don't know about this whole evolution thing. It seems all made up by geeks in white coats. Aren't they the ones who man the funny farms? Why are they dictating our science in grade schools? Are our kids crazy?

It kind of makes sense.

I have been a Christian for a long time now but I have never doubted evolution. What is the point of arguing against science? Science is the study of God's creation and the discovery of his laws and lack of laws when the mood suits him. It is His creation yet we pretend to understand the when, how, and why. That is hypocrasy imo. I get the conservative thing. If we change too fast we run the risk of becoming unstable as an anchor for the down trodden etc. But we really have nothing to fear but our own lack of faith. Eventually, humans may evolve into beings that do not need a Bible - People who have such a healthy relationship with God that the existance of any particular book is of no consequence. What would they be like? Would they care what you thought? Only in as much as they would wish for you a great peace and happiness. Would they try to convince you to "repent"? No. They would lead enviable lives that would inspire people to improve their own state. Why does this sound familiar?

Merry Christmas.

Even if you are not a Christian, I hope you get a rack of ultra-light biners for X-mas.


thanks, but what I asked for was a #5 tech friend

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Oh, and BTW:



"Mount McKinley is also commonly known as Denali, which means "the high one" in the Athabaskan language, and which is also the name currently recognized by the State of Alaska. In 1896 the mountain was officially named Mount McKinley, after the former Governor of Ohio and future U.S. President William McKinley. When Denali National Park and Preserve was established by the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act, December 2, 1980, the Alaska Board of Geographic Names changed the name of the mountain back to Denali. However, the U.S. Board on Geographic Names maintains McKinley, which helps visitors differentiate between the mountain and Denali National Park, where the mountain is located. Alaskans tend to use "Denali" and rely on context to distinguish between the park and the mountain."


Out of respect for local preference, convention, and the mountains original Athabaskan name, most climbers choose to use "Denali".



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The earth is flat. If you sail to the edge, you will fall off. Why aren't we still arguing about that? Maybe we should start hanging unbeleivers again. Lets start with....no,no,no. Never mind. I don't know about this whole evolution thing. It seems all made up by geeks in white coats. Aren't they the ones who man the funny farms? Why are they dictating our science in grade schools? Are our kids crazy?

It kind of makes sense.

I have been a Christian for a long time now but I have never doubted evolution. What is the point of arguing against science? Science is the study of God's creation and the discovery of his laws and lack of laws when the mood suits him. It is His creation yet we pretend to understand the when, how, and why. That is hypocrasy imo. I get the conservative thing. If we change too fast we run the risk of becoming unstable as an anchor for the down trodden etc. But we really have nothing to fear but our own lack of faith. Eventually, humans may evolve into beings that do not need a Bible - People who have such a healthy relationship with God that the existance of any particular book is of no consequence. What would they be like? Would they care what you thought? Only in as much as they would wish for you a great peace and happiness. Would they try to convince you to "repent"? No. They would lead enviable lives that would inspire people to improve their own state. Why does this sound familiar?

Merry Christmas.

Even if you are not a Christian, I hope you get a rack of ultra-light biners for X-mas.


thank you for posting this bug. you further my belief that theists and atheists can live in harmony.

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The earth is flat. ........... Why does this sound familiar?

Merry Christmas.

Even if you are not a Christian, I hope you get a rack of ultra-light biners for X-mas.


thanks, but what I asked for was a #5 tech friend

That man in the red suit lied to you. If your wife wasn't listening, you're screwed.

But you can borrow my #5 Camelot anytime.

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...let's make a deal...when you folks can spontaneously create life with a chemical reaction, you can teach evolution...




Synthetic DNA on the Brink of Yielding New Life Forms


Washington Post, December 17, 2007


It has been 50 years since scientists first created DNA in a test tube, stitching ordinary chemical ingredients together to make life's most extraordinary molecule. Until recently, however, even the most sophisticated laboratories could make only small snippets of DNA -- an extra gene or two to be inserted into corn plants, for example, to help the plants ward off insects or tolerate drought. Now researchers are poised to cross a dramatic barrier: the creation of life forms driven by completely artificial DNA.


Scientists in Maryland have already built the world's first entirely handcrafted chromosome -- a large looping strand of DNA made from scratch in a laboratory, containing all the instructions a microbe needs to live and reproduce.


In the coming year, they hope to transplant it into a cell, where it is expected to "boot itself up," like software downloaded from the Internet, and cajole the waiting cell to do its bidding. And while the first synthetic chromosome is a plagiarized version of a natural one, others that code for life forms that have never existed before are already under construction.


The cobbling together of life from synthetic DNA, scientists and philosophers agree, will be a watershed event, blurring the line between biological and artificial -- and forcing a rethinking of what it means for a thing to be alive.




... which side of the synthetic biology debate will get to call itself "pro-life."




It really doesn't matter a wit if you believe in evolution or not, though one glance at the yellow pages under "Churches" to see the current state of the evolution of christianity should be enough to convince even the most die hard doubters. But, either way, evolution is getting along just fine without you.


And the new twins, Genomics and Protenomics, with a bit more computing power will, some time in the fairly near future, deliver numerous definitive proofs of evolution by working through the mapping of genes to biopolymer (protein) production. Whatever form those proofs take, in all likelyhood they will simply be byproducts of expanding efforts in traditional and molecular taxonomy.


The dark side of articles like the one above should really have you folks actively praying evolution doesn't exists, rather than denying it, because if we fuck up just once on our way down this road, evolution is going to be a harsh bitch. Either that, or pray one of your designers shows up to give our scientists a Sunday school lesson before they kill us all attempting to emulate your God.


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yeah, if you didn't tell me you're "christian", i'd think you were a great guy. heck i might even like you in person.


Yeah, if you, TTK, and JH didn't tell me you were atheists, I'd think you were great people too. heck, I might even like you in person.


Good point. Although, I don't know that this was the point you were making:


Most people don't realize we all live by faith. Each has their own mental mode of operation that operates, largely, and minute by minute, on assumptions of many things we don't know to be fact.

Some ascribe, additionally, to codified constructs of metaphor and allegory that may help to structure, enrich, and/or explain their existence, depending on their personality and/or situation.

Labels are often a simple vulgarity that act as an effort-saving, categorizing tool most employed when our mode of operation has a stake in believing we are all more different than alike.



Kind of like those who post disrepectful avatars with images of Christ smoking a cigarette...

That would be me. Considering, Yeshua Ben Yosef was often and widely criticized for his "partying" ways, that he was equally critical of those who thought themselves morally above anyone, that he warned of possessing a "religious spirit", and that it says he thought of me as his "brother and friend", I have doubts he would have a problem with the image.

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Got two different partners lined up for the weekend. How bout you, Krusty?


must one swallow a theodiciac first? or is that theodisiac?


Theodicist. My partners never fail to exercise their free will in this regard.


yikes, this thread is moving quickly...


yup, theodicy was always one of my stumbling blocks too. wouldn't it suck to be a member of job's first family?

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KB - pretty sure that all the evidence of evolution that you are referring to you read about in a book that humans wrote, or on a website that humans coded, or on a TV show that humans produced.



I suppose you are right being that I was not actually present during the last hundred years of archeology……as they dug up our forefathers bones…..so I just have to believe it was not all a hoax….of course I can go to the museum and see and touch the evidence….on the other hand what evidence is there that Jesus actually lived? NONE.

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