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This kind of shit is what causes me to have so little respect for fuckhead Islamofascists.

Goes hand-in-hand with the Mohammed "bomb-head" cartoon in Denmark last year.

Over-reactionaries... :rolleyes:


...Abdul-Jalil Nazeer al-Karouri, a prominent cleric and hardliner, told worshippers at the Martyrs Mosque before the demonstration: "Imprisoning this lady does not satisfy the thirst of Muslims in Sudan. But we welcome imprisonment and expulsion," according to AP...


Thirst for what? Her blood? Fer chrissakes, it's a goddamned teddy bear!


In leaflets distributed earlier this week by Muslim groups and seen by CNN, the protesters promised a "popular release of anger" at demonstrations called for Friday.


So is this code for terrorist attacks? Fer chrissakes, it's a goddamned teddy bear!


Some of the protesters demanded the teacher's execution, according to The Associated Press. The agency reports that some chanted: "No tolerance: Execution" and "Kill her, kill her by firing squad."


Jesus Christ, get over your fucking selves. It's a goddamned TEDDY BEAR!!!1


Another report on the sitmo: Time on-line





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i reckon dem middle-easterns really hate teddy-bears anyhow - how many bears are there in the desert? and do you really want something so warm and stifling in your bed as a child when it's 120 at night?


They are probably making the logical connection between this stuffed animal, and it's namesake, Teddy Roosevelt. It's not just a stuffed animal to them, it's a symbol of Western imperialism.

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I wonder what would happen to an Iranian schoolteacher of Bellevue second graders if she decided to to name the class mascot Osama Bin Laden, Satan or Motherfucker? Probably wouldn't get put in jail, or executed I figure. But I wonder how many people would be calling for her death?


Corruption of our darling innocent defenseless children is taken pretty seriously the world over (well, except in Europe perhaps).


Calling for this woman to be whipped and/or executed is nutso. These people don't appear to have the same passion for free-speech as we in the Western World. Scary shit. But nevertheless, it does seem a bit stupid to screw up like that with a bunch of second graders. I wonder how long that lady had been living in Sudan? Not saying she should be executed or anything, just sayin'

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Listen to you people. You've talked yourselves into blaming the woman who is now living with the very real threat of death over a teddy bear name. For God's sake, take a look at what you are writing.

Exactly! This is what I just don't get. Not only is it ludicrous that this event is even happening, BUT THEY'RE BLAMING THE TEACHER WHEN IT WAS THE KIDS WHO CHOSE THE FUCKING NAME!


Get a fucking clue, folks! As much as you want to deny it, this kind of bullshit is on it's way here. It's already well-entrenched and happening in Europe, just read a fucking book or two.

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Well I figured the ground was pretty well covered that executing, flogging or imprisoning this woman is way out of line. I even specifically wrote that it is "nutso". I solely blame the people who are calling for her execution for calling for her execution.


If you are objecting to my the head-shaking over her stupidity in the vein of the time-honored cc.com tradition of belittling dead climbers for their fatal mistake on the mountain, then guilty as charged. If the family or friends of Sudan teacher-Lady are reading this, I am chagrined and humbly apologize.


My main point was, I guess, that worldwide, influencing children can be playing with fire.


ETA: and I didn't realize it was the children who named the bear. Looks like she was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. :(

Edited by chucK
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If you're living in a foreign country it's best to understand their laws even if you don't agree with them. It's accepted that you don't go near pot in Malaysia. If you're caught in possession of 200g you get the death penalty. From what I understand she knew it was wrong and tried to hide it. I'm glad the government had the sense to deport her and not give her the flogging called for by the law.


In an Islamic country you don't name anything Mohammad, it's as simple as that.

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