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...Europe does have some discord involving segments of their muslim populations, but it's not because they 'tolerate it'...

Yes, they do, and yes, it is. They 'tolerate' this discord by allowing immigrants into their country and paying for their upkeep through social programs, and do not require them to take up jobs or integrate into the SECULAR society. Instead, Muslim immigrants are allowed to live in their own enclaves and to practice Sharia Law WITHIN THE CONFINES of the larger French (and other European countries as well) state. This is a recipe for disater, as can be seen by anyone who cares to look. Incidents of rape (yes, I said rape) of non-Muslim women by Muslim men for not wearing headscarves or covering their legs, beatings of gays right on the street, and intimidation of the natives by roaming bands of male Muslim youths are all on the rise in France, Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Germany. It's been going on for over two decades, but is only now making the headlines because of shit like the "bomb-head" cartoon reaction and this Teddy bear brouhaha.

What's interesting about this is that you are making the very same argument that folks made at the start of the thread. Everyone is quick to say that the teacher should fit into the Mustlim model of law and social expectation. However, when you say that Muslims need to fit into the law and customs of whatever county they decide to inhabit, people start preaching tolerance.


Not everything should be tolerated. Honor killings and gang-rapes-as-punishments are great examples. Whipping someone for something this stupid is another great example. We do not, and should not, tolerate this type of cruelty from any group: I don't give a fuck what your religion or social mores dictate. This is simply wrong.

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