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you cannot CURE intolerance with more intolerance....wtf. you have to show tolerance and force yourself to look beyond the crap you are presented by this fuckin'' media machine...

Western Europe has showed tolerance of Islamofascism. Look what it bought for them.

...if i show you excrement from any human i can prove to you that he is unworthy of your consideration. thats what that is ...its not NEWS.. WTF..?

This statement makes no sense to me whatsoever. What are you trying to say here, that I judge people by the contents of their bowels? WTF?

you are passing judgement on people based on a mediatised campain to tarnish islam. ask why,

...there are millions of devoted acts of love,compassion, being done every second by muslims,where are those news...

I believe that is true, and I will ask you the same question with respect to the US military in Iraq and Afghanistan. Are you going to deny that they are not performing "millions of devoted acts of love and compassion every second", hmmm? Where is that news?


..its pure unadulterated propaganda and you're buying into it hook ,link and sinker.

I fail to find any evidence that would cause you to conclude that I am buying into any propoganda. I heard a piece on NPR, I researched it on several on-line news outlets, I posted links to two articles that seemed to best summarize the incident. Show me the buy-in to propaganda, if you please.



I'll have some of what he is smoking.



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Joblow, it seems to me that it's almost always people like yourself that wind up doing the insane stupid killing things. You ignore facts, bend and rationalize your opinions, do NOT tolerate, understand or study others opinions: you attitude flys in the face of facts. That is, real facts, not the facts you are dreaming of.


Thanks Sobo.




i study very carefully, the enlightened opinions of true leaders and vehemently reject the tyranny of ignorance-night!!!

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I gotta say that this is one of the most circular, inane threads I've seen in a long time.


Tolerance is the only way for a civilized society to go, but tolerance doesn't mean tolerating intolerance. That's a non-idea.


Europe happens to be doing quite well right now, thank you, particularly compared to the U.S. Check the Euro lately?


Europe does have some discord involving segments of their muslim populations, but it's not because they 'tolerate it'. France, for example, has laws (the banning of headscarves, for example) that would never fly in the U.S. It's also ridiculous to compare the U.S. to Europe given our vastly different histories. Just over 50 years ago several European countries were embroiled in civil wars with their muslim colonies. We were not. The fact that some European countries have a different relationship and issues with these muslim populations should come as no surprise to anyone who has a shred of historical background about Europe's colonial past.


So cut the histrionics. Yeah, the Sudanese calling for blood are assholes. Stuff like this happens in nations who do not enjoy a separation of church and state. We in the U.S. would be well advised to take note.


Burn yourselves a teddy bear and move on.



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Ironically, Mojo was a reformer for wymynz rights in his day. Prior to him, women were treated as cattle. He married a rich female merchant who was a fair bit older than himself and she apparently had quite a bit of influence on him. He instituted a fair number of rights for women where there once was none.


He didn't take additional wives until after his first wife's death.


The scrap with the Jews started with him, however. He allied with the local Jewish community to wage a war of regional consolidation, but the Jews reniged, then he tried to force them. Well, we all know how that one turned out.

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I think the argument can be made that this is not a battle of religions, but rather a battle between different ways of thinking- of rationalism versus mysticism/ fanaticism/ absolutism/ irrationality- whatever you want to call it. We pretty much are all rationalists. We have a hard time thinking any other way and it's hard to even conceive of any other way. It's hard to believe that much of the world truly remains mired in the Dark Ages. It's the way it is. We have to live with it.

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thank god were here.


the rationalist and his 9-5 slavery

devoid of inner dreams and light

wants to guide the world

follow your dreams, your money dreams

i'll lend you the money

forget god and all that jazz

the niggers play

there is no god anyway.

well,none that i can see.

these are the darkest days

of humanity's stroll

o modern man still kills for oil

o modern man still knows not

who and why or when

he was born.

but he remembers the thrill

of the kill from his past

and now he's got modern weapons

he can be a million times

more barbaric yet appear

on tv, to be evolved,

as cool as a god.



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...Tolerance is the only way for a civilized society to go...

No argument there.


...but tolerance doesn't mean tolerating intolerance...

What do you think I've been ranting about for four pages, eh? It's what I've been saying through this entire thread. But the French and other Western European countries seem to think it does, and look what it bought for them.


...Europe happens to be doing quite well right now, thank you, particularly compared to the U.S. Check the Euro lately?...

That's completely irrelevant and off-point to this discussion. Back on-point: Europe's doing quite well, eh? Have you already fogotten the Paris riots two years ago? Tell me what demographic made up the largest component of the vandals and rioters? That's right. Male, North African, Muslim immigrants, between the ages of 18 to 28, living in segregated, sequestered, Muslim enclaves within the city - not integrated into the mainstream French society.


...Europe does have some discord involving segments of their muslim populations, but it's not because they 'tolerate it'...

Yes, they do, and yes, it is. They 'tolerate' this discord by allowing immigrants into their country and paying for their upkeep through social programs, and do not require them to take up jobs or integrate into the SECULAR society. Instead, Muslim immigrants are allowed to live in their own enclaves and to practice Sharia Law WITHIN THE CONFINES of the larger French (and other European countries as well) state. This is a recipe for disater, as can be seen by anyone who cares to look. Incidents of rape (yes, I said rape) of non-Muslim women by Muslim men for not wearing headscarves or covering their legs, beatings of gays right on the street, and intimidation of the natives by roaming bands of male Muslim youths are all on the rise in France, Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Germany. It's been going on for over two decades, but is only now making the headlines because of shit like the "bomb-head" cartoon reaction and this Teddy bear brouhaha.


So-called "honor killings" (which are actually nothing less than premeditated murder) of Muslim women abound, simply because they want no part of an arranged marriage, or for any other slight that the male Muslim might conjur. Imans preach openly in their mosques to hate their host countrymen and call their "faithful" to jihad and rioting. Yet, the French, Dutch, Danish, Swedish, Norwegians, and Germans do nothing to these people. It's practically "winked at" in order to avoid confrontation, which would (almost certainly) result in more rioting, beatings, vandalism, and hatred. And it would also give the rest of the world that hasn't already seen it the dim (but real) view that the Western European model of 'tolerance' has failed miserably.


...and France, for example, has laws (the banning of headscarves, for example) that would never fly in the U.S...

You would be wise to check the date of that law, and what predicated it. It was enacted in February of 2004, years after so many of the hate crimes I've already mentioned had been going on. The Muslim immigrant community ran roughshod over the French natives for many, many years before that controversial ruling came down. It was Frances's "too little, too late" reaction to the failure of their policy of 'tolerance' of the Muslim immigrant community that has failed to integrate or be integrated into the secular society.


...It's also ridiculous to compare the U.S. to Europe given our vastly different histories. Just over 50 years ago several European countries were embroiled in civil wars with their muslim colonies. We were not. The fact that some European countries have a different relationship and issues with these muslim populations should come as no surprise to anyone who has a shred of historical background about Europe's colonial past...

You apparently presume that I have no "shred of historical background" about (Western) Europe. I spent most of my youth and high school years in Italy. Not only was WE history part of the required curriculum, I took it upon myself to venture out on trips of my own to engage the natives in dialogue (yes, I taught myself Italian) about their history in comparison to that of the US. I am well aware of the history of Western European society, their wars (both civil and international), and their colonial past. For you to presume otherwise is simply disengenuous.


But back to your statement: The fact that our cultures are vastly different is of no consequence in the context of this Teddy bear, the "bomb-head" cartoon, or other similar incidents. It is pure over-reactionism by radical members of an intolerant religion that "prides" itself on its false claim of peace and tolerance. And that's just all a pile of steaming bullshit.


So cut the histrionics.

Histrionics to you, maybe. A wake-up call to the rest of us, definitely.


Yeah, the Sudanese calling for blood are assholes. Stuff like this happens in nations who do not enjoy a separation of church and state. We in the U.S. would be well advised to take note.

Finally, something upon which we both can agree. But did you notice what happened when the LAPD Chief wanted to map Muslim immigrant areas? Yeah, folks tried the same thing 20 or so years ago in France, Denmark, and the Netherlands, and got booted out of office for even thinking about it. We see how well that lack of foresight worked out for them, didn't we, eh?


The US is on the same path that Western Europe blazed over 20 years ago on this issue. I just hope we take a different fork than they did.

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Sobo, sounds like you know a lot about French society. You must have lived there some years, particularly recently. You've probably also lived in one or more French colonies, you know, those countries that used to be part of France from whence all those foreigners the French have been 'letting in' come from. Perhaps you can explain the dynamics of the most recent Parisian riots for us. Tell us more. We need first hand experience on these vital matters. Certainly, from your voluminous replies, you're not just another ignorant American consuming sound bites from API and then regurgitating generalities about 'European' tolerance (after all, it is one big homogeneous country now, right?) and European Muslim 'ingratitude'. Someone with your depth of on the ground experience certainly wouldn't be caught dead oversimplifying from 7,000 miles away in such a manner. I'm sure you are also fluent in French and Arabic, and so read all the French dailies from all sides of the issue. What are they saying over there now?

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I just gotta say that I've read some good shit here on a lotta different things but it doesn't matter how well you apply your reasoning abilities if your assumptions are off. It's like that computer model analogy--shit in, shit out. Hell, I even question whether I know anything at all. How valid are my deeply held personal beliefs? And here's the rub--I identify so strongly with these beliefs, to question them is to question who I am.


It's us on the outside looking in, non-Muslim or non-European looking at Muslims or Europeans from the American perspective. Do I really believe that I'm objective enough to be able to perceive correctly through this lens? But more importantly, does it matter? Fuggit.


Anyway, I'm still looking for those glimpses of what passes for Truth, those revelations. This isn't much but it's something... Terrorism and Radicalization: What not to do, what to do--Scott Atran, The Edge Checkout pages 47-48, for instance.


I'm not condoning or condemning, only trying to understand.



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STFU you sensei wannabe. Your wisdom is like pisswater. Reincarnated, my ass. You're a reincarnated shitstain. You're not even that rinpoche dude, you're prolly some 13 YO boy with a complex. Someone ought to slap you against the side of your head.

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