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getting fatter


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I recall seeing Frank Shorter (gold medal in the marathon in the 72 Munich Olympics for those of you too young to remember) on the Tonight Show. They hooked him up to a treadmill and monitored his heart rate. Before he started, it was something like 36 or 38. He started running and it went up to about 60 and then dropped back down to his resting heart rate again......I'm sure that's a sign of how ill he was. :lmao:

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From Wiki:


The BMI is meant to broadly categorize populations for purely statistical purposes. As noted, its accuracy in relation to actual levels of body fat is easily distorted by such factors as fitness level, muscle mass, bone structure, gender, and ethnicity. People who are mesomorphic tend to have higher BMI numbers than people who are endomorphic, because they have greater bone mass and greater muscle mass, respectively, than do endomorphic individuals.


Similarly, ectomorphic individuals could conceivably receive a reading below the normal range, when in fact their body type makes it healthy for them to be thin. In fact, ectomorphs could obtain healthy readings even when their body fat percentage is higher than is healthy, as their low lean mass will lower the BMI.


From Archy:

I am a mesomorph. Even when I am in good shape and lifting hard, I can only get down around 22, 23; but my body fat was down to about 12% at that time. So the BMI #s do not necessarily correlate to actual body fat. For your h/w and activity levels, you are probably a bit less than normal women in the Body fat dept. And, you look like a mesomorph, is that how you would catagorize/characterize yourself?

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you are correct i am mesomorphic. I easily put on muscle mass and have lager than average bones for a woman my size. the lowest my body fat percentage ever was, was 18%. and for that i was WAY too thin and starting to lose huge amounts of muscle mass. i was just not made to be frail and thin. i don't know that i have less than normal body fat so much as i have more than normal muscle mass under my fat layer :) I like to think of it as the soft outer layer that protects others from my reality ;)


thank you for the explination, that was exactly what i needed.

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Feel you're pain....I just found out I was overweight as well.
Go easy on yourself. You just had a baby!


AE - you are the last person in the world I expected to credit the father with "having" the baby. I did get a little meconium on my favorite t-shirt though. That was traumatic.

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I recall seeing Frank Shorter (gold medal in the marathon in the 72 Munich Olympics for those of you too young to remember) on the Tonight Show. They hooked him up to a treadmill and monitored his heart rate. Before he started, it was something like 36 or 38. He started running and it went up to about 60 and then dropped back down to his resting heart rate again......I'm sure that's a sign of how ill he was. :lmao:


When I swam 4-6 hours a day I had a heart rate like that. Even now it is on the low side and my blood pressure readings are usually no higher than 105/60 tops.


I've been told by all the "know-it-alls" though that I must have a bad heart. The doc has never said anything though.

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