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getting fatter


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Per the BMI table, at 5'10", I am currently 1-2 pounds shy of falling into the overweight category. Now I have a goal.


Becoming overweight will be a piece of cake, but making it into the obese column may be beyond my capabilities.



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Most athletic types read high on BMI scales. I read once where Michael Jordan's BMI puts him in Overweight.



No shit. Muscle is denser than fat, and some people are just bigger boned.


The BMI is for pussies.



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Per the BMI table, at 5'10", I am currently 1-2 pounds shy of falling into the overweight category. Now I have a goal.


Becoming overweight will be a piece of cake, but making it into the obese column may be beyond my capabilities.



You can do it. So many Americans have. We're rooting for you.


Go for it.



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My doc says I'm 10 pounds overweight, but I'm healthy enough that it doesn't matter. Resting heart rate 38, etc.


He does say though, that if I lost 10 pounds, it would take almost 10 minutes off my marathon time.


He knows how to motivate. Forget about 'live longer' and all that crap... 'You'll increase your marathon time by about 10 minutes!' He's tricky...



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There's something called 'stroke volume' that I am just dying to tie in here just for the name... (Here's the boring part) Your heart pumps so much blood per minute. You exercise more, your heat ventricles get bigger and stronger and pump more per beat (I just wanna say that again... pump more per beat...), so your heart doesn't need to pump so fast to circulate the same amout of blood per minute, so it slows down. Same amount of blood is circulated, stonger, healthier heart with bigger ventricles, pumping more per beat... More efficient for keeping that morning wd.

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Ah, interesting.


I thought there was a "floor" level that you really didn't want to go beneath. I thought it was somewhere in the 50's.


My doc told me my heart is low b/c I was a weightlifter for so many years and that specific activity really enlarges the ventricle thingys. Cool how the body adjusts to the demands we put on it.

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Ah, interesting.


I thought there was a "floor" level that you really didn't want to go beneath. I thought it was somewhere in the 50's.


My doc told me my heart is low b/c I was a weightlifter for so many years and that specific activity really enlarges the ventricle thingys. Cool how the body adjusts to the demands we put on it.


It used to be thought by doctors that athletes had bad hearts from all that exercise, that their hearts were 'sick and unhealthy'. Doctors actually believed this up until the 1950s. It was in the 1960s that physicians started studying the effects of running and exercise on the heart, and then the running boom happened in the 70's. (Remember 'The Complete Book of Running'?) There's an article about it here.

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