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We're turning into Nazis


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Considering that W's Grandfather, Prescott, was one of seven figureheads in the company Union Banking Corp which was seized by the government under the "Trading with the Enemy Act" in 1942, it's not far fetch to think there's some Nazi elements still. As a matter of fact, the reason we didn't get into the war sooner was because of the complicity of our own government to the Nazi regime, UBC being only one of the companies involved. The Bush family fortune was obtained from the Nazi's. The Third Reich was not defeated in WWII, it just changed venues.





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And Hillary Clinton was on the board of Wal-Mart. Does that make her a neo conservative at heart? The Kennedy family made their fortune by running liquor from Canada to the US during proabition. Does the make Senator Kennedy soft on the drug enforcement? No, and no. But I tell you that it is global warming the cause’s people to lose their perspective. W is out at the next election weather you like him or not. Do you remember the Reagan error? They called it the lame duck congress; well this is the lame duck President. He is a non issue.

Global warming man, I tell you it is affecting everyone.


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w = hitler ? that's a tiny bit extreme. did somebody just graduate from college?



Are you saying W is "OK" because he is a graduate from college? Man, that doesn't mean shit!


If you graduated from college... case in point!



You are such a predictable asshole.........smelly, and will shit on command.

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Considering that W's Grandfather, Prescott, was one of seven figureheads in the company Union Banking Corp which was seized by the government under the "Trading with the Enemy Act" in 1942, it's not far fetch to think there's some Nazi elements still. As a matter of fact, the reason we didn't get into the war sooner was because of the complicity of our own government to the Nazi regime, UBC being only one of the companies involved. The Bush family fortune was obtained from the Nazi's. The Third Reich was not defeated in WWII, it just changed venues.


:lmao: :lmao:


This was one of those internet cospiracy things. This was crap 50 years ago. lol This is why the Dem's loose. There fucking nuts.

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There's a lot of money being made on this. No way will it end until the profits dry up.


That why the said Kennedy was shot for money. Trying to stop Nam. Its all conspiracy shit for people that don't want to think. Easier to blame a politician.



Ok....smarty pants.....what is your take on why JFK was shot?


I probably beleive the comissions report on it.


Typical rebulican response.....believe what you are told.

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w = hitler ? that's a tiny bit extreme. did somebody just graduate from college?



Are you saying W is "OK" because he is a graduate from college? Man, that doesn't mean shit!



no, sounds like fresh out of college mentality(liberal).

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I can't wait to hear idiots such as i like spunk next year as they relay to us all the conjured up conspiracies about George W Bush suspending the '08 election, dissolving congress, or declaring marshal law. I predict the left wing kook-fringe hysteria here will reach all-time highs! I can't wait to see the freak show.

Edited by Fairweather
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Filibuster now in progress over a Senate bill to force end to the war. Reichpublicans today blocked an up-or-down vote as the bill contains resolute consequences applicable to their Fuhrer. Democratic majority leader Harry Reid is keeping the Senate in session through the night.


Give 'em hell Harry!

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There's a lot of money being made on this. No way will it end until the profits dry up.


That why the said Kennedy was shot for money. Trying to stop Nam. Its all conspiracy shit for people that don't want to think. Easier to blame a politician.



Ok....smarty pants.....what is your take on why JFK was shot?


OK, I'm going to say this one more time. Listen up: JFK was shot as part of an elaborate conspiracy to assasinate Lee Harvey Oswald. End of story. Now, can we please move on, already?

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Filibuster now in progress over a Senate bill to force end to the war. Reichpublicans today blocked an up-or-down vote as the bill contains resolute consequences applicable to their Fuhrer. Democratic majority leader Harry Reid is keeping the Senate in session through the night.


Give 'em hell Harry!


Whatever you say Herr Goebels.

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Does anybody else find it interesting that Fairweather, who has been defending the Bush administration nearly uninterrupted for six years while presenting a scathing dismissal of liberals as willing dupes links the above-cited article but overlooked this one?



Here's an article published today, addressing the way the Bush administratin makes decisions, as opposed to one from last Fall personally criticizing or perhaps slandering Reid


Where does Fairweather get his talking points?

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There's a lot of money being made on this. No way will it end until the profits dry up.


That why the said Kennedy was shot for money. Trying to stop Nam. Its all conspiracy shit for people that don't want to think. Easier to blame a politician.



Ok....smarty pants.....what is your take on why JFK was shot?


OK, I'm going to say this one more time. Listen up: JFK was shot as part of an elaborate conspiracy to assasinate Lee Harvey Oswald. End of story. Now, can we please move on, already?


Man, I f*cking loved his band!




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It is physically impossible to do what LHO was supposed to have done. Fire 6 shots with the piece of crap rifle he had from that distance. Some of the best rifle shooters in the country have tried to duplicate what he did and NONE of them even came close to it.

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