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Big Wall


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"Big wall climbing": Verb, would imply a certain style whyich for many would include multi-day, aid, hauling a lot of gear.


"Big Wall": Noun, would not depend on style, merely the length and steepness of the rock itself.


If it came down to "aid" as being the determining factor, then any long climb over 5.7 would quicky turn into a "Big Wall" for me. Hell, I cheat all the time.

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By the looks of it…..there are many different definitions of what constitutes a “big wall”. This discussion reminds me of a similar discussion my friends and I were having once around the fire while at Smith rocks……what is “head pointing”……they argued that “head pointing” was rehearsing hard climbs that are not protected well on top rope….then pulling the rope and leading them…..I argued that “head pointing” has nothing to do with the difficulty of the climb or the consequences of falling, but is truly in your own head as to will you ever lead the climb.


I “head pointed” a climb at Broughtons a couple of years ago and finally got the send. I say “head point” because when I first top roped the climb I said to my self…..damn….I will never lead that…..way to scary…..well after top roping the shit out of it…I finally got I clean on top rope…..I still never thought I would have the balls to lead it….but finally one day I went for it and got the send…..


For ME…..that was a “head point”.


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What is a carabiner?


Is this a carabiner?



How about this?






Is this a one?



What are the essential elements, the platonic form if you will, of a carabiner?


What is it that denotes carabinerness?


Big questions.... big questions....


HERE is a primer we might use as a starting point for this compelling discussion.



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This is a serious discussion, so I hope you are not kidding and polluting what constitutes a "big wall"


Concerning CARABINERS:

I was sitting around in hut in the bugaboos discussing this issue "what is a carabiner" with my very close climbing friends waiting for a weather window to open up. Mike said it was to help climb, Beth said," if it is to help you climb, wouldn't it be aid" And I, playing devil's advocate said , "then all climbing is aid",


What if you don't even fall on a carabiner, would you consider it used for climbing, what if you were just "rapelling" or "HEAD POINTING"


We didn't decide anything.


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this reminds me of a discussion I was having with some climber bros one time about which of the marvel superheroes was our favorite. Micah said that Daredevil was his fave, and Timmy (of course) was all into Spiderman, and then Dean said his favorite was Batman! I was like, c'mon, Dean, Batman is DC, jeez.


anyhoo, for me the carabiner is generally a type of climbing device for protecting myself whilst I am clambering amongst the cascade jewels.

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kevbone started a pretty valid thread. i know kevin and he doesn't think ib is a big wall. kevbone was taught how to climb by some respectable dudes with big wall experience. kevbone is not a big wall climber, but i'm sure it was pretty cool for him to go do i.b. which to most climbers feels like a big wall. it's not Mt. Thor, but it ain't smith rocks either.

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i don't know shit from shinola but like every one else i have an opinion and an ass hole


I think big is a subjective description of something. there for using big wall as a noun is stating your opinion.


Big Wall Climbing is an activity, a style of climbing with some aid climbing some free climbing if you can and a lot of hauling of the pig and sleeping in in your harness or you will fall down thousands of feet and plummet to your death.


thats what i think :moondance:

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Big Wall Climbing is an activity, a style of climbing with some aid climbing some free climbing if you can and a lot of hauling of the pig and sleeping in in your harness or you will fall down thousands of feet and plummet to your death.



So....the Huber brother dont climb "big walls"?

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Big Wall Climbing is an activity, a style of climbing with some aid climbing some free climbing if you can and a lot of hauling of the pig and sleeping in in your harness or you will fall down thousands of feet and plummet to your death.



So....the Huber brother dont climb "big walls"?


"Annoying chut" is not a good internet persona. I've seen "Violent dick", "Acerbic retard" and "Passive-aggressive shithead" work pretty well here, but your choice is lacking.


You know what everyone here is talking about. If you have been climbing for 10+ years, you probably have a good idea of what a big wall is. Shut the fuck up. Really.


No one is going to argue with you. Your dumbass posts arguing semantic minutae don't interest anyone past the fourth post where you have receieved a reasonable answer.


I'm not trying to be a dick, I'm trying to help you be less of an asshole. You aren't good at it.

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I'm not trying to be a dick,


You may not be trying......but you are succeeding. If you don’t like the discussion…..move on friend. If you don’t know be by now……I like being the “devils advocate”. There is nothing wrong with this. Sorry I have offended you with questions you don’t like.




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Big Wall Climbing is an activity, a style of climbing with some aid climbing some free climbing if you can and a lot of hauling of the pig and sleeping in in your harness or you will fall down thousands of feet and plummet to your death.



So....the Huber brother dont climb "big walls"?


"Annoying chut" is not a good internet persona. I've seen "Violent dick", "Acerbic retard" and "Passive-aggressive shithead" work pretty well here, but your choice is lacking.


You know what everyone here is talking about. If you have been climbing for 10+ years, you probably have a good idea of what a big wall is. Shut the fuck up. Really.


No one is going to argue with you. Your dumbass posts arguing semantic minutae don't interest anyone past the fourth post where you have receieved a reasonable answer.


I'm not trying to be a dick, I'm trying to help you be less of an asshole. You aren't good at it.


kevbone is a troll and would admit it.






and still seem to be spending lots of time in the closet.


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I'm not trying to be a dick,


You may not be trying......but you are succeeding. If you don’t like the discussion…..move on friend. If you don’t know be by now……I like being the “devils advocate”. There is nothing wrong with this. Sorry I have offended you with questions you don’t like.




I'm a dick because I don't have the patience to be nice to dumbasses. Sorry.


A devil's advocate takes a position and discusses it. You succeed one dumb question with another. It's hardly the same thing.


Thanks for playing. go back to your coloring book.

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