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Trail attack story - harrowing...and true.


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"The porcupine can be easily approached and killed with a club because of its plodding gait. This trait has saved the lives of hungry Natives, trappers, and miners in times past. For this reason, although the hunting season is open all year with no bag limit, many people do not kill porcupines without cause. Some people find the meat too strong, but in some areas of the state, porcupines with their heavy layer of fat are considered a delicacy.


Quills sewn onto deerskin used to be the trading wampum of the Northeastern Indian tribes. Quills are still used for decoration by the Athabaskans of Interior Alaska. Natives used to kill porcupines just for their quills, but today the Natives corner the animal and then tap the back of the animal with a styrofoam paddle to collect all the quills they need. The quills are dyed with locally obtainable vegetable materials and then sewn into skin clothing, earrings, and artistic items. "


Talk about nerfing! :lmao:

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How come people always complain about how hunting a deer or elk with a gun instead of a bow isn't "traditional" for Natives, but yet I have never heared one complaint about them hunting porcupines with Nerf. Do you think styrofoam is traditional, huh? Jeez! :anger: Get with the program angry people! Here's a whole new issue you can feel upset about! :mad:

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A few years ago a friend had a porcupine in his yard and showed it to me; in an effort to educate my dog I dragged him over to porky, pushed him up close and shouted NO in his ear. He got the message and ran. I then crawled through the dense alders and proceeded to poke it with a stick. if you've never done this it's good fun - you poke it and it bristles and sticks his or her quills in the air. Very cool to see. Anyways - the alders were very thick so I was basically hanging like a monkey while poking the critter. Suddenly the thing turned and charged me.... I was totally tangled up in the trees and absolutely panicked! The thing got within a foot of me before I managed to extricate myself and run -- they actually move faster than you'd think. Once safely back a few feet I had visions of my friend trussing me up like we do the dogs and jerking the quills out of my leg.

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