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Troll Speculation Thread


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That's trippy, for sure. But don't trolls have sticky-uppy kind of hair?


I guess I was just wondering why someone would go through all the time and trouble of setting up a whole troll fiasco. I've seen it play out on other forums as well, and, in the end, you have to wonder what the troller gets out of it? Could it really be all that thrilling?


I'll stick to getting my thrills out of climbing, thanks. :tup:

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So who are they? Why do they do it? Are they hot?


"Enquiring" minds want to know! :wazup:


A light troll is an attempt, successfull or not, at humor.


A deep troll may indicate issues of control and inferiority/superiority.


As a rule, there is no known connection to whether hot or not...


...unless, it's a worldwidetube sex troll that's so fucking good at talking sex to you, that you self-manipulate, like, a dozen "OH MY FUCKING GOD I'M GONNA EXPLODE" orgasms. By definition, you'd find that troll to be hot.

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Yes, yes, I see your point, Sobo. Definitely could be called cute, but certainly not hot. Unless you swing that way. Not that there's anything wrong with that.


BTW, I didn't mean to imply that trolls were hot; I was simply pre-empting the "Hot Trolls Thread" that was bound to descend upon us in only a matter of time. :nurd:


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Sherri, The Cindy666 troll was lame. The shotcrete troll was classic. Clearly there is much satisfaction in a good troll, less so in a lame troll. I have no idea if MisterE is hot.


Lets see some more links to classic trolls, regardless of wether or not the troller is hot.

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A deep troll may indicate issues of control and inferiority/superiority.


Interesting. I wondered if a ("deep")troll is perpetuated by the same mentality of those behind the fake-charity coin collection cans at the checkout stands or the scams where they say their kids are dying of some (non-existent)affliction. Playing on people's emotions for their own benefit, whether it be financial or simply for the publicity/sympathy/attention.







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Sherri, The Cindy666 troll was lame. The shotcrete troll was classic. Clearly there is much satisfaction in a good troll, less so in a lame troll. I have no idea if MisterE is hot.


Lets see some more links to classic trolls, regardless of wether or not the troller is hot.


Ok, sounds like the Shotcrete classic is worthy of a perusal. I'm gonna pour myself a glass of vino and settle in for some good reading! :brew:


Yep, MisterE is hot. Even without the electric pink troll hair.

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A deep troll may indicate issues of control and inferiority/superiority.


Interesting. I wondered if a ("deep")troll is perpetuated by the same mentality of those behind the fake-charity coin collection cans at the checkout stands or the scams where they say their kids are dying of some (non-existent)affliction. Playing on people's emotions for their own benefit, whether it be financial or simply for the publicity/sympathy/attention.


My speculation of the psychological status of a deep troll was of the internet message board variety, not of con artists. Those folks just want somebody's money.

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