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hate crime in Knoxville


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I'm not sure if you've heard about the UT student and her

boyfriend who were carjacked, brutally raped, and murdered in Knoxville last month... the guy, Chris Newsom, was raped with a broomstick, wrapped in a comforter covered in gasoline, burned, shot 3 times, and dumped on the railroad tracks. His body was found the morning after they were abducted. The girl, Channon Christian, was raped many times over the next few days,

they sprayed her mouth and body with household cleaners to try to kill any DNA evidence, supposedly cut off her limbs and stuffed her in a trashcan. The 4 black guys who did this have been found and arrested. Another black girl who witnessed them doing stuff to Channon (still alive), and didn't do anything to help her, has also been arrested. If this had been 5 white people who murdered two young black kids, Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton

would be marching in Knoxville saying it was a hate crime. But since black people attacked two privileged white kids, there's hardly any media coverage. Now the District Attorney for Knox County has said he doesn't know if they'll seek the death penalty!

No national coverage of this but if reversed it sure would of been.

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Yeah the liberal media at it's finest hour. You know the next thing they will report on this is how the perpetrators are now really the victims of poverty, and a horrible childhood where they were abused or something really ludicrous along those lines.


If you ask me this should be headline news instead of bald Britney. Of course the media doesn't want to air too disturbing news for ya. It might ruin their cause of promoting diversity and multiculturalism.

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As I said - victimal, white males who tend to be sexist, chauvenist, and not-so-closeted racists - let me guess, if they had black victims of black perpetrators, you wouldn't be posting about this crime. You two are sad, and even worse - transparent...


If the story makes you feel like the person who posted it is a racist that is your problem.

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Yeah the liberal media at it's finest hour. You know the next thing they will report on this is how the perpetrators are now really the victims of poverty, and a horrible childhood where they were abused or something really ludicrous along those lines.


If you ask me this should be headline news instead of bald Britney. Of course the media doesn't want to air too disturbing news for ya. It might ruin their cause of promoting diversity and multiculturalism.


Are you calling FOX NEWS liberal, you fucking NEOCON?


In any case, if you get raped by a gang of blacks. I'll be OK not hearing about it on FOX NEWS. The most powerful news source on the planet, you fucking COMMUNIST NEOCON.


Diversity and Multiculturalism are the invention of wealthy progressive liberals. They suck just like you, but from the other side. And they have more money and no old cars on the front lawn, but otherwise they are like you. Oh, and they have better homes and better cars too. What do you drive? A sheep?


Personally, I do not want to share your culture (it's Un-American) nor do I want your genes in my diverse gene pool.


But, you will die eventually of natural causes and you will be gone and the world will continue to change and no one will care or remember you. Poof! Gone with your narrow mind and bad stat quotes.


This is still about some Illegal Alien sleeping with your old lady 'init? I'm not calling you a racist, hell I'm probably more racist that you. But you are stupid. Yup, I'm calling you stupid.

But only because it makes me feel better about myself.


Are you one dimensional with this shit?

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Total non-story. Might be noteworthy if he'd been raped up the ass with an AXE handle then shot FOUR times, or if she'd been burned with KEROSENE and not gasoline. I mean come on! Broom handle ass rape murder immolation three day rape-o'-thon bleach bath murder dismemberment trashcan disposal crimes happen all the time!

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Total non-story. Might be noteworthy if he'd been raped up the ass with an AXE handle then shot FOUR times, or if she'd been burned with KEROSENE and not gasoline. I mean come on! Broom handle ass rape murder immolation three day rape-o'-thon bleach bath murder dismemberment trashcan disposal crimes happen all the time!



Welllll...that would be a story if the axe handle was black and the anus white...


Wait, this could cause a lot of people to go black axe and never come back.


I am sure that there are plenty of white axes violating black anuses and the libreal media (I exclude FOX NEWS from this group)

will not report this. Where are these stories!?!

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Yeah the liberal media at it's finest hour. You know the next thing they will report on this is how the perpetrators are now really the victims of poverty, and a horrible childhood where they were abused or something really ludicrous along those lines.


If you ask me this should be headline news instead of bald Britney. Of course the media doesn't want to air too disturbing news for ya. It might ruin their cause of promoting diversity and multiculturalism.


Are you calling FOX NEWS liberal, you fucking NEOCON?


In any case, if you get raped by a gang of blacks. I'll be OK not hearing about it on FOX NEWS. The most powerful news source on the planet, you fucking COMMUNIST NEOCON.


Diversity and Multiculturalism are the invention of wealthy progressive liberals. They suck just like you, but from the other side. And they have more money and no old cars on the front lawn, but otherwise they are like you. Oh, and they have better homes and better cars too. What do you drive? A sheep?


Personally, I do not want to share your culture (it's Un-American) nor do I want your genes in my diverse gene pool.


But, you will die eventually of natural causes and you will be gone and the world will continue to change and no one will care or remember you. Poof! Gone with your narrow mind and bad stat quotes.


This is still about some Illegal Alien sleeping with your old lady 'init? I'm not calling you a racist, hell I'm probably more racist that you. But you are stupid. Yup, I'm calling you stupid.

But only because it makes me feel better about myself.


Are you one dimensional with this shit?





I could not have said it better myself...Good Job,I agree. :tup:

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