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Shut up Cheney -- Dems win Senate


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One way to have fairer, more representative elections is to give voters 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc. choices of candidates on the ballot. If the 1st choice loses, the vote goes to the 2nd choice.


With this system, candidates favored to win have an incentive to include at least part of their politically similar competitors' agendas if they want to capture those votes.


In addition, the Nader/Gore syndrome is avoided. Voters could send a message without casting a de facto vote for the other side.


At this point our voting systems can BARELY handle Yes/No, Either/Or. What kind of mess would we create with the voting system you suggest? Although, in theory I totally agree with you.


It will be discovered that there are genetic predispositions to conservatism and liberalism. Further, that it is a genetic mutation that allows for the "liberal" predisposition enabling and accepting change in an otherwise static "conservative" environment.


We could totally do away with voting machines! All you have to do is submit a cheek cell for genetic analysis and your vote could be totalled automatically! Yeeehaw!

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It's ironic how when the R's win, the left screams that there is widespread voting fraud, disenfranchisement, not to mention a stupid electorate. But when the D's win, nothing of the kind.


Does Rossi/Gregoire ring a bell? How long did Rossi and the Republicans bitch?


This time the Republican candidates aren't bitching because they know that they were lucky to even get many Republican votes. Did you read Rush Limbaugh yesterday? He's saying it's a relief that he doesn't have to "carry their water" anymore. Some Republicans might have held their noses to vote GOP, but the candidates knew they were already pushing it. Now they are just letting it die, rather than embarrass themselves any further.


These were not 50/50 elections with evenly divided GOP/Dem populaces. These 50/50 results in VA and MT are places that the GOP usually wins handily. If you adjust for the baseline tendencies of these places, a 50/50 win by the DEMS is a landslide.



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It's ironic how when the R's win, the left screams that there is [...] a stupid electorate. But when the D's win, nothing of the kind.


President Bush November 8. 2006:


"I thought when it was all said and done, the American people would understand the importance of taxes and the importance of security. But the people have spoken, and now it's time for us to move on."

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Does Rossi/Gregoire ring a bell? How long did Rossi and the Republicans bitch?


But as we all know, Gregoire started it.


Gregoire insisted on a recount, which was entirely her right, and a good idea, considering how incredibly close the vote count was. Any candidate, R or D, would have done the same.


After the legally allowable two recounts had decided in favor of Gregoire, Rossi filed a lawsuit against the state which dragged on for many months before he finally withdrew from lack of money and support.

Edited by tvashtarkatena
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Does Rossi/Gregoire ring a bell? How long did Rossi and the Republicans bitch?


I wouldn't be too hard on us... When rep. districts such as Benton county repeat their recounts to within a couple votes at the most, and dem. district King totally throws the election, it at the very least seems suspicious. A conspiracy theorist would have gone ape.

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It will be discovered that there are genetic predispositions to conservatism and liberalism.


Actually I think there's something to that. Being over-simple here, conservatives believe in self-reliance and independence; liberals believe in social, community support (it takes a village). Both traits are useful in an evolutionary sense. Nature has hedged its bets.

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conservatives believe in self-reliance and independence; liberals believe in social, community support (it takes a village)

Hmmm. I'm a liberal progressive, and I value self-reliance and independence. I'm also conservative, in that I believe in conserving resources such as clean air and water --recycling, energy conservation, and all that. I tend to think of political conservatives as very materialistic and resistant to policies that discourage consumption of developable land --and therefore not conservative in an economic sense.

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conservatives believe in self-reliance and independence; liberals believe in social, community support (it takes a village)

Hmmm. I'm a liberal progressive, and I value self-reliance and independence. I'm also conservative, in that I believe in conserving resources such as clean air and water --recycling, energy conservation, and all that. I tend to think of political conservatives as very materialistic and resistant to policies that discourage consumption of developable land --and therefore not conservative in an economic sense.


There are a lot of RINOs out there (or should I say CINOs in this thread)

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Richard Pombo lost in California! I can barely contain the glee at sending that dipshit back to Tracy!

Getting back to Richard Pombo. He was one of the major hurdles to getting the Wild Sky Wilderness bill passed.


Murray tries again with Wild Sky wilderness bill


"House Resources Committee Chairman Richard Pombo, R-Calif., said he would consider Wild Sky only if it is trimmed of roughly 13,000 acres that contain logging roads and other marks of modern intrusion.


Pombo, a rancher backed by property rights advocates, opposes granting any federal land wilderness status unless it is untouched by humans -- a standard that the original Wild Sky proposal does not meet."

Pombo says land doesn't qualify as wilderness (August 2005)


Pombo's assertion is that the land must have always been wilderness and must have never have been disturbed by man. My reading of the Wilderness Act supports this. I'm not saying I agree with it. I think Wilderness should be a way of managing land, regardless of its former use.

Edited by catbirdseat
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Pombo's assertion is that the land must have always been wilderness and must have never have been disturbed by man. My reading of the Wilderness Act supports this. I'm not saying I agree with it. I think Wilderness should be a way of managing land, regardless of its former use.


That assertion is in direct conflict with the history of numerous areas currently designated as wilderness, including some in WA. wave.gif It also is an impossible standard to meet (I'm sure why he chose it) given N. America's 10 millenia or so of human habitation. The Native Americans would light forest fires to clear brush and improve game habitat - hard to get more "touched" than that.

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The RHINO hunters are extremists, not conservatives. I say that this was one of the many reasons for the democratic tidal wave. Smart, reasonable, fiscally responsible Republicans were hounded by the far right wing so consistently they moved right and voted with the party line, and out of line from their constituents.

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The RHINO hunters are extremists, not conservatives. I say that this was one of the many reasons for the democratic tidal wave. Smart, reasonable, fiscally responsible Republicans were hounded by the far right wing so consistently they moved right and voted with the party line, and out of line from their constituents.


The moderate republicans for the most part are the ones who lost the house races.

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The moderate republicans for the most part are the ones who lost the house races.


Pombo? Moderate? yelrotflmao.gif Delay's district? Moderate? yelrotflmao.gif


Santorum - Moderate? Allen - Moderate? yelrotflmao.gif


The moderate's that lost, lost because they were in more moderate areas of the country. There were voting shifts even in conservative areas.

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The moderate republicans for the most part are the ones who lost the house races.


Pombo? Moderate? yelrotflmao.gif Delay's district? Moderate? yelrotflmao.gif





Santorum - Moderate? Allen - Moderate? yelrotflmao.gif


The moderate's that lost, lost because they were in more moderate areas of the country. There were voting shifts even in conservative areas.


Overall, yes. And the democrats who won are not hard-left by any stretch of the imagination.



I'm glad to have made you laugh. It's Friday. I will be enjoying some adult beverages soon, and laugh at the f***ing rain outside.

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