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Mmoderator please edit that out.


FW, you're losing it. Get help.


Do you even know where that picture was taken, or who the killer was? If you're disturbed by images of Saddam's handy work, then you have no business commenting on our subsequent actions - IMO, of course. Back to your obnoxious briefs now, crybaby. No moderator will save you from your own weak constitution.



Ahhh, I can see it right now:


1812 Overture is blaring on the boombox at full speaker distortion, Fairweather stands with arms outstretched in mad-villianous triumph in front of the wall of images constructed in his two-car garage that depicts the atrocities that were committed by Saddam's Regime, clipped from various right-wing propaganda newsletters. He's been working on it since the 1980's:


"Don't worry my pretties, you didn't die in vain. Your sacrifice will serve the great battle against the evil American Liberal Elite who keep trying to convince me that GeeDUBYA didn't ACTUALLY invade Iraq to save you all. Those lying bastards...."


And just as the tears for the lost begin to well in Fairweather's otherwise soulless eyes his wife opens the door and hits stop on the boom-box tape-player, "Honey it's time for dinner, you can play some more after the kids go to bed"


"But, But... Can I just post THIS image, just this ONE, on the Internet before we start?"


"After the kids go to bed"


"ohh, ALL-right," and he hangs his head as he enters his wife's domain of normal, happy family life once again. Leaving his private lair of sanctimonius hatred for yet another evening...

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One option that is being overlooked is to let Saddam go and allow him to get Iraq back to the stable albeit fucking wacky, country it was before the boobs in wonderland invaded the place. I mean now that we know he had no WMD etc there is no reason to hold him. Seeing as George is about as guilty as Saddam is of anything that he is being charged with. Give yourself the benefit of the doubt and call it a draw and get the fuck out. Either way it will be a blood bath there for years to come. It is up to Rumsfield et al to decide from whose arteries it flows.




Why on Earth would anyone have thought Saddam had WMD's?? I mean, Saddam was just an all-around misunderstood guy, eh Treefrog? And yes, Allison - I too am ashamed that you're an American.


If you're implying that Saddam was a baddie who needed to be taken out...


Part of the justification the U.S. gov't and supporters has used for the war is the fact that Saddam (had) killed approx. 100,000 Kurds in his country.


The calculation is that approx. 650,000 Iraqis have been killed during this war. Some argue with that number, but even if it's off by half--325,000 Iraqis dead since we invaded their country in 2003...who's the bad guy here?

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If Bush wanted to save the Kurds from what happened to them nearly 15 years prior to the invasion (and guess what...we supplied the chemicals!), then he should have told us. At which the American public would have said "Fuck that, pal...the Kurds haven't been under any appreciable threat from Saddam since Desert Storm and the follow on sanctions. If we're going to kick some ass, why not address a more current human rights problem like Darfur?" Nice pic, but a bullshit argument. No, Saddam was a direct threat to us, and half the herd bought it. Thankfully, the other half didn't.

Another question I ask myself is has this invasion/occupation contributed to the current instability in the entire region?

Iran is openly continuing its nuclear program and fueling the Iraqi insurgency. The Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt has never been stronger. Hezbollah has never been more popular or more powerful. The Taliban is back. Opium production in Afghanistan has hit an all time high. We've now been reduced to securing Baghdad, and that's not happening. President Musharraf of Pakistan just stated on national TV that we are much less safe because of Iraq, in concurrence with our own National Intelligence Estimate. Since 9/11 there have been major terrorist attacks in Spain, England, Indonesia, France, and many other countries. North Korea has its nuclear middle finger high in the air with a sign on it that reads "We Sell Nukes Cheap."


Of course Iraq hasn't contributed to the current instability in the region. Where'd you get that ridiculous notion?


It's contributed to the current instability in the world.


It's amazing how much damage a few diligent assholes can do.


PS: Nice analysis, Prole. Well said.

Edited by tvashtarkatena
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The calculation is that approx. 650,000 Iraqis have been killed during this war. Some argue with that number, but even if it's off by half--325,000 Iraqis dead since we invaded their country in 2003...who's the bad guy here?


Actually this number is off by MORE THAN AN ORDER OF MAGNITUDE. The fact that it's getting news, and everyone is arguing over whether or not 1/2 million are dead overshadows the fact that 30,000 dead, in itself, is an atrocity.

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I too am ashamed that you're an American.


That is the saddest thing I have ever heard. What makes America a great place is the ability to say what you think. If you disagree with someone, why not try and have a well thought out arguement with them. You are just plain sad man.


I guess you disagree with him.

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One option that is being overlooked is to let Saddam go and allow him to get Iraq back to the stable albeit fucking wacky, country it was before the boobs in wonderland invaded the place.


And this would work exactly how? Saddam will regain order and discipline using what.... his charisma?

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One option that is being overlooked is to let Saddam go and allow him to get Iraq back to the stable albeit fucking wacky, country it was before the boobs in wonderland invaded the place. I mean now that we know he had no WMD etc there is no reason to hold him. Seeing as George is about as guilty as Saddam is of anything that he is being charged with. Give yourself the benefit of the doubt and call it a draw and get the fuck out. Either way it will be a blood bath there for years to come. It is up to Rumsfield et al to decide from whose arteries it flows.


thank you for proving how insane you liberal nut jobs really are. wave.gif

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One option that is being overlooked is to let Saddam go and allow him to get Iraq back to the stable albeit fucking wacky, country it was before the boobs in wonderland invaded the place. I mean now that we know he had no WMD etc there is no reason to hold him. Seeing as George is about as guilty as Saddam is of anything that he is being charged with. Give yourself the benefit of the doubt and call it a draw and get the fuck out. Either way it will be a blood bath there for years to come. It is up to Rumsfield et al to decide from whose arteries it flows.


thank you for proving how insane you liberal nut jobs really are. wave.gif


Funny thing is, the administration that you have supported is searching far and wide for another Saddam Hussein type right now. A dictatorship backed by US ground forces and airstrike capability would wreak more carnage than Saddam ever did.

Read more: http://www.atimes.com/atimes/Middle_East/HJ21Ak03.html

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