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$500,000,000 to track down this fuckwad and kill him.

Do you think that it will make any difference at all to what is happening over there? The civil war will continue to worsen. The bombings will continue to happen and Iraqi people just like you and me will continue to be blown up, shot down, burned, broken and splintered as a result. I think that Zarkawi was a piece of fecal material, got what he deserved, but his death will make very little difference to what is going to happen outside of even more violence and reprisals. Revenge begets revenge.

$500,000,000 would have made a big fucking difference in New Orleans.


i seriously doubt allah akabar johnson or whoever the fuck it was that fingered fuck-o will be seeing a dime of that half-billion in cash - not exactly a publisher's clearinghouse commericial there, eh? actually, come to think of it the iraq think sucks a whole lot less...


Our esteemed President made some other comment to the effect that we're turning another corner in Iraq just as he's said after every other noteworthy event over there. If you're turning corners all the time doesn't that mean you're just going in circles?

$500,000,000 to track down this fuckwad and kill him.


25,000,000... not 500,000,000 - but whatever


Do you think that it will make any difference at all to what is happening over there? The civil war will continue to worsen. The bombings will continue to happen and Iraqi people just like you and me will continue to be blown up, shot down, burned, broken and splintered as a result. I think that Zarkawi was a piece of fecal material, got what he deserved, but his death will make very little difference to what is going to happen outside of even more violence and reprisals . Revenge begets revenge.

$500,000,000 would have made a big fucking difference in New Orleans.


in other words - letting him live would mean less violence... yeah, sure moon.gif


Could be a time cycle/sourcing difference. Info released when the Euro news bureaus are humming, etc.


Speaking of reporting, one of the first things that my best friend told me when he got back from Iraq was that if his unit made it to a certain time without any explosions in their territory, they felt pretty confident that it'd be a quiet day, as any carnage that ensued after that point would be too late to make much of an impact in the Western daily news cycle.

I can't believe he waited to tell you until after he came back.


I don't know if I could forgive him.




It was interesting for me to hear what he had to say after being in the thick of it for another year.


It was great news to come back from the mountains and hear this pile of human excrement was eliminated. Too bad it will change exactly jack shit in Iraq... frown.gif

It was great news to come back from the mountains and hear this pile of human excrement was eliminated. Too bad it will change exactly jack shit in Iraq... frown.gif

Kill Jack Shit

Kill Jack Shit

Kill Jack Shit






It was great news to come back from the mountains and hear this pile of human excrement was eliminated. Too bad it will change exactly jack shit in Iraq... frown.gif

Kill Jack Shit

Kill Jack Shit

Kill Jack Shit







all work and no play makes Jack Shit a dull boy


Text of al-Zarqawi Safe-House Document

By The Associated Press

5:58 AM PDT, June 15, 2006



Text of a document discovered in terror leader Abu Musab al-Zarqawi's hideout. The document was provided in English by Iraqi National Security Adviser Mouwafak al-Rubaie:


* __


The situation and conditions of the resistance in Iraq have reached a point that requires a review of the events and of the work being done inside Iraq. Such a study is needed in order to show the best means to accomplish the required goals, especially that the forces of the National Guard have succeeded in forming an enormous shield protecting the American forces and have reduced substantially the losses that were solely suffered by the American forces. This is in addition to the role, played by the Shi'a (the leadership and masses) by supporting the occupation, working to defeat the resistance and by informing on its elements.


As an overall picture, time has been an element in affecting negatively the forces of the occupying countries, due to the losses they sustain economically in human lives, which are increasing with time. However, here in Iraq, time is now beginning to be of service to the American forces and harmful to the resistance for the following reasons:


1. By allowing the American forces to form the forces of the National Guard, to reinforce them and enable them to undertake military operations against the resistance.


2. By undertaking massive arrest operations, invading regions that have an impact on the resistance, and hence causing the resistance to lose many of its elements.


3. By undertaking a media campaign against the resistance resulting in weakening its influence inside the country and presenting its work as harmful to the population rather than being beneficial to the population.


4. By tightening the resistance's financial outlets, restricting its moral options and by confiscating its ammunition and weapons.


5. By creating a big division among the ranks of the resistance and jeopardizing its attack operations, it has weakened its influence and internal support of its elements, thus resulting in a decline of the resistance's assaults.


6. By allowing an increase in the number of countries and elements supporting the occupation or at least allowing to become neutral in their stand toward us in contrast to their previous stand or refusal of the occupation.


7. By taking advantage of the resistance's mistakes and magnifying them in order to misinform.


Based on the above points, it became necessary that these matters should be treated one by one:


1. To improve the image of the resistance in society, increase the number of supporters who are refusing occupation and show the clash of interest between society and the occupation and its collaborators. To use the media for spreading an effective and creative image of the resistance.


2. To assist some of the people of the resistance to infiltrate the ranks of the National Guard in order to spy on them for the purpose of weakening the ranks of the National Guard when necessary, and to be able to use their modern weapons.


3. To reorganize for recruiting new elements for the resistance.


4. To establish centers and factories to produce and manufacture and improve on weapons and to produce new ones.


5. To unify the ranks of the resistance, to prevent controversies and prejudice and to adhere to piety and follow the leadership.


6. To create division and strife between American and other countries and among the elements disagreeing with it.


7. To avoid mistakes that will blemish the image of the resistance and show it as the enemy of the nation.


In general and despite the current bleak situation, we think that the best suggestions in order to get out of this crisis is to entangle the American forces into another war against another country or with another of our enemy force, that is to try and inflame the situation between American and Iraq or between America and the Shi'a in general.


More at the LA Times

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