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55 in a 50!!!!!!


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Oly: are you polling for potential excuses to get the ticket reduced or thrown out?




Usually they don't write tickets for less than 10 over the speed limit ,so I would supoena the cop hope he does not show or use the defence that your speepometer said you were going right at the speed limit and when you go by the tow around radar checks your speedometer is right on.

A lawyer would help, but at this point you have ask your self is it really worth it ,or should I just let it go.

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Remember that judges usually drive too, and they know that almost everybody will try to push the speed limit a bit by going 5mph over (or 10 or whatever).


If you were actually trying to follow the speed limit but you made a little mistake, that might fly, and maybe you'll get the fine reduced or get probation or something. Doing some bullshit like making the officer come in and then lying through your teeth that your speedometer said you were going 50mph would be playing with fire.


I'd just do the contest by mail thing, and give your excuse. Though you may have to admit your guilt to do the mail thing.

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saw some dude on a harley hit a Yosemite snaf.gif. the thing flew like a frisbee, arms and legs outstretched to the four points of the compass. tragic and funny at the same time. i wonder if that's how i'll go?

I don't see the tragedy in this, but fuck that's funny!

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Yes, I'm thinking I will fight it. Hopefully I can combine 1/2 day in court with a 1/2 day at Index.


So far, my possible defences include:

-a moving speed zone


-child hit NOS button with teddy bear

-was just passing slower car


-it was close enough to the speed

-my speedometer is off



In my limited experience to date tongue.gifyellaf.gif you will get 3 options when you appear (more like 2 but the judge will say 3). A fourth one that judges usually don't mention but is your legal right is no contest. I don't recommend unless you plan on running for a public office. Great way to piss off the judge yellaf.gifpitty.gif


1) Not guilty. Basically if you are planning on fighting it this is your only option. I'm assuming that when you say you are fighting it you mean you are going to attempt to be found not guilty of speeding and not have the infraction appear on your record... correct? If so the judge will set a second court date in which you and the cop will come back and tell your side of the story. Unless you have concrete evidence the judge will likely make you reappear a second time to fight the case which means another climbing trip thumbs_up.gif but more lost work time thumbs_down.gif


2) Guilty. You were fully aware you weren't observing the posted speed limit.


3) Guilty but with an excuse. Most people end up going with this one.


This is where you admit fault but you feel your 5 miles over is justified or explainable. I believe this is where your current list of excuses would apply. Those are good but the best one I have ever seen in action is pregnant women or women with young children <1.5 years rant about how there is no way they would risk the life of their child. I've seen the biggest discounts given here.


As you can't claim pregnant or young child you best bet IMO is to plead guilty and use the words "their is no justification for my speeding your honor... it was wrong and I should have been more aware of my rate of travel and the posted speed limit... I am at fault". Often judges like to use the fine as a way of "teaching you your lesson"... if it appears you have already learned it they are more likely to reduce it. Then again if they are using tickets as a form of revenue for the city you're smileysex5.gifed. Sorry!


If your record is fairly clean (no tickets in the past few years) you can additionally say "this was a lapse in judgement and uncharacteristic of your normal driving behavior as your record clearly indicates". And judges can see your entire driving record (not just 35 months like insurance companies can) so don't try and say "this is my first ticket" when you it is actually your first ticket in 4 years.


Something a lot of people don't know is the officer gets to write notes of what happened on the ticket which the judge reads... basically the cop summarizes what you told the officer as well as your behavior. If your story changes between the citing and the appearance the judge will notice and likely not believe you.


What else? If you are in a hurry show up super early and you will be the first to be called. If you plan on pleading guilty this works but if you plan on using some excuse show up a little before so that others are called before you... you can get a feel for what kind of judge they are and how they react to bullshit excuses... and you'll hear some whoppers.... just don't laugh out loud when you hear them.... unless the judge laughs first.


As far as courtroom appearance... don't show up in your climbing clothes... press your slacks and comb your hair. Stand up when they come in and when you are talking to them and always use yes and no your honor.


And a jedi mind trick might help things too yoda.gifyellaf.gifwave.gif

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Just make sure that you don't take a plea bargin to go to traffic school. I did that once and I wish that I had just paid the $150 instead...

word - that shit is like saturday jail - kinda like "the breakfast" club only i didn't get to smoke any dope halfway through and all the chicks were scary looking

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First thing I'd ask...


"Sir, do you perhaps keep abreast of the goings on at www.cascadeclimbers.com?"


I'd then decide which route to go.


Damn. I thought I was done wrong for getting pulled over doing 70 in a 60 in podunk Eastern WA over Memorial Day Weekend. But at least I just got a warning! Guess it pays to have a 5-year old and your late 70s mother-in law in the back seat.

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