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Got this catalog in the mail, thought it was land's end until I hit the tents page...REI? Huh, not one carabiner in site. They did have a hand powered espresso maker...


I heard at one time they did sell climbing gear, maybe they'll branch into housewares next

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But all the windows at the flagship store are filled with mannequins in climbing gear!!! Are you saying REI isn't X-TREME!?! Are you saying my pleated Docker softshell pants aren't X-TREME!?! Hey, how much are those espresso makers anyway?


REI's fate if it continues as a shitty apparel store is that most climbers will realize that you can get about the same generic gear and unknowledgable service by just buying shit online from any number of cheaper sources. Is there really a niche for StaREIbucks when you have the choice of local* (service and quality) or online+ (cheap)?


*Pro Mountain Sports, Pro Ski, Second Ascent...

+Backcountry.com, STP, etc...


Then again, what toughman NW climber could do without the occasional ego-boosting stroll through gapeland...


Yeah, and how do you explain the ice axes they use for door handles Mr Smartypants? grin.gif


fossilized in prehistoric climber snot.

Posted (edited)

Re: Catalog - how often does climbing gear change that devoting costly pages to a mail catalog is needed? Seriously the Mt Gear Catalog NEVER really changes (other than nice pictures) Why spend the $$ on such a small audience? Climber's will find the gear without a mail order print mag (which are much better at advertising seasonal item changes, yes just like EB, crate and barrel etc)


Re Shitty Apparel Store: Hey, you may not like the fashion but all the people who continue to help REI hit record sales sure seem to. Apparel pays the bills. Climbing gear isn't a money maker - never was. Again, climbers are pretty smart (as a whole) and can figure out gear on their own. I've had poor service at all the small "true gear shops" in town too. REI people can be uninformed but I'll take that over arrogant or indifferent any day.


Parking : South Lake isn't the same place it was even 5 years ago - Evidenced by the LARGE building developed across the street. It was no small secret that REIs parking could be poached FOR FREE all the time. (24 HR fitness would tell people to park there!) Problem solved...


I shop all the local stores, REI, the net etc. Every option has positives and negatives - complaining that the outdoor market is growing and that the "core market user" is getting less focus is yelling into the wind. It's been going on for a decade or more. Not sure why this gets peoples nighty in a knot - we were ALWAYS a fringe group

Edited by matt_m
REI people can be uniformed but I'll take that over arrogant or indifferent any day.


But will the uniforms be softshell?


crap - spelling fixed. Dru, proving once again he has more time than I (or most!) thumbs_up.gif

  • 2 weeks later...

I'll just never forgive them for what happened to Base Camp. Now I know I'm not supposed to believe that an REI in Bellingham was the reason it closed down, but I do.


The thing about REI, is that it's just sad that a good local business turned into a obese, greedy, soulless corporate money machine. Another sad victim of the growth=success dogma, bigger is better, king size double fries with your triple quarter pounder w/ cheese, 50 gallons of black blood into your Tahoe, letting in all hang out on the clotting 10 lane expressway while talking on your 2000 minute cell plan, 200 GB iPod pumping fine prefabricated corporock into your dome...

The thing about REI, is that it's just sad that a good local business turned into a obese, greedy, soulless corporate money machine.

They helpped with the laurel knob purchase and gave over $2.5 million back into various outdoor projects etc.

Another sad victim of the growth=success dogma, bigger is better, king size double fries with your triple quarter pounder w/ cheese

What does REI have to do with fast food and obesity? LAst I looked there weren't a lot of fat people storming REI - quite the opposite really.

50 gallons of black blood into your Tahoe

how does REI getting "bigger" influence a persons car choice?

letting in all hang out on the clotting 10 lane expressway while talking on your 2000 minute cell plan,

REI sells bikes - not cars.

cell phone plans are cheaper than a land line

- what does either of these have to do with REI and product selection?

200 GB iPod pumping fine prefabricated corporock into your dome...

Max is 60GB. You can put anything from NPR to Creed to Books on Tape to the latest Nelly on one. How do YOU know what people are listening too? MY 50+ year old mother loves hers for book club stuff. She wouldn't know prefabcorprock if she wanted too.


Stop waxing nostalgic "I hate the big box" A lot more people want/need jackets than they do cams. Eddie Bauer and Lands End? Come on - they're not even close.


The problem with stores is that they have lost the old wood preservative smell. Parts of the old REI and the second(?) Swallow's Nest location had it in spades. W/o that smell you might as well shop on the internet.

The problem with stores is that they have lost the old wood preservative smell. Parts of the old REI and the second(?) Swallow's Nest location had it in spades. W/o that smell you might as well shop on the internet.


I also liked the ramp that had a gallery in the old REI....and of course the attic and basement were great too.


Jeezus christ matt, speaking metaphorically, those were all examples of the "bigger=better" consumerist mantra plaguing our country. rolleyes.gif


Corporations operate like cancer. REI has metastatized, it's original function of selling "recreational equipment" has been hijacked by the corporate disease. The walls swell under the pressure of the rampant increase in clothing and apparel.

The problem with stores is that they have lost the old wood preservative smell. Parts of the old REI and the second(?) Swallow's Nest location had it in spades. W/o that smell you might as well shop on the internet.


yellaf.gif I still get "old REI" flashbacks from shopping at Value Village on cap hill from that smell.


You know come to think of it, I think this thread might be in the wrong forum..? evils3d.gif


But to be fair, a few saving graces of REI:

- (some) climbing shit is right by the front door. (Except for the pro and the ropes. Why isn't this stuff all together? Is it so that I have to wade through yuppie paraphernalia that you want me to buy, on my way between islands of useful goods?)


- There's no shitty music or subliminal consumer-babble going over the PA system.


- The employees are low-energy. (This is good.)

  • 5 weeks later...
Posted (edited)
Jeezus christ matt, speaking metaphorically, those were all examples of the "bigger=better" consumerist mantra plaguing our country. rolleyes.gif


Corporations operate like cancer. REI has metastatized, it's original function of selling "recreational equipment" has been hijacked by the corporate disease. The walls swell under the pressure of the rampant increase in clothing and apparel.

You have to get your Prana capris somewhere.


The store is full of recreational equipment, which includes functional clothing. Very little of it is the "lifestyle" clothes, the worst of which is made by Royal Robbins and Yvon Choinard. Blame them.

Edited by Carp
The store is full of recreational equipment, which includes functional clothing. Very little of it is the "lifestyle" clothes, the worst of which is made by Royal Robbins and Yvon Choinard. Blame them.


yelrotflmao.gifyelrotflmao.gifyelrotflmao.gifyelrotflmao.gifyelrotflmao.gif those shoddily made patagonia cloths yelrotflmao.gifyelrotflmao.gifyelrotflmao.gifyelrotflmao.gifyelrotflmao.gif


Another Green Goblin!


Oh, I'm sure the man-pris are really well made. That's not the point. The old generation is making Bermuda shorts, the new generation is making psychotic ice weapons, and REI sells both. What a heart breaking situation!

  • 3 weeks later...

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