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It looks like the newest member is Caligula. hahaha.gif



hahaha.gif I was going to spray away. But its soo pathetic over there already, I lost interest.

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you guys should wish me luck. i'm trying to raise some money for the access fund, which is a pretty good cause i'd say.


i'm probably gonna lose my job and rack up a bunch of debt to do this trip, so at least don't give me a too much crap for making an attempt at something i've been working really hard to accomplish.


i am not seeking glory or anything. i'm just trying to do a bit of good around here. perhaps at best, i'll inspire someone to do something active or donate to the access fund.


i wouldn't doubt that MOST of you can out-climb, out-ski, out-whatever me. i have alot of respect for anyone who has the skills to be safe and summit. the only thing i have is moderate ability and a strong will. i'm not Dan ____ or a bs'er or any of that. we are climbing the most non-technical routes on all of the mountains and have nothing to prove to anyone but ourselves. infact, there's a really good chance we wont even finish in 4 weeks. our main priority is to have fun and have a kickass climbing trip. "4 peaks in 4 weeks" sounds cool and it's an attainable goal if we push ourselves and the weather is bomber.


so yeah, that's about it. check out the website, but please don't flame on there.... there'll be little kids and other random folks checking it out. www.forward-motion.org


peace [truce?],




oh yeah, PS:


northwestclimbers.com isn't workin so hot, obviously.... it's all good. maybe it'll pick up or maybe it wont.


PPS: if it'll make you guys feel better to spray on me some more, go for it. just let me know you're joking. i can take a joke, but a communal piss-fest from the entire internet alpine community is not my idea of a good time.

Edited by jon
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PPS: if it'll make you guys feel better to spray on me some more, go for it. just let me know you're joking. i can take a joke, but a communal piss-fest from the entire internet alpine community is not my idea of a good time.


Yo dumbshit, you can't just start a website based on what you're not going to be you have to have a positive goal. After checking out your site all I can tell is you've started it because you're too much of a pussy to hang with CC.com. You have no content and you tell everyone in your forum descriptions that there's, "no fun allowed." Well guess what people are going to go where there are lots of pictures, trip reports, and most importantly action.



PS If you were in prision with everybody from cc.com you would be Gary Yngve's bitch. shocked.gif

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Yo dumbshit, you can't just start a website based on what you're not going to be you have to have a positive goal. After checking out your site all I can tell is you've started it because you're too much of a pussy to hang with CC.com. You have no content and you tell everyone in your forum descriptions that there's, "no fun allowed." Well guess what people are going to go where there are lots of pictures, trip reports, and most importantly action.



PS If you were in prision with everybody from cc.com you would be Gary Yngve's bitch. shocked.gif


eh, since you're obviously the "king of spray" i suppose you must feel obligated to write this. +10 points for upholding your title.


and thanks for the advice. yoda.gif i'll keep that in mind.



Edited by brett
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you are without question vial & embarrassing to the climbing discipline and real community. hallmark examples of white trash finding a voice "in the world" [a pathetic internet world] and pouncing on it with embarrassing non-climbing thought fragments, ongoing dishonesty, sick vulgarity, above all a rankerous stream of disrespect and ill. Your 'moderators' are laughable acting like parents for their adult-children users, most of whom are coward-anonymous, lol incredible jokers. So stupid with their pathetic comments. I looked at this 'jon' guys post-history (easily searched there), he's your owner/administrator/guy who started the site, he's a mockery, can't believe sponsors haven't outed him, he's like a man with a 15yr old sick mind using a climbing website as a therapy forum to say things he'd never say to anyone's face, coward, most of you are. would be hard it seems to live with what you do. just gross.


the Internet gives a voice to the trash/insignificant. It can be used well, but you don't.


you're popular. this indicates just how many people there are like you in "our" discipline. unfortunately it shows how many in the discipline are pathetic. the more i get involved in the community the more i find there are sectors of climbers - those who are decent, and those like you (you are a large group of just stupid white trash led by a vial white trash guy your owner/administrator 'jon' who can't even stay true to his own 'user agreement' about appropriate content. just a integrity-less impoverished person. how old is this guy and is he in seattle? bet he's an accountant or computer nerd in crisis needing therapy, angry, agitated, huge emotion swings. BET HE DOESN'T CLIMB.

i think the discipline is mainly people like you. could have never thought that until i saw just how many there are of you.

above all you show the dishonesty saturated among so many of you - you're ongoing liars and above all LOVE it, thrive on it, the effects it has on others. yeiks.





.............UHHH...Wait just a moment I might have screwed up my response again...

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cascadeclimbers: you are without question vial & embarrassing to the climbing discipline and real community... white trash....pathetic....embarrassing non-climbing thought fragments...dishonesty...sick vulgarity...rankerous stream of disrespect and ill... coward-anonymous... incredible jokers... stupid... pathetic comments... a mockery... sick mind... coward... just gross... trash/insignificant... pathetic... you are a large group of just stupid white trash led by a vial white trash guy... integrity-less impoverished person... in crisis needing therapy, angry, agitated, huge emotion swings... BET HE DOESN'T CLIMB... dishonesty...


...you're ongoing liars and above all LOVE it, thrive on it, the effects it has on others. yeiks.


It's all about the LOVE, baby!


There's a lotta LOVE in da house!

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  • 2 years later...
These are nasty people. Just abusive, lying, hostile, check how they talk about women, disgusting. There are so many liars there it's incredible.

To any other women or anyone please stay away from these internet mongers.

I got involved as friends with a bunch of people from cascadeclimbers.com. A so called "climbing" message board. Most of the posting & discussion is very non-climbing oriented. Like 75% of it. Pathetic gossip, nonsense, white trash especially, sick vulgarity, sexism (!), often boarderline criminal insinuations...ick.



this is in or around seattle


no -- it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests




Sounds like Ballard Barbie to me hahaha.gifyellaf.gifwazzup.gif



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