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Prusik S Face chimneys question

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Looking forward to a forthcoming ascent of Prusik South Face. For those of you who have done this route, as well as Epinephrine, how would you compare the chimneying in terms of difficulty/strenuousness, protectability, and the all-important "pucker index?"


Also, I understand that no permit is necessary if one is doing the route in a day, car-to-car. Is this accurate?

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True, you don't need more than a self issued trail permit for a one day ascent...just lots of speed! I'd expect you're planning on going up Asgard as (1)the Stuart/Colchuck trail road will be closing shortly due to bridge nonsense and (2)I was up there a couple of weeks ago and the snow is getting thin on the Asgard approach which would cause me to favor the Snow Lake approach...in all a very long day.

Sorry I can't help on the chimney question.

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If your going to do it in a day, you must be one fit muther. IT is just over 10 miles with something like 7,000 ft of elevation gain, then you have to hike out. Depending on which South Face route you do. You can start either one with the Becky Chimney start, no pro for like 30 ft but enjoyable 5.8. The next to last pitch on the Stanley/Burgner route is a real thrutch 5.9, but protects well. There is a fixed pin and a knotted sling. The top were it pinches off is difficult. Ratings feel right on. If you are a sound on 5.9 chimneys you won't have any problems.


You will die in the chimneys! [big Grin]


[ 07-08-2002, 10:21 PM: Message edited by: Highlander ]

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i did the berger-stanley route (the one in the nelson guide). There is only one real chimney pitch and it protects very well. The other pitches are sort of 5.8 stemming between two walls-- no problem. The last pitch of this route is hard for 5.9 and takes small nuts and aliens or tcus.

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Originally posted by Highlander:

If your going to do it in a day, you must be one fit muther. IT is just over 10 miles with something like 7,000 ft of elevation gain, then you have to hike out.
[big Grin]

Did it a day in '95 with my girlfriend, now wife. I figured if she could pull that off then she could put up with me. [big Grin]

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Went to try prussik last week car to car. Got wicked sandbagged on the beta, "5 hours from trailhead to base of route". So Necro and I left the car at 8:30. We figured we were screwed by snow lakes. Nice hike if your into that sorta crap. Go up snow lake TH. Asgard pass is for going down, not up.


The area is totally disgusting! How long would it take to completely level that area into a giant parking lot if the entire human race were to focus all their energy on it, using rock to chop and dig while consuming their dead? 1 month?

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Originally posted by michael_layton:

The area is totally disgusting! How long would it take to completely level that area into a giant parking lot if the entire human race were to focus all their energy on it, using rock to chop and dig while consuming their dead? 1 month?



are you huffing scotch guard again??

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Must be a lot qucker from snow lakes to the peak than I thougt. That pass looked like it would take some time. Should'a gone. Damnit.


Camera equipment? What are you taking pictures of? That area is so visually offensive and awful, that if it was a person, Dr. Laura Scrotumdinger would tell me to leave it and press criminal charges!!!!

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Thanks everybody for the replies. I think a midnight start from Snow Creek TH will put us to the base in really good time, not only to do the climb, but also to hike out the same day.


As for the slippery-ness of Prusik's chimney (in the post by wayne1112), I found the crux chimney pitch on Epinephrine to be smooth-sided, quite strenuous, and with precious little gear for the length of the pitch. If that doesn't kill me, why would a shorter--albeit, more awkward--better protected chimney kill me? (Or is this just another "you'll die in the chimneys" remark?).

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the trail across snow lakes is no problem. went up yesterday and did the hike and climb then bivvied at lake vivene. i'm in sorry shape from too much work and not enough play recently and the hike kicked my ass, but we still made it up. the lower pitches of the route go fast but i can't vouch for the upper ones since we managed to lose our way by not paying attention and ended up doing some sketchy route finding but somehow it worked. i can't recommend it but we left a sling for the pedulum move if anyone is interested. we only had a day pass and had no problems, but we did have a park pass for snow creek that came in handy. and believe it or not, there actually was a friendly ranger at the lot but he didn't hang around long and could have easily been avoided. and one more thing--the mosquitoes are so fucking bad right now so definitely plan accordingly. thumbs up to the lemon eucalyptus stuff from rei.


[ 07-11-2002, 09:37 PM: Message edited by: dr. jay ]

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