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I think Bush is doing a great job. I mean, isn't his intention to totally fuck up everything for the normal guy?


He's doing a great job at doing that. A friend of mine on S.S. got a short check in January because apparently some retro-active tax law was passed. He apparently owed back money that he had received in 2005 since he was "overpaid". What a crock!! thumbs_down.gif

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Worst. President. Evah.


I think the cult of Bush defenders' heads have all exploded from the intense cognitive dissonace required to defend these inept, corrupt, non-conservative Mayberry Machiavellis (sp?) with their dictatorial aspirations.


Take a look at NRO's "The Corner". The wingnuts are turning on their own, and it would be comical if the future of our country and the world weren't hanging in the balance.


With his approval ratings running from 34% - 38% in five recent polls, not even the wing nuttiest of the Dobsonites are gonna associate with the Chimp. He's radioactive to their congressional election chances and they well know it. They are losing the "national security" wing of conservatives now, and lost the fiscal wing long ago.


Solution: M-PEACH.

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Total disintegration?


Everything is fine.


The Iraq war is fine, since they now have a democracy, and the dead-enders are on their last legs. Never mind that the women are wearing Burqas again; they probably prefer them. Never mind that extra-legal killings are occuring at a faster pace than ever under Saddam (he was a bad guy!).


War on terrorism is fine. Jobless rate is down. Economy is fine.


And finally: Never have relations with England and Poland been better!

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I'd worry more about what happens with the mid-term elections. If Congress remains in the neo-con's hands, it don't look pretty unless the D's become unexpectedly brilliant at finding candidates and having a non-mudslinging message.


The neo-cons have come up with another great red herring issue to get the Evangelicals to come out and vote. Several states have intiatives in the works to make adoption of children by gay people illegal.


Brilliant strategy, will probably work. Issues like this seem to be more central to the Evangelicals than petty matters, like, say, war crimes, or the selling off of our ports to foreign countries. rolleyes.gif

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I'm wondering what kind of fallout there will be from this Katrina warning video. How much more fucking incompetent can this imbecile be demonstrated to be? Here he is, caught in ANOTHER substantial lie related to an event with nationwide implications, and for some reason, no one is dragging him out on the White House lawn to be flogged.


What a sham.

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Here he is, caught in ANOTHER substantial lie related to an event with nationwide implications, and for some reason, no one is dragging him out on the White House lawn to be flogged.


What a sham.


That's the "liberal media" for you. Doing its job.

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I'm wondering what kind of fallout there will be from this Katrina warning video. How much more fucking incompetent can this imbecile be demonstrated to be? Here he is, caught in ANOTHER substantial lie related to an event with nationwide implications, and for some reason, no one is dragging him out on the White House lawn to be flogged.


What a sham.


Nothing much will come of it. A substantial part of Dubya's base will say ( perhaps not in the open) that those people (folks in NO) deserved it and gov't isn't there to help...


And the folks who are thinking that there is going to be a wholesale change in November need to remember that all politics are local and only a handful of seats are actually in real contention...


and that really sucks!

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