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Our friends in Denmark are getting the shaft for upholding the same principles we hold dear, including free speech. I think we should show our support by buying Danish products.


Careful, Brian. You are crossing over to the dark-side here - at least if you were to judge by the response that I got when I said the same thing.

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I was really busy when that was going on so got hopelessly behind. I scanned it and was appalled by the number of apologists for muslim mayhem. Sure they have a right to be offended. No they have no right to commit crimes just because they are upset. I don't go smash people's stuff every time I get mad!

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I was really busy when that was going on so got hopelessly behind. I scanned it and was appalled by the number of apologists for muslim mayhem. Sure they have a right to be offended. No they have no right to commit crimes just because they are upset. I don't go smash people's stuff every time I get mad!

No, you spray them instead; just like any self-respecting adult would.

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I was really busy when that was going on so got hopelessly behind. I scanned it and was appalled by the number of apologists for muslim mayhem. Sure they have a right to be offended. No they have no right to commit crimes just because they are upset. I don't go smash people's stuff every time I get mad!


You have just joined Dave_Shuldt as the only poster to achieve a negative score in my "Reflexive Western Self Loathing Sweepstakes." Very dissapointing so far, as Sexual_Chocolate and others who had potential scored goose-eggs with their entries.


There are two clear frontrunners at the moment, but seeing as how Jim has yet to submit his entry, any final judgement would be premature.

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Good lord, don't you tire of yourself? Don't you tire of hammering away with the same cynical contemptuous tone masquerading as "humor"?


And CBS, you say that Muslims have no right to commit crimes because of the caricaturization and "defacement" of their prophet Muhammed, and yes I would agree, but does not that standard apply to others as well? Does it not apply to the execution of, on many counts, an illegal war in Iraq? Does it not apply to the west's disregard of UN Resolutions 194, 242, 446, and 3236 regarding the west-created state of Israel? Does it not apply to a generations old oppression, manipulation, dictator-propping western approach towards the Arab world in general?


Some say I may be reaching with the above comparisons, but I think it's important to understand the context in which any event occurs, NOT as a way to excuse any given conduct, but as a way to perhaps further one's understanding (if understanding is one's goal).

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I was really busy when that was going on so got hopelessly behind. I scanned it and was appalled by the number of apologists for muslim mayhem. Sure they have a right to be offended. No they have no right to commit crimes just because they are upset. I don't go smash people's stuff every time I get mad!


You have just joined Dave_Shuldt as the only poster to achieve a negative score in my "Reflexive Western Self Loathing Sweepstakes." Very dissapointing so far, as Sexual_Chocolate and others who had potential scored goose-eggs with their entries.


There are two clear frontrunners at the moment, but seeing as how Jim has yet to submit his entry, any final judgement would be premature.


Seems simple. If you don't like the cartoon, don't read it or send a letter to the editor, or protest peacefully.


Unfortunately I think this is another case of political oportunitism by a minority. Though I'm not sure of the orginal point of the contest: draw cartoons of Mohammed to test boundaries - I didn't think they were so provacative, but I'm not Muslim.


Bottom line - protest, boycott, but threatening life and property is quite out of line.

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The right to freedom of thought and expression... cannot entail the right to offend the religious sentiment of believers.

-- Vatican statement re Mohammed cartoons



I don't know about anyone else, but I am tired of the whole "be careful not to offend anyone no matter what" bullshit. Come on, grow up. We all get offended about something; and then we get over it. I know that when I believe in something or know something to be true, nothing anyone else says will change what I believe or affect me that much. Why do people absolutely lose it? Get a grip already.

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The right to freedom of thought and expression... cannot entail the right to offend the religious sentiment of believers.

-- Vatican statement re Mohammed cartoons




That is absurd. Without the right to offend the religious expression of believers, there is no freedom of expression.

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Realize that statement is from a church that was responsible for the massacre of millions in the past 1000 years. All to protect the "sentiments" of believers. So it goes. The last thing believers of all faiths want is meddlers opining the possibility that the whole structure upon which they rest their lives might be based in fantasy.

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The right to freedom of thought and expression... cannot entail the right to offend the religious sentiment of believers.

-- Vatican statement re Mohammed cartoons



I don't know about anyone else, but I am tired of the whole "be careful not to offend anyone no matter what" bullshit. Come on, grow up. We all get offended about something; and then we get over it. I know that when I believe in something or know something to be true, nothing anyone else says will change what I believe or affect me that much. Why do people absolutely lose it? Get a grip already.

Perhaps the explanation lays in that the closest farsi translation to the word/concept "spray" involves one being behind a camel at an inopportune moment - very offensive.

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